CCR1990050COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #50-90 AMENDED AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF QUIT CLAIM DEED FOR TRANSFER OF EASEMENT (Golden Country Estates) WHEREAS, the owner of Lot 29, Golden Country Estates, has mistakenly constructed his garage over a small portion of a City of Muskego sewer utility easement, and WHEREAS, the developer is requesting transfer of a portion of the Deed and Transfer Tax Return to the City, and easement to the property owner and has submitted a Quit Claim WHEREAS, the Public Utilities Committee has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Utilities Committee, does hereby authorize the execution of the Quit Claim Deed and Transfer Tax Return for the sewer easement for Lot 29, Golden Country Estates. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the necessary documents in the name of the City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the legal description on the Quit Claim Deed shall be the same as marked on CSM #900037, copy attached. DATED THIS 27th DAY OF February , 1990. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Ald. Harold L. Sanders Ald. William T. Simmons Ald. David J. Sanders ATTEST : City Clerk 2/90 METPIPOLITAN ENGINEERING, INC. zom mossnc 'ns cIncL6. SUITE 150 WAUKESHA. WI 53IRG Ell'ilNEERS -LAND SURVEYORS (4141 702 1121 FAX 782-4426 1 Wayne G. Salentine, Mapr (SE,\I.I . .~~ .. ... .(SEAL.) * .mwc==xw~tlx!, Clerk. Jean K. Marend.. AUTHENTICATION SignnL"re(a) All that part of Lot 29 in alLDEN @JWl!4Y 5WTES king a sutdivision of a part of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 o€ Section 2, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City o€ Muskego, Waukesha Count), Wisconsin, bounded and describcd as €01101~5 Commenci.ng at the southeast^ corner of said Lot 29: thcnce N 6" 23' IO" W along the East line of saj.d Lot 29, 15 19 fcct to a point on tlln ,'along said North line, 89 05 feet to the place of beginning of thc North line of a Sanitary Sewer Easement: thence N 87" 16' 08 W North line, 14.00 feet: thence S 9' 50' 21" W. 3 05 feet: tllcncc lands to be described: thence continuing N 87" 16' 08" W along said N 80" 09' 39" E. 13.66 feet to the place of beginning Txx l'nrr~l Nn: RESOLUTION #50-90 WHEREAS, the owner o mistakenly construct of Muskego sewer utility easement, and WHEREAS, the develop easement to the prop Deed and Transfer Ta WHEREAS, the Public NOW, THEREFORE, BE I City of Muskego, up0 Committee, does here Golden Country Estates. Deed and Transfer Ta BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tha the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the nec ssary documents in the name of the 4 DATED THIS DAY OF , 1990. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMITTEE Ald. Harold L. Sanders I / City Clerk 2/90 jz i Ald. William T. Simmons Ald. David J. Sanders 11 /t of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 2, T 5 N, R 20 E, in the City Tax I'nrerl No: All that part of Lot 29 in CIlLDEN WWY E'TnXS king a sutdivision of a part oE Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, hounded and dcscribed as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Lot 29; thence N 6" 23' 10" W along the East line of said Lot 29, 15 19 feet to a point on the North line of a Sanitary Sewer Easement; thence N 87" 16' 08 W along said North line, 89 OS feet to the place oE beginning of the lands to bc described; thence continuing N 87" 16' 08" W along said North line, 14.00 feet; thence S 9" 50' 21" W, 3.05 feet: thence N 80" 09' 39" E, 13.66 feet to the place of beginning J I I ! 'I 0 I! :'