CCR1990027COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #27-90 AMENDED RESOLUTION AS TO OFFER TO PURCHASE (Delta Group, Inc. and/or Assigns) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the City's broker and the Finance Committee, does hereby disapprove the attached Offer to Purchase (Delta Group, Inc. and/or Assigns - Industrial Park Addn. #I). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor, in consultation with the City Attorney and broker, may accept a revised offer satisfactory to the Mayor. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign the necessary documents in the name of the City. DATED THIS 23rd DAY OF January , 1990. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Harold L. Sanders ATTEST : City Clerk 1 /90 jZ .. 0.1 .. 9.4Y..Vh.ea..QVnt ..................................................... :... ........... ..... 95 ....................................................................................................................... ne Th~follovlnrritcmrsh~llbtprorwdaaofthodo~nfclonlnC:~~n~ra~~~xe~.~nIa.Val~~~ndr~wrruaeenoru~a.h~m~~~un~rr' I n7 ................................................. 8 I58 I 0. .... IS* .................. tBY ............................... """_. . . .. , .. . . " .. - __ JW 23 '98 17:01 WRP% GLffi55NER 14'14)273-3742 "" .. P.6 '0 I , "I "" "I "d "- F.5 I. 0 The tollowing terms and conditionm are made a pert of the Offer to Purchase attached as if fully incorporated therein and dated January 23, 1990 by and between the City of Muskego, as Seller, and Delta Group, Inc., as Buyer. A. BUYER'S CONDITIONS OF CLOSINQ: Buyer's obligation to conclude this transaction is expressly conditioned upon the fulfillment, or waiver by Buyer, of each of the following conditions (the .BUyer'S Contingenciea") within the time indicated below for each of the Buyer's Contingencies. In the went that Buyer's Contingencies are not satisfied or waived by Buyer within such time, then thig Agreement shall, at the option of Buyer and upon notice aa provided herein, terminate and all monies paid hereunder by Buyer to Seller shall be returned to Buyer forthwith. Failure by Buyer to give notice to Seller, within seven (7) days after the expiration of such period, of Buyer's election to terminate thi9 Agreement shall aonstitute a waiver by Buyer of the Buyer's Contingencies. Seller shall have no responsibility with respect eo obtaining satisfaction of the Buyer's Contingencies except to the extent expressly set forth in this Offer, and Buyer shall be responsible for all costs and expenses in connection with the satisfaotion thereof. The Buyer's Contingencies are as follows: 1. Buyer's Board of Direotors, on or before April 3, 1990. ratifying and approving the execution snd delivery of this Offer to Purchase and the consummation of the purchase transaction. This contingency must be satisfied by Buyer presenting Seller on or before April 6, 1990, with a written statement etating that said approval ha* been given. 2. Buyer at Buyer's expense obtaining soil boring3 and bearing soil tests that are satisfactory to the Buyer within 90 days from acceptance of this offer. 3. Seller providing Buyer Cmrtified Survey Map prior to closing showing that the Proparty is s separate parcel. 4. Seller granting th0 Buyer within ninety (90) days of acceptance of this offer a Riuht of Fitst Refusal contract to purchase, which is mutually acceptable to both Buyer and Seller for the contiguous two (2) acres to the west. 5. Seller providing at Ballet's expense two culverts which will provide accegs to the property from two sides (This contingency may be satisfied after closing). 0. ROe.ip+ by Buyer of a COftifie-tm of oooupanay from thO City of Mubkego authorizing Buyer to occupy an4 uae i I ,+.a - - . - 1'"'- I - ,,. LII<L, ,< ,_, ,, , , ,, .". -_.. __ .. ..__ JW 23 '$8 17:03 CH- GLRSSIIER (414)273-3742 P.6 the Property e9 a secondary aluminum smelter and anCillaV office use. (Thia contingency must be met Or waived by Buyer within 120 days attar Seller's acceptance of this Offer). 7. Buyer obtaining any and all federal, state and local approvals necessary to use the Property as a secondary aluminum smelter, including, the approval of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Wisconsin Department of Natural R@sources, and the City of Muskego. Buyer agrees to make application for all such approvals within fourteen days after Seller'o acceptance of this Offer. (This contingency must be met or waived by Buyer within 120 day8 after Seller's scceptance of this Offer). 8. Seller obtaining a loan (the 'First Mortgage Loan") in an amount no% Zess than 8330,000 from a bank or other institutional lender to enable Euyer to acquire the Property and to oonstruct thereon the secondary aluminum smelter facility pursuant to Buyel's specifications, at an interest rate not in excess of the prime rate plus.Z%, for a term of not less than 19 years, and with monthly payments of prinoipal snd interest sufficient to amottize the First Mortgage Loan over a term of 15 years. The First Mortgage Loan shall be secured by a first mortgage lien on the Property and the smelter facility to be constructed thereon. This financing contingency must be met or waived by Euyer on or before February 28, 1990. 