CCR1990067. COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION R67-90 RESOLUTION AS TO OFFER TO PURCHASE (West Lake Development - Industrial Park Addn.) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby counter the attached Offer to Purchase (West Lake Development - parcel in the City's Industrial Park to state the amount shall be Industrial Park Addn.) in the amount of $80,000.00 for a 3.2 acre $83,200.00 and to add that this approval is subject to approval of an amendment to the floodway flood boundary and floodway map. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign the necessary documents in the name of the City if approved by the City Attorney. BE IT FURTHEK RESOLVED that the City Engineer is hereby directed to prepare the appropriate Certified Survey Map. DATED THIS 27th DAY OF March , 1990. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Harold L. Sanders ATTEST : City Clerk 3/90 jz !I'i IIH loll !Ill Ill1 RIDER TO OFFER TO FURCHASE I 11 attachod as if fully incorporated theraln and dnted S//B/*O by nnd botwecn Thm follow in^ terms Rnd condltlons are made II part of the Offor to Furchase Che Gley of Huakego, 8s Seller. nnd W1.r &*.I# , us Buyer ."&.."~. SpaelnL Improvemanta, A. Tho purehaso prlce includes tho follnwlng improvnmento: Sanltnry Bower and 2" water lntarals ere nc lot Ilno nnd fully pnld and avallablo for use by BU~K Duyer will comect to sower nnd WataK ne Buyer's axpensa Llectrlc end telepholla servlce IC avnllable nlong lot Ilne, Ihtural gas Is avallnble In Drive. B. If sold streets are not permanently surfnced nt cha tlmo of the comptetlon of this tranlnctlon. sold atr~era when partnnwntly nesossments wlth respecr to the permanent Improvelnents of the streets improvcd shall bo ac the axpense of the City and no syeclnl shnll he asseased against the property hereln detcrlbed. end the Buyor. his helrs nnd assigns, shell hsve no further abligat3nn vltl, reepect hereto, 1t ia agreed between Buyer end Seller! A. The provialom of pnrngrnphs thltteen (13) and fourtaen (111) of tllc Rulsr and Regulations far the Muskego Industrial rnrk 09 orlginally rdoptcd by the City of Huakego lndustrlal Pnrk as orlglrlnlly adopted by ?he Clty ai Muakcga by Rcaalutlan e145.70 on July 28. 1970, and furrhrr extended to cover lluokega Induttrl,nl Park Addition nl on llny herein. Seld provislona provlded In effecc thnt In the cvent the 27. 1986, Reo inCOKpOrdted lrerein by reference 89 If EulLg set forth Buyer should desire tn resell e portlon of the premlsea whlch Ore connection wltll Ouyer's business, that he must first offcr the some che subjeer of thls Contract and vhlch arc not baing used in dsys to ncc upon soId offer to the Clty for repurchase. The Clty shell then haw tllnety (90) H. lhere provlslcna shall conatltute covenants runnlnn wlth the land nnd ah811 be blnding upon tho sttcccsmrs and assigns o€ the pnrtler horeto nnd may be included In cha deed whlch Seller dolivers to Buyer ln completion of thi, trenractlan. Buyer ncknovledgea tlmt he l~ns recelved a copy of the full text of the Ruler nnd Rc~ulstlans of tlrc Huskogo Induscrlal Park md thnt ho 118s road and fully miderstnmls Rntnt , C. Tho warrnnty and reprasentatlon mnde llercin survive rhe closing of thls transnctlon. By : -1 0 a ‘I