(Delta Group Inc. and/or Assigns)
WHEREAS, Resolution #250-89, as amended, approved an Offer to
Purchase submitted by Delta Group, Inc. and/or Assigns for
property located in the Muskego Industrial Park, and
WHEREAS, Delta Group, Inc. and/or Assigns has submitted a
Cancellation Agreement ti Mutual Release for this Offer.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the
City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance
Committee. does herebv authorize the approval of the Cancellation
Agreement’and Mutual kelease submitted’by Delta Group, Inc
and/or Assigns.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk and author
sign the necessary documents in the name of the City.
DATED THIS ~3rd DAY OF January 0 , 1990.
Ald. Edwin E’. Dumke
Ald. Daniel J. Hilt
Ald. Harold L. Sanders
City Clerk
,ized to
THE UNDERSIGNED aeller(N) and buyer (3) herehy agree that the contract for the de and
northwest corner of Enterprisc Drive and
purchage of property located at ~~~k~~~..1nd,u~.t.ri~1..P~rk.,~four..acres..o~..~~~nnt..1nnd. %?he
' Stmt
Mcrcury Drive).
....... nlrskaga ................... ................................. 53150 ..., dated .. .ssPt.&.W..25.a .............. 1989 .........,
City stntc Zip
and acceptad .......... S.e~.t.e,...l.?.E? ............................ ...., be cancelled and the partics hereby Date
rclcwe all of their right, title, and Interest in and to said contract.
The parties hereby authorize and direct the broker ..... Moo~e~..LeSa~e..6..As30~1ates.!..1~d.! .......
0 .......... ................................................................ to diebume the earnest money deposit of
~ p~,~,~OOO.OO (One Thousand Dollars and OO/lOO) to Mr. Alan Reczlaff ! ............................................................................................. ....................................... .....................
c/o Skyline Develolment Corp., 9400 N. 107th Street, per acceched ............................... CWO leccers dated
September 28. 1.989 and September 29. 19b9. .................................... .....................................
and the parties hereby release the Rrokcr from any and all liability for disbursing tho earnest money
RE directed.
DATE ............................................... .............................................. BUYER
DATE, ......................................................... ........................................................................... SELLER
Mooney LeSage & Associates, Ltd.
September 29, L989
Mr. Allan Retzlaff
Skyline Development Gorp.
Milwaukee, W1 53224
9400 N. 107th Street
Re: 4.0 Acres Vacant Land
Earnest Monies of Offer
Dear Mr. Ratrlaff:
The purpose of this letter is to astablish the fact that the earnest monies
chat you are supplying regarding the 9/25/89 Offer IIO Purchase from Delta
Group EO City e€ Muskege are to be returned to you in the event that Delta
Group either uses a dlfferanl: builder than Skyline or they cancel the deal
by no later than 10/31/89.
Trust Account This letter supplements the accached letter dated 9/28/89 to
Skyline is supplying these earnest monies to tho Mooney LeSage Real Estate
Mr. David Nnnca.
329Retz dcn
September 20, 1989
Mx. David Nanca
Mooney LeSage h Asaociates, Ltd. 400 South Executive Drive
Brookfield, Wisconsin 53005
Rea 4.0 Acrea Vaoant Land
Muek0go lndustrial Park
Offer to Purchase dated September 25, 1989,
City of Muskeg0 ( "Seller") (the "Offer
from Delta Group, Inc. ("Buyer") to
to Purchase" )
Dear Mr. Nance:
In the event tha undersigned Buyer is entitled to a return of
the earnest money or additional earnest: money held or to be held
by Moonsy LeSage .5 Associates under the Offer to Purchase, the Buyer hereby irrevocably directs yau to make such return by a check
drawn on your trust account and made payable to Alan RBtZlaff. The
check should be delivered or mailed to Mr. Alan Retzlaff, o/o
Skyline DaV6lOpI"It Corp., 9400 North 107th Street, Milwaukee,
Wisconsin 53224.
signing the copy of this letter
Pleese acknowledge YQUX acceptance of this direction by
The above direction Is
acknowledged snd agreed to:
Mooney LeSage & Associates. Ltd.
ay: .- ,.LA:, ydy/->K? , . - ..