CCR1990046COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #46-90 ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR CERTAIN CITY OF MUSKEG0 EMPLOYEES FOR 1990 WHEREAS, the Federal minimum wage has been increased as of April 1, 1990. BE IT RESOLVED that the following salaries shall be paid to various persons occupying the positions herein stated in 1990: High School Student (part-time) Library Page (part-time) Election Inspector Election Chairman START $3.80/Hr. $3.80/Hr. $3,80/Hr. $3.80/Hr. 6 MOS. $4.35/Hr. plus $5.00/day 18 MOS. $5.03/Hr. Board of Canvassers $3.80/Hr. with $10.00/day minimum BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the salaries for part-time/seasonal employees of the Recreation Department shall be paid as attached. DATED THIS 27th DAY OF Februaw , 1990. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Harold L. Sanders ATTEST : City Clerk 2/90 jz I 2, . " * lIUSREG0 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTlIENT COWWSATION PUN AND PROCEDLIRES POR PART-TIlIE/SEASONAL RECREATION mLOYEES I. MPLOYKENT GUIDnINES A. Initial Employment - New employees shall begin at the lowest step within each appropriate position classification. A higher starting step may be authorized by Department staff based on education, training, or previous experience. B. Position Classification Upgrading - If the entry level rate for a position is increased, all steps within the position classification pay scale will increase correspondingly. Incumbent employees shall be placed at the same step as the previous scale. or at the next highest step which allows for an increase. C. Position Classification Change - Previous employees in one level of may at the discretion of the Department staff, be placed at a higher classification who take a different position with the Department, step within that position classification, based on training, education or previous experience. D. Reinstatement - An employee reinstated to a position '(based on good previous work record with the Department), that they had previously been employed in, shall begin at the appropriate step most nearly corresponding to the previous pay rate provided that the separation more than two years, placement of the employee within the pay scale from employment was not more than two years. If the separation is shall be left to the diacretion of the Department staff. Department experience believed to be of value to the position. staff may authorize a higher step based on supplemental training, or 11. ADVANCEMENT WITHIN A POSITION CLASSIFICATION A. Advancements within a classification shall be one-step and made on an annual basis, and within budget restrictions. based on acceptable work performance and earned experience up to the maximum step. Advancement shall begin with the start of their summer employment. 8. New employees or substitutes hired mid-season (season defined as January-May) will not be eligible for a step increase during the first year. C. If an individual is employed in more than one position classification, they shall advance a step in each class according to 11-B above. 111. REVIEW OF THE COMPENSATION PLAN AND PROCEDURES A. The plan, procedures and pay scale shall be reviewed by the Department based on employment market conditions and comparisons with similar staff on an annual basis. Adjustments ahall be made where appropriate positions in other communities. Any revisions of the plan or scale shall be approved by the Parks 6 Recreation Board and Common Council of City of Muskego. IV. LIMITATIONS A. All step advancements, position classification upgrading, or other adjustments shall be made in accordance with budget restrictions. POSITION Basketball ScorekeeperITimer Youth Soccer Referee (Uncertified):Two/game Youth Soccer Referee (Uncertifled) :Onelgame Adult Softball Umpire One/game (Certified) (Non-certified) Adult Volleyball Referee Onelmatch (Certified) (fees include gym set-up) (Non-certified) Basketball Referee (Certified) (Non-certified) School Custodian/Securlty JpOKtS Personnel 1 2 3 4 5-10 $5.OO/person/game +$.50/year returning to a maximum of $7.50 $10.00/game +$.50/year returning to a maximum of $13.00 $11. OO/game +$.50/year returning $8.OO/game +$.50/year returning to a maximum of $15.00 to a maximum of' $10.00 $lO.OO/macch +$l.OO/year returning to a maximum of $15.00 $a.oo/match +$l.OO/year returning to a maximum of $13.00 $ll.OO/game +$.50/year returning S6.5Olgame +$.50/year returning to a maximum of $14.00 to a maximum of $9.50 school vages as billed by school district *Revised to reflect the nev Federal minimum wage scale effective April 1990.