CCR1990014-. AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #14-90 APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT, SUBDIVIDER'S AGREEMENT 6 LETTER OF CREDIT WEST LAKE ESTATES WHEREAS, a Final Plat has been submitted for the 15 lot West Lake Estates subdivision, and WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plat was approved in Resolution 11289-89, and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has recommended approval, subject to the developer's engineer submitting a legal description so that dedicated road to be known as Bluhm Drive, and the road can be referred to the Common Council and accepted as a WHEREAS, the Subdivider's Agreement has been recommended for approval by the Finance Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, Estates subdivision, subject to the conditions imposed by the does hereby approve the Final Plat for the 15 lot West Lake Plan Commission; approval of the City Engineer and all objecting and approving agencies; and, receipt of payment of any and all attorney, engineer, administrative, etc. fees. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Subdivider's Agreement is hereby approved subject to approval of the City Attorney. DATED THIS 9th DAY OF January , 1990. Ald. Daniel J. Hilt ATTEST : City Clerk 1 /90 jz SUBDIVIDERS AGREEMENT This agreement, made this &\day of Januar I 19 90 by and between w Prlt , the ":eveloper"- Wisconsin, located in Waukesha County, hereinafter called the and the City of-pa1 corporation of the State of "City". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Developer has submitted fdr approval by the City a ,a proposed final plat for WEST LAKE ESTATES residential subdivision, a copy of which is attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked Exhibit "A" (the Subdivision"); and that as a condition of plat approval, the governing body of the City may require that the Developer make and install certain public improvements reasonably necessary for the Subdivision and further, may require dedication of public streets, alleys or other ways within the Subdivision, to be conditioned upon the construction of said improvements according to municipal specifications without cost to said municipality; and WHEREAS, Section 236.13 of the Wisconsin Statues provides Develo'per's plans and specifications for subdivision improvement and the Common Council has duly approved and authorized the terms and provisions of this agreement and approved the final plat WHERAS, the City's Engineers have duly approved the NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION 1. IMEROVEMENTS : The Developer. entirely .at its expense, sha.11: A. Roads and Streets: Grade and improve all roads and streets in accordance with the plat of saidsuhdivisinn and the plans and specifications attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked Exhibit "a", all in accordance with the City's street specifications. - ~ PAGE 2, Subdivider's Agreement B. Surface Water Drainage: 1. Construct, install, furnish and provide Works Committee for storm and surface water drainage throughout adequate facilities as approved by thecity engineer and Public the entire subdivision, in accordance with the plans and Exhibit "C" . specifications attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked .* permits or easements as may be required in any public street or 2. The City shall furnish to the Developer such property to enter upon and install the above described surface water drainage system. C. SANITARY SEWER: Construct, install, furnish and provide a complete division, all in accordance with the plans, specifications sanitary sewaoe collection system throughout the entire sub- and 6rawin~s attached hereto as Exhibit "D". The cost of the preparation of as-buiit plans shall be payed by the Developer D. LANDSCAPING: 1. The Developer shall plant street trees in Ordinance and Resolution #P.C. 72-76. accordance with section 8.13 of the Muskego Land Division E. ROADSIDE DITCHES: Must meet City of Muskego specification. SECTION 11. TIHE OF COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS: completed by the Developer in total within twelve (12) months of the date of this agreement or recording of the final plat, whichever date ccmes first. The improvements set forth in Section I above shall be z. PAGE 3. Subdlvfder's Agreement ! SECTION III. DEDICATION: Developer shall, wfthout charge to the City, upon completfon Of Subject to all of the other provtstons of this agreement. convey and fully dedlcate the roads and streets, storm and the above descrlbed fmprovements, uncondftfonally give, grant, surface vater drafnaqe facllftfes to the Cfty, its successors and asslgns. forever, Eree and clear oE all encumbrances whatever together with and including, without ltmttation because of enumeratton, any and