CCR1990199I COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #199-90 I ~ ~ AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT BETWEEN IBM COKP. I AND CITY OF MUSKEGO (Business Partner) WHEREAS, as a benefit of purchasing the IBM AS/400 computer, IBM Corp. allows the City to choose a "Business Partner" who will hardware and software to assist in the installation, migration, provide service hours based on the purchase price of the computer and application of the new system, and WHEREAS, several consulting firms presented proposals to serve as the City's "Business Partner", and WHEKEAS, the Finance Committee has recommended the selection of TechnologylConsulting Corporation as our "Business Partner", and with service hours in the amount of $13,934.50 based on 10% of WHEREAS, Technology Consulting Corporation will furnish the City the cost of the IBM hardware and software, and WHEREAS, Technology Consulting Corporation will also furnish the City with free service hours in the amount of $1,893.85 based on 35% of thelcost of the Office/400 software. NOW, THEKEFORE, BE IT KESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, ~ does hereby approve the selection of Technology Consultinglcorporation as the City's "Business Partner", and does Marketing Letter of Understanding", as attached. hereby authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the "Complementary DATED THIS, 28th DAY OF August , 1990. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Harold L. Sanders ATTEST : I I City Clerk 8/90 jZ ' Complementary Marketing Letter of Understanding Dear Cuslomer: IBM has entered into agreements with companies referred to as IBM Authorized Application Specialists, These companies are authorized to display the emblem shown below. IBM Authofized Application Specialists are independent contractors who perform marketing. installallon' and support activities for IBM products you may acquire under applicable IEM agreements. An IBM Aulhorizeb Application Specialist may also offer other producls and services under its own agreemenls at prices, terms and conditions it determines. The evaluation and selection of these other products and services are your exclusive responsibilities. IEM is not involved in negotiat/ons or agreements you may enter into with such Specialist in this regard. IBM will not have any responsibility for the Specialist's performance, products or services. , I An IBM Au~thorized Application Specialist is not authorized by IBM to a) enter inlo agreements for IBM. b)l modify IBM's prices or terms and conditions. c) collect payments lor IBM, d) make independent representations of IBM product performance, e) represent the performance of behalf of IBM. or g) act for IBM other than as this letter describes. IBM produ,cts in combination with olher products and services, f) create any warranties on Your signature on this letter indicates to IBbt that you accept the IBM Authorized Application Your signature below revokes any previous acceptance of a Specialist you made lor the ap- Specialist named below and that you understand and accept its relationship with IBM and you. plication specified below. IBM will acknowledge receipt of this letter. Signing below does not obligate you to accept IBM products or services. Sincerely, Custorner~ City of Nuskego turt.amer Name Slgnalvre Dale Oepanmenl International Business Machines Corporation Accepted: Authorized Application