9. Seller obtaining 8 grant from the Wisconsin Development Fund Economic Development Program in an amount not less than $320.000.00 in connection with Buyer and this Project, snd Seller, in turn, making a loan (the "City Loan') to Buyer in the amount of $320,000.00 for the acquisition of the Property and the construction of the secondary aluminium smelter fbcllity (including enoillary office space) pursuant to Buyer'e specificstions, on the following terms! A. The term shall be IS yeara. 8. Interest shall be at the rate of 4Z per annum for the first 5 years of the Man teim, and thereafter at s floating rate. to be adjusted daily, which rate shall, for each day, be the prime rate of interest plus Z?, the prime rate shall be the prime rate (or equivalent) announced by First Wisconsin National Bank, Milwsukee, Wisconsin as fta prime rate. C. The City Loan shall be fully emortized over the 15 year term. 2 I I 8. SPECIAL LXPROVEMENTSf 2. The purchase price includes the following improvements: Saniraty abwer and 2. water laterals are at lot line and fully paid and available for use by Buyer. Buyer will connect to sewer and water lncluding connection fees at Buyer's expense. Electric and telephone serrics is available along lot line. Natural gas is available ln Drive. C. It is agreed berueen Buyer and Seller: I. The provlslone of DaragraphS thirteen (13) and fourteen (14) of the Rules and Regulations for thd Muskego Industrial Park as originally adopted by thO city of Huskego 3 . to cover mskego Industrial Psrk Addftion #1 on Hay 27. 1986, are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. Said pzovisions provided in effect that in the event the Buyer should desite to resell a portion Of the premises which are the aubject of this Contract and which are not being used in conneation wlth Buyer‘# business, that ne must firer otfer the same to the ciw for repurchase. The City shall then have ninety (go) days to act upon said offer. 2. Thesa provisions shall COnStftUt6 covenants running wlth the land and shall be blnding upon ~UCcCBEorS and assigns of the parties hereto and may be included in the deed Which Seller delivers to Buyer in completion Of this transaction. Buyer acknowledges that he ha8 received a copy of the full text of the Rules and Regulations of the Nuskego Industrial Park end that he has read and fully understands same. a 3. The warranty and representation made herein survive the closing of.this transaction. 4. Buyer agrees to reimburse Seller actual costs not to exceed S3.000 for Seller’s cwt of preparing Wisconsin DeveloDment Fund grant application. Payment is due only in the event of approval of WDF funding and after disbursement of grant funds. SWER: OJLTA GROUP, INC., SELLER: CITY OF MUSKEG0 JI Date: d/del/off Countersigned: Date: R I!& By: 4 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #27-90 RESOLUTION AS TO OFFER TO PURCHASE (Delta Group, Inc. and/or BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of Committee, does hereby approve the attachTdOffer to Purchase contingent upon review and approval of &e City Attorney. (Delta Group, Inc. and/or Assigns - Industrial Park Addn. #I), BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign the necessary documents in the/name of the City. DATED THIS DAY OF upon the recommendation of the City's / /' , 1990. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Harold L. Sanders ATTEST: / / City Clerk / Ofl~ri~eounurcd ~Sclltrlnl~~al.) ......................... Sellar'# Sodat Beeurlfy Ne. .................. ................................................. IO. 8, ................... ..... (BY ................................. .. m 4J k 4 The following terms and conditione are made a part of the Offer to Purchase attached as if fully incorporated therein and dated January 23, 1990 by and between the city of Muskego, as Seller, and Delta Group, Inc.. e3 Buyer. A, BUYER'S CONDITIONS OF CLOSINQI Buyer'€! obligation to conclude this transaction ie expressly conditione3 upon the fulfillment, or waiver by Buyer, of each of the following conditions (the "Buyer's Contingenolea") within the time indicate3 below fcr each of the Buyer's Contingencies. In the event that Buyer's Contingencies are not satisfied or waived by Buyer within suoh time, then this Agreement shall, at the option of Buyer and upon notice eq provided herein, terminate and all monies paid hereunder by Buyer to Seller shall be returned to Buyer forthwith. Failure by Buyer to give notice to Seller, within seven (7) days after the expiration of such period. of Buyer's election to terminate this Agreement shall aonstituta 8 waiver by Buyer of the Buyer'd Contingencies. Seller shall have no responsibility with respect to obtaining satisfaction of the Buyer's Contingencies exceot to the extent expressly set forth in this Offer, an3 Buyer shall be responsible for all COfte and expenses in oonnecticn with the satisfaotion thereof. The Buyerla Contingenoies are as followsr 1. Buyer's soerd of Direotors, on or before April 3, 1990, ratifying and approving the execution and delivery of this Offer to Purchaee an3 the consummation of the purchase transaction. This contingency must be satisfied by Buyer presenting Seller on o,r before April 6, 1990, with a written statement stating that said approval had been given. 2. Euyer at Buyer's expense obtaining soil borings and bearing soil tests that are Satisfactory to the Euyer within 90 days from acceptance of this offer. 3. Seller providing Buyer Certified Survey Map prior to dosing showing that the Proparty is n eeparate parcel. 