CCR1990153COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION H153-90 APPROVAL OF OFFER TO PURCHASE (Van Zanten - Industrial Park) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the City’s broker and the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the attached Offer to Purchase (Age Solco Veldhuyzen Van Zanten and/or Assigns - Industrial Park) in the amount of $46,500.00 for an approximate 1.79 acre parcel in the City’s Industrial Park, contingent upon review and approval of the City Attorney. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign the necessary documents in the name of the City if approved by the City Attorney. DATED THIS 12th DAY OF June , 1990. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Daniel J. Hilt ‘0 Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Harold L. Sanders ATTEST : City Clerk .. ................. .................................................. ............ ......... Pellnilled by IRIY. ond wlll parfnrnl nll ncte necesoi~ry to ox odfh auch financing. Uuyer nurers thnl iunlcsn olheraiac apnclfiud. Lluynr wlll. In ond fnlllb. pay dl coala of rrcurln~ nny flnancina lo 1110 exlent Includdintl~ ,urrha~a~~~lcaarsrucl~oflhefollowl~~ I;an,aaam.yheonlhapro nrtyonil~vd~~tcnftl~iuoller,whi~hwillbe delivoted ha nnd clasr'nf eneun,brsnceo; dl lixtutoe; anfd yordon bulbm, plante. rha and tronn. AIIDI'I'IONAL ITEMS INCILIDRD IN 'THE SALE: none., , . , .................. .I ,., ............... ............... ................ .,. ,, ,. ,. ITEMS NOT INC!LUDED IN'1'HK SALE:, .nn.nc. , , ,., ,., ,., ........... ,., ,. ......... ............... ,, ,.,. ............... ........ ........... .......................... ... ,., .,. Scllorol~nll,upon~nyn~ontoIll~upurcl~noaurice,convovlhrpr~porlybv~v~rrnntvdned.~~r~~ll~orcunvrvu~~~:~:orovidcdl~ctri~~. ..,.., 0 .................................. X" ...................................................................... andurodlll~or~ctlncumplelln~tl~~lnrtna~~Ill~i#ayrcon~~nr.'l'hlsnyraumtntbinds ouruumml nnd lhnlr nvccoamuin 1ntare.t. ...... ............ ............. ZEN VAN LANTKN '13uyc''i , . , , , , , , lll,,yl.l.l RIDER TO OFFER TO PURCHASE nttnched as if Fully incorporated tharaln nnd dated June 9, 1990by and batween The following terms and conditions are made a part of the Offar to Ourcham the City of Muskego, as Salhr, and ACE SoLC0 I. Spacial Improvaments: VELDHUYZEN VAN ZANTEN , an Buyer. A. Tho purchaae prka includes che following Improvomonts: Sanlmry swsr and 2" wster laterals are at lot line and fully pnld water at Buyer's enpsnra. Electrlc and tolsphona narvica is and nvnilable for use by Buyer. Buyer wlll connaot to snwer and nvnilnble along lot line, Natural gas LB avsilnblo in Saturn Drive, 0. If said atreate are not permonontly surfaced at ctm tlmm of the colnpletion of this transaction, said streets when permanantly improved shall be at Cha sxponse of the City and no spbcinl aarearmsnta vith respsat co the permanant 1mprov.ments of the atraatr Buyer. hls hclrr and asaignr, shall have no further obligntion with shall be asSessad against the property herein described, and the respect hereto 11. 1c is agrcad between Buyer and Sellar; A. 8. C, Tha prsvlaions of paragraphs chlrtenn (13) and fourtson (14) of tho Rule8 and Regulations far the Muskego Industrial Park an orlginnlly by the Clty oP Muskego by Resolution ~145-70 on July 20. 1970, and odoptad by the City of Munkeeo Induatrinl Perk ae orlginolly adopeed 27, 1986. ere incorporated harein by reference AS I€ fully sat forth further exttlndod to covet Murkego Induatriol Park AddltIon Ul on May horsin. Sald provlsions provided ln sffaot thac in the wont the Buyer should desire to rase11 n portlon of tho prendres whlch nra the subjsct of thle Contrnct and whlch are not being uasd in connection with Buyer'# business, that he must first offar the anme co tho Clty for rspurchasc. The City ahall than have nInaty (90) dnys to ace upon said offar, Theso provlnions shall constltuts covariants running with the land herato and may ba included in the deed which Sallor delivers to Buyer nnd shall be binding upon the succnssora and aaaigns of the pareics recnlvad a copy of the full text of the Rulam and Regulatlans of the in completion of this trnnsactlon. Buyer acknowledges that ha has Muskago Industrial Perk and thnc he has rend nnd fully undsrstanda same The warranty and represantatian mnde herein survive the closing oE thle&nsactlon. BUYER: SELLER: CITY OF MUSKEGO N By : By : Date: Date: Caunteraignad: By : " - ." 0 0 0 CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NU - ____-____ ALL THAT PART OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWN 5 NORTH, RANGE 20 EAST, CITY OF MUSKEGO, VAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN 0 - INDICATES lRON PIPE 1' x 1.13 LBS./LIN.FT. SET R - RECORDED AS DEVELOPER, MOONfV~L ASSOCIATES. LTD, 400 S. EXECUTIVE OR, BROOKFIELD, VI. OVNERm CITY OF HUSKEGO VI02 58200 RAClNE AVE. HUSKEGO, VI. PREP4RED BY) RUCKERT L HIELKS INC. 419 FREDERICK ST. VAUKESHA, VI. B SECTION " 17. VOODI TSN R20E ID. UNPLATTED LANDS ""_ UNPLATTED LANE I"" S GRAPHIC SCALE I' = 100'