CCR1990121COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #121-90 RESOLUTION AS TO OFFER TO PURCHASE (Czaplewski Bros. Mason h Cement, Inc.) (Industrial Park Addn. ) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the City's broker and the Finance Committee, does hereby ("$pp,WVe/approve) the attached Offer to Addn. #l) in the amount of $26,000.00, contingent upon review and Purchase (Czaplewski Bros. Mason & Cement, 1nc.- Industrial Park approval of the City Attorney. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign the necessary documents in the name of the City. DATED THIS 8th DAY OF May , 1990. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Harold L. Sanders ATTEST: City Clerk 5/90 jz . _' .1" 31 33 32 31 35 36 37 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 48 47 48 50 49 52 51 53 54 3a 55 ..... ...... ....................... ............................................... Slr SI 82 33 I .55 lili RIDER TO OFFER TO PURCHASE attached BS if fully lneorporsted therein nnd dated April 26,199W nnd between me following carma and emdltions are made a pnrt of che Offer to Purchase the City of Huskego, as Seller, and ~~~~~~~~m~~~~',nc; a5 Buyer I Special 1mprovenents: A. The purchase prlee includes the follovlng Improvements: Senleery sewer nnd 2" water laternls ere at lot llne and fully pald water at Buyer's expense, Electrlc end telephone servlce 1s end svslleble for use by Buyer. Buyer wlll connect to Sever nnd nvallable along lot 1l.m Natural gor Is avallnble in Saturn Drlvc 0, If said streets are not permanently surfeced at the the of the compleelon of thls transactlo", said streets when permanently assessments wlth respect to the permanent lmprovements of tire streets lmproved shall he at the expense of the Clty and no speclel slaall he assessed against the property herein descrlhcd. and the Auyer. his lmlrs and osslgns. shall hnve no further obllgntlon vlth respect hereto, 11. It is ngreed between Buyer nnd Seller! A. The provlslons of paragraphs thirteen (13) end fourteen (1h) of the Rules end Regulntlons for the Huskego Industrlal Park as orlglnelly ndopted by tlw Clty of Muskego Industrlsl Fork as orlglnnlly sdopecd by tlle Clty of Iluskcp,~ Ihy Resolutlon 11145-70 on July 28. 1970, and further extended to covcc Huskego IndustIlnl Park Addltlon lrl "I? Hny 27, 1986, "re incorporated Inerein hy reference os LE fully set forth hcreln. Ssld provlslons provlded in effect that In the event the Buyer should deslrr to resell a partton of the premlscs which are conrrectlcn wtth Buyer's business, that he must flrst offer the sme tllc suhJect of tlds COIIC~~C~ and whlch are not helng uscd In to the Clty for repttrchase TIw Clty shall. then hnve nlnety (90) dnys to act upon sald offer I B, These provlslons sl~all comtltute covennntg runnlng wlth the lend and shall he blndL!>g upon the SUCC~SSO~R and assigns of the parties hereto and mny he lncludcd 113 the deed whlch Seller dplivers to Buyer rccclverl a copy of the full tcxt of the Rul.ea nnd Regulntlons of the ln completion of this trnnsnctlon. Buyer ncknowledgcn that he has tiuskcgo lndustrlal Park and that he has read nnd fully understands 5.7l"C C. ll!e warranty end representntlon made herein aurvlve the closlng of tills transactlo". Wnyne C. Snlentine. Mayor Dete. Date: Countersigned: By : Jean K. Harenda. City Clerk Date : -. .. a 0