a11 land, buildfngs, structures, mains, condufts, pipes lines plant, machinery, equipment, appurtenances and heredftaments which may in any way be a part of or pertaln to such fmprovements and together wtth any and all necessary easements for access thereto. SECTION tV. INSPECTIONS AND ADMINISTRATION FEES: The Developer shall pay and reimburse the Cftp all fees as requfred and at the tfmes specffted In Sectlon 10 of its Land Divfsion Ordfnance SECTION V. MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS: The Developer shall: land deemed necessary by the Cfty EnEineers before the final plat is signed, provlded such easements are so located 3s not to tender any lot unbufldable or unsaleable. all street signs and posts and the cost of their fnstallation. 8. Street Siens: Reimburse the City for the cQst of this to include all traEfic siens. A. E:aserne?ts: Provfde any easements on Developer's C. Manner of Performance: Cause all construction .. called for by thLs agreement to be carried out and DerEomed fn a good and worknanlfke manner. D. Survey Monuments: Properly place and Lnstall any survey or other monuments requfred by statute or ordfnance. E. Deed Rescrfctfons: Execute and record deed restricttons in the form attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked Exhfblt "F". City a copy of Exhfbit "A" showlng the street grade In front of each Lor. the yard nrade and the grade of all four corners oE each lor. vi:i Sezzion 8.11 of the City's Land Divfsion Ordtnance. - F. Grades: Furnish to the Ruildlnp; Inspector of the C. Srreet Lfghts: Install street lights in accqrdance 3 Page 4: Subdivider's Agreement hedge, or shrub planting which obstructs sight Lines at H. Sight Distances: Restrict lots so that no fence, wall, elevations between Two (2) and Six (6) feet above the roadwa 3 shall be placed or permitted to remain on any corner lot wit 1: in the triangular area formed bv the street pro erty lines and a line connecting them at points twentv-five ( $ 5) Eeet from the intersection of the street lines, or'in the case oE a rounded fines extended. roperty corner, from the intersection of the street property SECTION VI. GUARANTEES: The Developer shall guarantee the surEace water drainage improvements .and other improvements described in Section 1, items workmanship provided that such deEects appear within a perlod Of A,B,and C hereoE. agafnst defects due to faulty materials or one (1) year from the date of dedication and acceptance. The Developer shall pay Eor any damages to City propertv resulting from such faulty materials or workmanship. This guarantee shall workmanship or materials. Wisconsin law on negligence shall not be a bar to any action the Citv might have for negligent govern such sitation. SECTION VII. GENERAL LNDEXiITY: any provisions of this agreement or documents incorporated herein by reference. Developer shall indemnifv and save haraless the City, its officers, agents, and employees, and shall deEend the same from and agafnst any and all liability, claims, losses, damages, interest actlons, suits, judgments, costs, expenses, attorney's fees, and the like to whomsoever owed and by whomsoever and whenever brought or obtained, which may in any manner result from or arise in the course of, out of, or as a result of the Developer's neeligent construction or operation Of ordinance, the infringement by it of any patent, trademark, trade Lmprovemenes covered thereby, or its violation of any law or name or copywrite, and its use of road improveaents prior to thier formal dedication and acceptance by the City. In addLtfon to, and not to the exclusfon or prejudice oE. SECTION VIII. AGREEXENT FOR BE!IEFIT OF PURCHASERS: The Developer agree3 that in addlrion to the Citv's rights herein. the provtsions of t5is agreement .shall be €or the benefic of the purchaser DE any lot or any interest in any lgt or parcel oE land in the S~~bdivision. c i ! .. Page 5: Subdivider's Agreement. SECTION IX. ACCEPTANCE aF WORK AND DEDICATION: As and vhen the Developer shall have completed the City as set forth herein, the same shall be accepted by the Cfty fmprovements hereln required, and shall dedfcate the same to the agreement and as required by applicable City ordlnances and other ff said improvenents have been completed as required by thfs applicable lav and approved by the City Engineers. SECTION X. EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND PERMIT: The Developer shall submft to the City, an application for a land disturbing permit and an erosion control1 plan Fn accordance vith the requirements of Section 29.06 of the City's Eroston Control Ordinance (Ord. $560). SECTIOX XI. CONSTRUCTION PERHIrs. ETC...: 1. The City shall, vi thin fts authority, fssue such may be necessary to permit Developer to construct the permits, adopt such reso1utions;and execute such documents as caLled for by this agreement. upon Developer's compltance with improvenents in accordance vLch che plans and spectftcatlons any deposlt provisions or other requirements oE the applicable ordinances or reoulations; and the Clty shall cooperate vith the Developer in ootaining similar permits, resolutfons and docuaents as may be necessary from other authorities having jurisdiction fn the premises. 2. The City shall, as a condttfon oE the Developer executinf: this agreement. make available to the Developer or its nominee successors or assiggs, building permits for the construction of slngle family residences subject to the provfsfons of Section XIL. .i 1: ? SECTION XII. BUILDING AND OCCUPANCY PERMITS: . The Developer shall be alloved to construct no more than two (2) model homes. It 1s expressly understood and agreed that no building permits shall he issued, nor shall any occupancy permits he issued etcher €or the satd model homes, or any other homes unril the Ctty's Engineers ha.Je rleterained that: I. t f. A. The .sever and s lrface water drainage facllitles required to serve such homes are connectd vith an operatlon system as requtrerl herein, a?d ! i .?. .I r 1 Page 6: Subdlvlder's agreement. B. That the CLty's Engfneers have approved the condition oE the roads then exlgting to serve. such homes as suEELclent to service the traEElc reasonably antlclpated during the period prior to the date when the roads must be completed and dedlcated. > ._ SECTION XIII. CESEUL CONDITIONS AND REGULATIONS: All the provlsfons of the Cfty's ordinances are incorporated herein by reference, and all such provistons shall btnd the partles hereto and be a part oE thts agreement as fully. as if set forth at length herein. Thts agreement and a11 work and improvements requfred hereunder shall be perEomed and carrfed out in strtct accordance with and subject to the provlsions of sald ocdfnances. SECTION XIV. FINANCIAL GUARANTEE: Developer shall file with the City a letter oE credlt settfng, Prior to the execution oE chls contract by the Ctty, the amount of $ 148,000.00 as a Ruarantee that the required forth terms and condftlons approved by the Cfty Attorney In the improvements will be completed by the Developer and hfs subcontractors no later than one (1) year from the date OF the recordlng oE the ftnal plat or the date of the agreement. whtchever date comes first, and as a Eurther guarantee that all oblfgattons to the subcontractors €or work on the development are satlsffed. SECTION XV. P.4RTIES BOUND: Developer or its assignees shall be bound by the terns oE this agreement or any part herein as it appltes to any phase of the development oE the subdivisfon. IN WITNESS HEXEOF, Developer and Cfty have caused this agreement to be stgned by thelr approprlate oEEfcers and thetr seals to be hereunto afffxed in duplicate original counterparts on the day and year Elrst wrltten above. DEVELOPER CITY OF MUSKEG0 By: Wayne C. Salencine, Hayor By: Jean Yarenda, Clerk . e IRREVOCABLE STANDBY DOCUMENTARY CREDIT CREDIT NO.: DATE 1-10-90 $148,000.00 APPLICANT: WEST LAKE DEVELOPMENT BENIFICIARY: City of Muskego EXPIRY DATE: W182 Sa200 Racine Ave. at our counters Muskego, Wisc. 53150 April 10, 1991 Dezr Sirs: We hereby issue this irrevocable documentary credit in your favor at siqht drawn on (FIRST WISCONSIN-WAUKESHA). Each draft (the beneficiary’s) which is available by beneficiary‘s draft(s) WAUKESHA Docamentary Credit No. ( accompanying documents must state “Drawn Under FIRST WISCONSIN - This Standby Credit is to provide security to the City of Muskego for the performance of West Lake Development obligations under that certain Agreement dated Jan. 10, 1990 between the City of Muskego, and applicant. ) (’ . DRAFTS ARE TO BE ACCOMPANIED BY: A statement signed by the Mayor of the City of Muskego stating that West Lake Development has failed to complete the construction of the public improvements described in Section I in accordance with said Agreement. Said statement shall set forth the estimated amount necessary for the City of Muskego to complete such improvements. DATED /- /c - 'io SPECIAL CONDITIONS: This standby credit will terminate on the 10th. day Waukesha) shall qive written notice to the beneficiary of its of April 19 91 provided, however, (FIRST WISCONSIN - - intention to terminate this standby credit at least 90 days prior to said 10th day of April this letter of credit can only terminate upon 90 days written , 19~. After said date notice to the benificaiary. It is herby agreed by all partiesheretothat the reference to "Agreement" is for'identification purposes only and such WISCONSIN - WAUKESHA, to inquire into its terms and reference shall not be construed in any manner to require FIRST obligations. We encoura~e with you that drafts drawn under and in cornplaince with the tsrms of this credit will be duly honored if presented on or before the expiry date. This oriqinal Standby Credit must be submitted to us tocether with any drawings hereunder for our endorsement of any pa-pents effected by us and/or for cancellation. Very truly yours, FIRST WISCONSIN - WAUKESHA Mike D. Simmer COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #14-90 / APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT, SUBDIVIDER'S GREEMENT h LETTER OF CREDIT WEST LAKE ESTATES P / WHEREAS, a Final Plat has been the 15 lot West Lake WHEREAS, the Preliminary Plat Resolution 1,289-89, WHEREAS, the Plan Commission approval, subject to Estates subdivision, and and the City Engineer submitting a 1 gal description so that the road can be referred to the Common C ncil and accepted as a dedicated road to be known as Bluhm Driv f nd WHEREAS, the Subdivider's Ag eement has been recommended for approval by the Finance imposed by the of any and all and all objecting lot West Lake is hereby DATED THIS DAY OF , 1990. Ald. Daniel J. Hilt ATTEST : / City C erk 1 /90 jz SUBDIVIDERS AGREEMENT by and between w This agreement, made this lOthday of January n 1930 and the City of-corooration of the State of , the "Developer" Wisconsin, iocated in-Waukesha Cobnty, hereinafter called the "City". WITNESSETH .> WHEREAS, Developer has submitted for approval by the City a proposed final plat for WEST LAKE ESTATES residential subdivision, a copy of which is attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked Exhibit "A" (the Subdivision"); and that as a condition of plat approval, the governing body of the City may require that the Developer make and install certain public improvements reasonably necessary for the Subdivision and further, may require dedication of public streets, alleys or other ways within the Subdivision, to be conditioned upon the construction of said improvements according to municipal specifications without cost to said municipality: and ,a WHEREAS, Section 236.13 of the Wisconsin Statues provides WHERAS, the City's Engineers have duly approved the Developer's plans and specifications for subdivision improvement and the Common Council has duly approved and authorized the terms and provisions of this agreement and approved the final plat NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION 1. IMPROVEMENTS: The Developer, entirely .at its expense, shall: A. Roads and Streets: Grade and improve all roads and streets in accordance with the plat of said Subdivision and the plans and specifications attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked Exhibit "B", all in accordance with the City's street specifications. PAGE 2, Subdivider's Agreement B. Surface Water Drainaqe: 1. Construct, install, furnish and provide Works Committee for storm and surface water drainage throughout adequate facilities as approved by thecity engineer and Public the entire subdivision, in accordance with the plans and Exhibit "C" . specifications attached hereto, made a part hereof and marked __. 2. The City shall furnish to the Developer such permits or easements as may be required in any public street or property to enter upon and install the above described surface water drainage system. C. SANITARY SEWER: sanitary sewage collection system throughout the entire sub- Construct, install, furnish and provide a complete division, all in accordance with the plans, specifications and drawings attached hereto as Exhibit I'D". The cost of the preparation of as-built plans shall be payed by the Developer. D. LANDSCAPING: 1. The Developer shall plant street trees in Ordinance and Resolution #P.C. 72-76. accordance with section 8.13 of the Muskego Land Division E. ROADSIDE DITCHES: Must meet City of Muskego specification. SECTION 11. TIME OF COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS: completed by the Developer in total within twelve (12) months of the date of this agreement or recording of the final plat, whichever date comes first. The improvements set forth in Section I above shall be PAGE 3, Subdivtder's Agreement SECTION 111. DEDICATION: Developer shall, wtthout charge to the City, upon completion Of Subject to all of the other provisions of this agreement, the above described improvements, unconditionally give, grant, convey and fully dedicate the roads and streets, stom and surface water drainage faciltttes to the City, tts successors and asslgns. €orever, €ree and clear a€ all encumbrances whatever together wtth and including, without limltatlon because of enumeration, any and all land, buildings, structures, mains, and hereditaments which may in any way be a part of or pertaln to conduits, pipes lines plant, machinery, equipment, appurtenances such improvements and toqether with any and all necessary easements €or access thereto. ,,. SECTION IV. INSPECTIONS AND ADMINISTRATION FEES: The Developer shall pay and reimburse the City all fees as required and at the ttmes specifted tn Section 10 of its Land Division Ordinance SECTION V. MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS: The Developer shall: land deemed necessary by the City Engineers before the final plat is signed, provided such easements are so located as not to render any lot unbuildable or unsaleable. all street signs and posts and the cost of thefr installation, R. Street Signs: Reimburse the City for the cast of this to Fnclude all traEfic siens. A. Easements: Provtde any easements on Developer's ~ ~~~ ~ C. Manner of Performance: Cause a11 construction ~ ~ -~-~~- ~ called for by thLs agreement to be carried out and perfomed in 8 good and workmanltke-manner. survey or other monuments required by statute or ordinance. D. Survey Monuments: Properly place and install any E. Deed Restrictions: Execute and record deed marked Exhtbtt "F". restrictions in the form attached hereto, made a part hereof and Ctty a copy of Exhtblt "A" showtng the street grade tn front of each lo!. each lor, the yard grade and the grade of all four corners of with Seztion 9.11 of the City's Land Division Orrllnance. F. Grades: FurnFsh to the Ruilding Inspector of the c. Street Llqhts: Lnstall'street Lights in accr~rdance 3 Page 4: Subdivider's Agreement H. Sight Distances: Restrict lots so that no fence, wall, hedge, or shrub planting which obstructs sight lines at elevatfons between Two (2) and Six (6) feet above the roadwa S shall be placed or permitted to remain on any corner lot wit K in the triangular area formed bv the street pro erty lines and a line connectinp. them at points twenty-five ( 5 5) Eeet from the intersection oE the street lfnes, or tn the case oE a rounded ! tnes extended. roperty corner, from the intersection of the street property SECTION VI. GUARANTEES : The Developer shall guarantee the surEace water drainage improvements and other improvements described in Section 1. items A,B.and C hereof, ap,ainst defects due to faulty materials or workmanship provided that such deEects appear within a period of one (1) year from the date oE dedication and acceptance. The from such faulty materials or workmanship. Thfs guarantee shall Developer shall pay for any damages to City property resulting workmanship or materials. Wisconsin Law on neqligence shall not be a bar to any actfon the City mfght have for negligent govern such sitation. SECTION VII. GENERAL INDEMNITY: In addition to, and not to the exclusfon or pre.judlce of, any provisions of this aEreement or documents incorporated herein by reference, Developer shall Lndemnifv and save harnless the City, its offfcers, agents, and employees, and shall deEend the sane from and against any and all liability. claims, losses, damages, interest actions, suits, judgments, costs, expenses, attorney's fees, and the like to whomsoever owed and by whomsoever and whenever brought or obtained, which may in any manner result from or arise Ln the course of, out of, or as a result of the Developer's neeligent construction or operation of fmprovements covered thereby, or its violation of any law or ordinance, the infringement by it of any patent, trademark, trade nane or copywrite. and its use oE road improvements prior to thier formal dedication and acceptance by the City. SECTION VIII. AGREEMENT FOR BEXEFIT OF PURCHASERS: The Developer azrees that Ln addfrfon to the Cfcy'a rights herein, the provfsions oE this agreement shall be €or the beneeit of the purchaser of any lot or any interest in any lQt or parcel of Land in the Sllhdivfslon. 'I ,,$ !. Page 5: Subdivider's Agreement. SECTION IX. ACCEPTANCE OF WORK AND DEDICATION: improvements herein required, and shall dedicate the same to the City as set Eorth herein, the same shall be accepted by the City if said improvements have been completed as required by this agreement and as required by applicable City ordinances and other applicable law and approved by the City Engineers. As and when the Developer shall have completed the SECTION X. EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND PERMIT: The Developer shall submit to the City, an applicatlon for a land dlsturbing permit and an eroslon controll plan in accordance with the requirements oE Section 29.06 of the City's Erosion Control Ordinance (Ord. #560). SECT109 XI. CONSTRUCTION PERMITS, ETC...: 1. The City shall, within its authority, issue such permits, adopt such reso1utinns;and execute such documents as may be necessary to permit Developer to construct the improvenents in accordance with the plans and specifications called for by this agreement. upon Developer's compliance with ordinances or regulations; and the City shall cooperate with the any depostt provisions or other requirements oE the applicable as may be necessary