CCR1990028COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #28-90 RESOLUTION AS TO ASSEMBLY BILL #689 (Number Of Solid Waste Disposal Facilities in a Community) WHEREAS, AB 689 has been drafted to limit the number of landfills in a third-class city, and WHEREAS, the City of Muskego has two active landfills and a third landfill in the siting process, and WHEREAS, the present siting law allows for the overriding of local control, and WHEREAS, the undeveloped areas of the City are potential landfill sites due to Muskego’s proximity to a large metropolitan area and the clay nature of the soil, and WHEREAS, the placing of landfills in a community has a direct impact on adjacent property owners and has a socio/economic impact on the community due to the image it portrays, and WHEREAS, the present siting law’s ability to override local zoning should require that the placement of landfills be distributed fairly. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby express their support of the adoption of AB 689. DATED THIS 3+h DAY OF ” 1990. Mayor Wayne G. Salentine Ald. Patrick A. Patterson Ald. William T. Simmons Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. David Taube Ald. Harold L. Sanders Ald. David J. Sanders Xld. Edwin P. Dumke ATTEST : City Clerk a 2/90 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ATTACHMENT TO RESO. #28-90 1989-90 Legislature STATE OF WISCONSIN LRB-3559/2 RCT;kmg:km 1989 ASSEMBLY BILL 689 November 6, 1989 - Introduced by Rnprosontatives LEPAK. PROSSEB, LQFTUS, WINEKE, OURADA, DLTF, URBAN, Om, JOHNSRUD and WELCH. cosponsored by Sena1:or ADELMAN. Roforrcd to Committee on Environnrantal Rasaurcoa and Utilities. AN ACT to rcnunlbnr 144.44 (1) (e); and to creete 144.44 (1) (a) and 1L14.44 (2) (nu) of the ritatuLcs, rclatinn to the number of solid uustn die- pose1 facilities in a community. ". ~""""""""..""~.."..""~~~".~..~.""""""""~~"""""~ Amlysis. by the Legiblatjve Rsfarenco Bureau solid waste disposal facllfty. Ono requirement for that npproval is that Currellt law provjdes a procedure for clre approve1 of construction of a the deparmnnt of natural resources (DNR) issue a favorsblr determination of Iessitljlity for Lhe facility. This bill prohibits, wit11 specified exceptions, llNK from issuing a favorable doterminotion of feasibility for 0 solid wasto disposnl facility proyosod to bo Iocatcd it1 A 3rd cl~ss city onerelion. in which 2 or more solid WQStR disposal feciliLlor aro already in For further infornlntlon see rho stam and local fiscal omtirnatn, which ~. . -.- ...- will be printed as an eppendix LO thlr bill. .. -"-""".""..."".""".""..."""""".""..""..""."""- SECTION 1. 144.44 (1) (e) of the stetutes is ronumbored 1L4.44 (1) (am). SECTIOS 2. 14b.44 (1) (a) of the 6Latute.s is created to reed: 14L.44 (I) (a) "Approved facility" has the meaning givon in 6. 144.441 (1) (a). SECTION 3. 14L 44 (2) (nu) of tho ~tatutes is created to road: 144,44 (2) (nu) Haxinlum number of fgc1ll.ties. 1. Except nn provided in subd 2, chc dcpertmcnt may not issue a favorablo dotarmination of " 1 1 3 & 5 6 7 0 9 IO 11 12 13 1L ~ 1989-90 Legirlnture -2- LWB-~SS~/Z RCT: kmg : km fcasililicy for n solid waste djsposal, facility in n 3rd class clty if 2 or more apprnvcd facilities that arc solid waste djsposal facilities ate in operocjon within the city in which the 601id waste disposal frcility is proposed to ha locatod. ' 2, The prohibition in subd. 1 does not apply Lo an expansion of or addition to an existing approved ,facility .that is a solid waste disposal facility by the omer or opc.rator of thc existing approvod facility on proparty that is contiguous to the properry.on which the existing approved facility lr located and rhat is orsnltd or under option to lease ot purchase by the omer or operator of the existing approved facility. SECTION l, 1NITIAI. APpLICADILITY. .This act. first applies to solid wastc disposal fncilities for which the department of natural resources has not yct issued the determination o€ feasibility under section lLh.44 (2) of the stacutcs on the effective date of this SECTION. W 15 (End)