CCR1989326‘0 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #326-89 APPROVAL OF APPLICATION FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION AIDS WHEREAS, the Park h Recreation Board has recommended improvements be made to Denoon Park, and WHEKEAS, funds are available from the Department of Natural Resources for this purpose. WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended approval of the application. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby authorize the Mayor to sign the Application for Aids for the Acquisition and Development of Local Parks, as attached, in the amount of $8,330.00. DATED THIS 12th DAY OF December , 1989. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Harold L. Sanders ATTEST : Depaiunmt of Natural Resources St+ of Wisconsin WIsCoNSlNS AppuCATION FOR AIDS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND DEVELDPMW OF LOCAL PARKS AND THE IAND AND WATER CONSERVATION NND PROGRAM Form 87M.191 RN. %89 NOTE: Use of this form is required by the Department for any applicUion filed purarrm to SI. NR and 50.16. Wip. Ah. Code. The Department will not mnsida your applihn unlev yoa cmnplete md submit this application form -Project Sponsor's Name City of Muskego - Parks,and Recreation Department 2. Sucet or Route . Tekphonc Number (include IM code) W182 S8200 Racine Avenue (414) 679-4100 4. Munisimliw. State. Ziu Code p. county ~ ~~ . Muskego WI 53150 I Waukesha DENOON PARK - SHELTER BUILDING 6. Roject Title 7. Roject Description. .. -ti- (Ad cost estimatea. site plana. consbuctim plana. spccifi+a!iom. qlxusds or m)r other infornution hat describes rhc pmjecct) You may Wh a narrative to this application form. Ducribc what loul rrrources hare ken or will be mmminod to this pro+L Describe the physical featuru of the site, such as topography. drainage. s-mding Id usu md the presena of environmental insmrrions (ovahead powalines, ~andfrlls, etc.). If the project involvu rhc rmovhtion of m exbting frility. describe he existing facility md the propred renovation in deuil, Describe how the pmject will me the ~mmuuiIy a iu in& uuru and bow the usrn will gain acczss to the pmject site. Describe the availability of facilities similar to the # pjal md their dirraKc from his p+t. Drrribe the availability of fmcial resours and personnel needed to operate md uuinrain hk pmject once it is completed. Describe how the project may benefit tolrrism and the local economy. Total Roiect Cost term sbring Requested Sli.660 I 18,330 Indicau Source of Local Matshing Funds The pmjcct sponsor or authorizd represendve must answer the following qustions Additional infmation pdaining to any question can Capital Budget Funds Account or Parks Dedication Funds be submilled 6n attached sheets. L his po+l suppod by an approved comprehensive ouu,bn rsaution plan? 0 ye Indicate the title of the plan: 2. Ia your project specifically identified in your local plm by Iocuim d fdifl 0 ya If yea. mdicate page M section number - 3. Dm the project involve cash donations M donated labor? a. Ycr . If yu. pleaw describe: Muskego High School woodworking class/pending 4. Do you have an active LAWCON or ADD grant at rhir tinu? 0 ya 5. L you pojrct ready to go (Le. do you have pmniu. derailid don pluu &X buildings. Yea rcal estate appraisals)? If yes. mh to rhir applicuion 6. 1s my pan of your poject specificdy la the benefit of the hlmdiclppob mlfmitk OT elderly? 0 ya If ya. indicate which group and descrii how they will bmefit Fnmn ~IC pn@ p*t. 7. Will this facility be used extensively by pmple buuidc yoh~ govd ~maA1cmn7 El ya If YO. dchk in aaaEhcdnarruivc. [see ~~~~~h~~~e #2] /-J Mo 8. What is fhc official 1980 censua of your unit of government? 16,657 I980 Population Nams o€Pcrmn Completing 'his Amlicntbn WHEREAS. CITY OF MUSKEGO (IPplicmt) 1). u led in acquiring M developing IM& for public ouk rcrrutim ppposs .I &cnW in the application; and WHEREAS. hawid aid is required to carry out Ihc projat, THEREFORE. BE lT RESOLVED, that CITY OF MUSKEGO hm budgelcd a aum suIfKimt 10 complete he proje md HEREBY AUTHORIZES PETER THEIS, PARKS SUPERVISOR (applicant) (nme md tills) PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARWNT (dm a ~=F==QO 10 act on behalf of CITY OF MUSKEGO Submit m applicuion IO the Slate of Wisconsin Dcplmnenr of Natural R- fa my fmrrd aid IIIU my be ~dhk (Ippliunt) BE lT FURTHER RESOLVED hat will mply with smte or federal ruler for the pgr'pms; my paform forcc roam( work d maintain the completed pmjoct in m amactive. inviting md safe manner, will koep he facilities opm 10 bu gmad pblic rCL(0MbL bun umristcnt with the rypS of facility; md will obuin hm the Stnrc of Wisamsin Departmou of Nlnrrd Resources 0 tbc NuDnd Puk kice appmvd in &ling before my change ir m& in the use of Ihc project aik. CITY OF MUSEKGO (IPPbt) td Ihir 12th day of December . 1989. 3 cmib that the foregoing resolution wu duly dopled by Common Council - City of Muskego day of December . 19-. 89 Authorized Signature Title MAY OR DNR FIELD DISTRICTS AND AREAS Lake Michigm Duma Box 10448 1125 N. Milimy Ave. Green Bay. WI 54307-0448 (414) 497-4034 Soulhan mQia 3911 Fuh Hufhery Rb (608) 275-3265 Pitchburg. WI 53711 Soulheut DiltriCl 2300 N. Dr. MA Lutha King, Ir. b. Box 12436 3 (414) 562-9603 Milwauk.* WI 53212