4. seller granting the Buyer within ninety (BO) deys of acceptance of thio offer a piaht of First Refuse1 contract to Pufchasq which is mutually acceptable tO both Euyer and Seller for the contiguous two (2) ecres to the west. 5. Seller providing st Seller'e expense two culverts which will. provide access to the property from two sides (This contingency may be satisfied after closing). e. fza@.i.Dt by euyer ol o cottrriamtr of oooupanay from the City of Musk~go authorizing Buyer to oooupy en4 uea ~II*PI""-:~ 4 '"1- 1 ~ . 'I c L1 I L , I> I ,~~, ,-, , JAN 23 '98 17:03 CHM GLFISSPIER (41d)273-3742 ~~~~ I 11 .. P.6 the Properry as a secondary aluminum smelter and ancillary office use, (Thim contingency must be met or waived by Buyer within 120 days aftar,Seller'a eoceptance of this Offer). 7. Buyer obtaining any and all federal, state and local appzovals necessary to use the Property as a secondary aluminum smelter, LncLudIng, the approval of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and the City Of Muskego. Buyer agrees to make application for a11 such approvals within fourteen days after Seller'o acceptance of this Offer. (This contingency must be met or waived by Buyer within 120 days after Seller's acceptance of this Offer). 8. Seller obtalning a loan (the "First Mortgage Loan") in an amount not less than 8330,000 from a benk or other institutional lender to enable Buyer to aoquire the Property end to oonstruct thereon the secondary aluminum emelter facility pursuant to Buyer's sgecifioatlono, at en interest rate not in e,xcess of the prime rate plus.2%, for a term of not lass than 15 years, and with monthly payments of prinaipal and interest sufficient to amortize the Plrbt Mortgage Loan over a term of 1s years. The First Mortgage Loan shall be secured by a first mortgage lien on the Property and the smelter faoility to be construated thereon. This financing contingency must be met or waived by Buyer on or before February 28, 1390. 3. Seller obtaining a grant frQm the Wiaconsin Development Fund Economic Development Program in an amount not less than 9320.000.00 in canneotion wlth Buyer and this Project, and Seller, in turn, making a loan (the "City Loan") to Buyer in the amount of 8320,000.00 for the aoquisition of the Property and the construction of the secondary aluminium smelter facility (including snoillary office space) pursuant to BUyer'ta specifications, on the following terms! A. The term shall be 1s yeara. B. Interest 6haU be at the rata 09 QO per annum for the firet 5 yeers of the Man term, and thereafter at a floating rate, to be adjusted daily, which rate shall, for each day, be the prime rete of interest plus 2%. the prime rate shall be the prime rate (or equivalent) ennounoed by First Wisconsin National Bank, Milwaukee, Wisconsin as it8 prime rate. C. The City Loan shall be fully amortized over the 15 year term. 2 i """"_. .-."- "_.____.._._.-. ~ ._.-....-.-. ~"-..-ILI".-.% .=.--.-.- : . - JpN n -9 17104 USSNER (414)273-3742 P.7 D. The city Loan Shall be seoured by a second mortgage on tha Property and the smslter faoility to be constructed thereon subject to the First Mortgage Loan. 1. The purchase price includes the following Improvements: Sanitary sbwef and 2" water latetals are at lot line and fully paid and available for use by Buyer. Buyer will Connect to sewer and water including connection fees at Buyer's expense. Electric and telephone service is available along lot line. Natural gas is available in Drive. 2. If said streets are not Derrnanently surfaced et the time of the cornpletlon of this trunsaction, said 6treets when permanently improved shall be at the expense of the City and no special aS6essments with respeot to the permanent improvement8 of the etreets shall be assessed againat the property herein descrlbed, and the Buyer. his heirs and assigns. shall have no further obligation with respect hereto. C. It is agreed between Buyer and Seller: 1. Tha provisions of paragr8phS thirteen (13) and fourteen (141 of the Rules and Regulations for the Muskego Industrial Park as origlndlly adopted by the City ai Huskego 3 " ~~ 9~ ;& nlad ~&TZESE4idY273-3742 ~ , ., .,,- .,,,,, ~~ .,,,. ~."'-"~-.~.-- F.E - by Resolution #14S-70 on July 28, 1970, and further extended to cover Muskego Industrial Park Addition W1 on May 27, 1986, are inaorporated herein by reference 8s if fully Bet forth hereln. Said provisions provided in effect that in the event the Buyer should desire to resell s portion of the premises which are the subject a9 this contract end which are not being used in conneotion with Buyer's 3usineso, that he must first offer the same to the City for repurchase. The City ehall then have ninety (90) days ta act upon said offer. 2. These provisions 5hAll oonatituta covenants running with the land and shall be binding upon ~uocessors and assigns of the partiee hereto And may be included in the deed which Seller delivers to Buyer in completion of this transaction. Buyer acknowledges that he h88 received a copy of the full text of the Rules and Regulations of tha Muskego SndUStriAl Pork and thet he has read and fully understands sama . 3. The warranty and representation made herein survive the closing of this transaction. 4* Buyer agrees to reimburse Seller aotusl costa not to exceed $3,000 for Seller's cost of preparing Wisconsin Development Fund grant application. Payment is due only in the event Of approval of WDP funding and after disbursement of grant funds. BmERt D LTA GROUP, INC., 1 SELLER: CITY OF MUSKEQO 4