from other authorlties having jurisdiction in Developer ln obtaining similar permits, resolutions and documents the premi ses. 2. The City shall, as a condttion oE the Developer executing this agreement, make available to the Developer or its nominee successors or assigns, building permits for the construction oE single family restdences subject to the provisions of Section XII. SECT103 XII. BUILDING AND OCCUPANCY PERMITS: . The Developer shall be allowed to construct no more than two (2) model homes. It is expressly understood and agreed that no buildinp, permits shall be issued, nor shall any occupancy permits be issued elther €or the said model homes, or any other homes until the City's Engtneers ha*Je determined that: requlred to serve such homes are connectd with an operation system as requlrerl herein, a,d A. The sewer and slrEace water dralnaze Eactllties Page 6: Subdfvfder's agreement. 8. That the Cfty's Engineers have approved the condftion of the roads then exlstfng to serve such homes as sufffcfent to service the trafffc reasonably antfcfpated durtnp, dedfcated. the period prior to the date when the roads must be completed and SECTION XIIZ. GENERAL CONDITIONS AND REGULATIONS: herefn by reference, and all such provisfons shall bfnd the A11 the provisions of the Cfty's ordinances are incorporated parties hereto and be a part oE thfs agreement as fully as if set forth at length herein. This agreement and all work and fmprovements requfred hereunder shall be perEomed and carried out in strict accordance with and subject to the provisions of said ordfnances. SECTION XIV. FINANCIAL GUARANTEE: Developer shall file wLth the Cfty a letter oE credit setting Prior to the executfon oE this contract by the Cfty, the amount of .$ 148.000.00 as a guarantee that the requfred forth terms and condftfons approved by the Cfty Attorney fn the fmprovements will be completed by the Developer and his subcontractors no later than one (1) year Erom the date of the vhfchever date comes first, and as a further guarantee that all recording oE the Efnal plat or the date oE the aqreement, obligations to the subcontractors €or work on the development are satisffed. SECTION XV. PARTIES BOUND: Developer or its assignees shall be bound by the terms of this agreement or any part herein as It applfes to any phase of the development of the subdfvfsion. agreement to be sfgned by thefr approprfate officers and thefr IN WITNESS HEREOF, Developer and Cfty have caused this on the day and year first written above. seals to be hereunto afffxed.fn duplfcate orlqlnal counterparts DEVELOPER CITY OF MUSKEG0 By: Wayne C. Salentine, Hayor . By: Jean Yarenda, Clerk - i c 0 0 IRREVOCABLE STANDBY DOCUMENTARY CREDIT CREDIT NO.: DATE 1-10-90 AMOUNT : $148,000.00 APPLICANT: WEST LAKE DEVELOPMENT BENIFICIARY: City of Muskego EXPIRY DATE: W182 S8200 Racine Ave. at our counters Muskego, Wisc. 53150 April 10, 1991 Dear Sirs: We hereby issue this irrevocable documentary credit in your favor at sight drawn on (FIRST WISCONSIN-WAUKESHA). Each draft (the beneficiary's) which is available by beneficiary's draft(s) WAUKESHA Documentary Credit No. ( accompanying documents must state "Drawn Under FIRST WISCONSIN - ) " . This Standby Credit is to provide security to the City of Muskego for the performance of West Lake Development obligations under that certain Agreement dated Jan. 10, 1990 between the City of Muskego, and applicant. DRAFTS ARE TO BE ACCOMPANIED BY: A statement signed by the Mayor of the City of Muskego stating of the public improvements described in Section I in accordance with that West Lake Development has failed to complete the construction said Agreement. Said statement shall set forth the estimated amount necessary for the City of Muskego to complete such improvements. DATED 1- 10- 'io SPECIAL CONDITIONS: This standby credit will terminate on the 10th. day Waukesha) shall give written notice to the beneficiary of its intention to terminate this standby credit at least 90 days prior of April 19 91 provided, however, (FIRST WISCONSIN - - to said 10th day of April , 19%. After said date this letter of credit can only terminate uDon 90 davs written " - L a notice to the benificaiary. ~~ It is herby agreed by all partiesheretothat the reference to "Agreement" is for'identification purposes only and such WISCONSIN - WAUKESHA, to inquire into its terms and reference shall not be construed in any manner to require FIRST obligations. We encourage with you that drafts drawn under and in complaince with the terms of this credit will be' duly honored if presented on or before the expiry date. This original Standby Credit must be submitted to us together with any drawings hereunder for our endorsement of any payments effected by us and/or for cancellation. Very truly yours, FIRST WISCONSIN - WAUKESHA Mike D. Simmer