CCR1990057AMENDED e 0 COMMON COUNCIL^ - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #57-90 APPROVAL OF OFFER TO PURCHASE (Jentzsch - Industrial Park Addn.) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the City's broker and the Finance Committee, does hereby reject the attached Offer to Purchase (Jentzsch - Industrial Park Addn.) in the amount of $60,000.00 for a three acre parcel in the City's Industrial Park. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign a counter offer drafted by the City's broker adding language satisfactory to the Mayor and Planning & Development Department requiring the buyer to make specific architectural and landscape improvements to the property upon development of the same. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Engineer is hereby directed to prepare the appropriate Certified Survey Map. DATED THIS 13th DAY OF March , 1990. FINANCE COMMITTEE Kld. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Harold L. Sanders ATTEST : City Clerk 3/90 jz COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #57-90 APPROVAL OF OFFER TO (Jentzsch - Industrial / BE IT RESOLVED that the Corn City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of and the Finance Committee, does hereby appr ffer to Purchase (Jentzsch - Industrial Park unt of $60,000.00 for a three acre parcel in ial Park, contingent upon review and approval of BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that k are authorized to sign the necessary document e City if approved by the City Attorney. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that is hereby directed to prepare the appropriate DATED THIS , 1990. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin P. Dumke / Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Harold L. Sanders ATTEST : City Cler / " ,/ 75 :n i RIDER TO OFFER TO PURCIIASE 11 It A. 0, C. i The purchase prlce includes the followlng Lmprovelncnts Sanltary sewer and 2" water laterals aKe St lot line and fully Paid water at Buyer's expense Electric and tclephone servlcc is and avnllablc for use by Buycr Buyer will cot1tlect to sewer and available along lot line Natural 93s 1s nvallablc in SATURd Drive completion of this transncclan. said streets wllcll permanently If said streets are not perlnnnently surfaced at the the of the LrnpKoved shall be at che expense of the City and no speclal assessments wlth respect to the permanent Improvements of the Streets shall be assessed against the property hereln described, and the Buyer. hls heirs and assigns. shall hove no further- obligatlon vlth respect hereto s ngrced betwecn Buyer and Scllcr' The provisions of poragroplls thirtccn (13) a!#d fourcccn (14) of thc Rules and Regulntlons for the Muskcgo Industrial Pork as orlglnvlly adopted by the Clty of Nuskego Industrial Park RS orielnally adopted by the City of Huskcgo by Resolution n145-70 on July 28. 1910, nnd 21, 1986. are incorporated hereln by reference as If fully set forth further extended to cover tluskego Industrlnl Park Addition a1 on Way herein. Said provislons provlded Ln effect thnc in tile cvenc r-he Buyer should deslra to rcsell a porclon of the premises vhlch are connection with Buyer's buslness, that he must first offer thc same the subject of thls Contract and whlch are not being used In days to act upon said offcr to the City for rcpurchasc The City shall then havc #ninety (90) These provisions shall constitute covenants runnlng wlch the land hereto and may be lncludcd in the deed which seller dellvcrs eo Buycr and shall be blnding upon the successors alld assigns of the partles in completlon of thls transaction. Buyer ncknovlcdges that he has received a copy of the full text of the Rulcs and Regulations of the lluskcgo Industrial Park and that he has ccnd and fully !>rdcrscar,ds same The warranty and rcpresentaclon made hereln survive tllc closine of this transaction. D;:? i_. , ,, ,! Dote. Countersigned: By ~ Date: