CCR1989319COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO AMENDED RESOLUTION 1/31 9-89 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF THE 1989-90 LABOR AGREEMENT BETWEEN LOCAL 241 4 AFSCME (CITY HALL/LIBKARY UNIT and TELECOMMUNICATORS) AND THE CITY OF MUSKEGO WHEREAS, a settlement has been reached between the negotiators for the City of Muskego and the negotiators for the City Hall/Library and Telecommunicator Units of Local 2414, AFSCME through mediation, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby authorize the Mayor and Clerk to January 1, 1989 through December 31, 1990. execute the settlement agreements as attached for the period BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is subject to the ratification by the bargaining units. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the amended labor agreement for 1989-90. .> DATED THIS 12th DAY OF December , 1989. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Harold L. Sanders ATTEST : City Clerk 121 89 im SUMMARY OF SETTLEMENT (1 2-1 2-89) CITY OF MUSKEGO MUSKEGO AREA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES AND LOCAL 241 4 (City Hall/Library Unit) 1. INSURANCE City agrees to offer "Protector Plan" and pay up to the lowest HMO rate. For employees who elect HMO coverage, the City will pay up to $304.88 for family coverage or $117.26 demonstrate that their current primary physician under either for single coverage for 1990. Where an employee can WPS or Maxicare is with Maxicare only and not with Samaritan or WHO, then the City will pay the Maxicare rate. Health insurance for 1989 is per current agreement. 2. LUMP SUM January 1, 1987 as a lump sum. City will pay $150.00 for each active employee hired before 3. WAGES All rates and classifications: 3% for 1989 4% effective January 1 , 1990 1% effective April 1, 1990 4. A11 other terms are per prior agreement or pursuant to previous agreements of the parties. FOR THE UNION : CITY OF MUSKEGO BY DATE Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor Jean K. Marenda, Clerk Date jm STIPULATION OF AGREEMENT CITY OF HUSKEGO AND MUSEGO AREA PUBLIC EXPLOYEES MCAL 2414 (City Hall and Library Unit) 1 - Amend prior Agreement to reflect a txo year agreement having December 31, 1990. as its effecti-re datas Januarf 1, 1989 through and including 2. ARTICLE I11 - PROBATIONARY PERIOD: - .:. Section 3.06 - New. Add as follows: ‘Other than as set forth in Section 3.04 during tSe period of an employee‘s probation- above, there shall be no accrual of benefits ar-1 s:atus as set forth in this Article. &on the sxcessful completion of the proba- tbnz-y Csriod , accrual of all benefits shall be r?rr?zc=Fv.e to the date of hire. There- f.zr2, in she cas1 of sick leave, it sSall not be Faid d,zinq the probationary perigd. How- evez, zsL.+urserneniz may be made at tSe end of the pr?czzionaq period up to the accrued mcunt at the rquest of the emgloyee. The floatinq ?Lolida:i may not be taken during the prcbaticnzry period. * 3. ARTICLE IV - RSTIRE,XENT PROGaY: Effeczive January 1, 1989, amend Seczion 4.01 by c5anging “Sixty-Four Cents (64d) to “Sixty-Zight Csnts ( 6ai) - per hoc. 4. ARTICLE XV - SICK LZXVE: Effective Januarf 1, 1989, amend Section 15.02 cg add: ‘UO tO thzse ( 3 ) sick days per year may be taken by an enployee in the event of an injur? cz illness f? d family memker. Family memser shail be defined 2s a s?ouse or depen- dent xi?o ==sides in the emFloyes’ s hcme. Section 17.03. Clarify contract language to coordinate with Life Insurance Policy which provides as follows: 'Before age 70 $21,000~ Ages 70-74 $14,070 Ages 75 and over $10,050' 6. Retain all provisions of the prior AgrPement except as set forth hersin and as set forth in the Final Offsr of the parties. FOR "HE UNI9 A CITP OF psKEG0: -2- SUMMARY OF SETTLEMENT " CITY OF MUSKEGO AND MUSKEGO AREA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES LOCAL 2414 (Police Telecommunicator Unit) 1. INSURANCE City agrees to offer "Protector Plan" and pay up to the lowest HMO rate. For employees who elect HMO coverage, the City will pay up to $304.88 for family coverage or $117.26 for single coverage for 1990. were an employee can demonstrate that their current primary physician under 'either IJPS or Maxicare is with Maxicare only and not with Samaritan or WHO, then the City will pay the Maxicare rate. Health insurance for 1989 is per current agreement. 2. LUMP SUM City will pay $150.00 for each active employee hired before January 1, 1987 as a lump sum. 3. WAGES All rates and classifications: 3% for 1989 4% effective January 1 , 1990 1% effective April 1, 1990 4. All other terms are per prior agreement or pursuant to previous agreements of the parties. FOR THE UNION: CITY OF MUSKEGO BY ~. DATE Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor Jean K. Harenda, Clerk DATE STIPULATION OF AGRZEHENT CITY OF HUSKEGO AND HUSiEGO AREA PUBLIC LWLOPEES LOCAL 2414 (Police Telecommunicator Unit) 1. Amend prior Aqrsement to reflect a two year agreement having Dece-mber 31, 1900. as its effecti*re dates January 1, 1989 through and including 2. ARTICLE I11 - PROBATIONARY PERIOD: Section 3.06 - New. Add as follows: ‘Other than as set forth in Saction 3.04 above, there shall be no accrual of benefits during the pezicd of an employee’s probation- ary stat.2~ as set forth in this Article. Upon the succ%ssSul complotion of the pmba- tionar:- Feriod, accrual of all benefits shall be rstrzacZive tz the date of hire. There- fors, in the cas5 of sic!< leave, it shall not be Faid ?:zing t2.e probationaq pericd. How- evsr, r~lxbursamsnz may be made at the end of :>.e Frzkzzionazy period u? to the aczrued mcunt a? the rquest of the employee. The floatin5 holiday nay not be taksn during the prabztioczzy period. * > 3. ARTICLE IV - RETIREXEXT PROGmY: Effsczive January 1, 1989, amend Stczion 4.01 by changing ‘Sixty-Fouz Cents (64d) “ to “Sixr:r-Zighc Csnts (6ad) “ per hour. 4. ARTICLE IX - HOLIDAYS: Amend the first sentence of Section 9.02 t3 road: ‘The above paid holidays aro undorst-od to be abscrbe.’ in the regular shcrt (4-2, 4-2) wor:cdee:< ::lr~uqh the yesz; Frwider! hcwever, that ezck emplcyoe wcrlcinq the shor: (4-2, 4-2) xork-~eek schedule snail be entitlsd t3 t-40 (2) floa:inc holidays; an employee who begins wcz!~ on or aftez July Is:, shall, in the first year of their employment, be enti- tled to one ( 1) floating holiday. a 5. ARTICLE XV - SICK LEAVE: Effective January 1, 1989, amend Section 15.02 by adding: 'Up to three (3) sick days per year may be taken by an employee in the event of an member shall be defined as a spouse or depen- injury or illness to a family member. Family dent who resides in the employee's home." 6. ARTICLE XVII - INSURANCE: Section 17.03. Clarify contract language to coordinate with Life Insurance Policy which provides as follows: "Before age 70 Ages 70-74 Ages 75 and over $21,000 . $14,070 $10,050' .. 7. ARTICLE XVIII - UNION ACTIVITY: In Section 18 .OS, add as follows: I/ Lb"dqag(w&4q4"+-<,GepLp pi ")?embership meetings shall be conducted at a tine when the least number of members would be on dut;r. In the event it is desired that the meeting will be conducted during the wcrking time of an employee/member, notice of the meeting will be given to the Chief of Police cne (1) xeek prior to the meeting so that adequate personnel are available to cover the dispatching duties. If adequate coverage canncc be arranged or a meeting nctice is not qiven, the on-duty telecommu- nicator must remain in his/her post." J 8. Retain all prgvisicns of the prior Agreement except as set forth hersin and as set forth in the Final Offer of the parties. FOR THE UNION: By : By : \J way5iZ G. Salencine, UYOK -2- Jean K. Xdrenda. Clerk mate) COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #319-89 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF THE 1989-90 LABOR AGREEMENT BETWEEN LOCAL 2414 AFSCME ~ (CITY HALL/LIBRARY UNIT and TELECOMMUN.1CATORS) ~ ~~~ ~ ~ AND THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 ' WHEREAS, a settlement has been reached between the negotiators for the City of Muskego and the negotiatgrs for the City Hall/Library and Telecommunicator Units of Local 2414, AFSCME through mediation, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has r.ecommended approval. .* NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that / the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recomme/ndation of the Finance Committee, does hereby authoriz,d the Mayor and Clerk to execute the settlement agreements as a,ttached for the period January 1, 1989 through December 31, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED approval is subject to the ratification by the 8E IT FURTHER and Clerk are hereby authorized to agreement for 1989-90. DATED THIS DAY PF , 1989. / FINANCE COMMITTEE ATTEST : City Clerk ALd. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Harold L. Sanders SUMMARY OF SETTLEMENT " CITY OF MUSKEGO MUSKEGO AREA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES AND LOCAL 241 4 (City Hall/Library Unit) 1. INSURANCE City agrees to offer "Protector Plan" and pay up to the lowest HMO rate. For employees who elect HMO coverage, the City will pay up to $304.88 for family coverage or $117.26 for single..coverage for 1990. Where an employee can WPS or Maxicare is with Maxicare only and not with Samaritan demonstrate that their current primary physician under either or WHO, then the City will pay the Maxicare rate. Health insurance for 1989 is per current agreement. 2. LUMP SUM City will pay $150.00 for each active employee hired before January 1, 1987 as a lump sum. 3. WAGES All rates and classifications: 3% for 1989 4% effective January 1 , 1990 1% effective April 1, 1990 4. All other terms are per prior agreement or pursuant to previous agreements of the parties. FOR THE UNION: CITY OF MUSKEGO BY DATE Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor Jean K. Marenda, Clerk Date jm I- STIPULATION OF AGREEMENT CITY OF MUSKEG0 AND MUSKEGO AREA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES MUU 2414 (City Hall and Library Unit) 1. Amend prior Agreement to reflect a two year agreement having as its effective dates January 1, 1989 through and including December 31, 1990. 2. ARTICLE I11 - PROBATIONARY PERIOD: .. Section 3.06 - New. Add as follows: "Other than as set forth in Section 3.04 above, there shall be no accrual of benefits during the period of an employee's probation- ary status as set forth in this Article. Upon the successful completion of the proba- tionary period, accrual of all benefits shall be retroactive to the date of hire. There- fore, in the case of sick leave, it shall not be paid during the probationary period. How- ever, reimbursement may be made at the end of the probationary period up to the accrued amount at the request of the employee. The floating holiday may not be taken during the probationary period.' 3. ARTICLE IV - RETIREMENT PROGRAM: Effective January 1, 1989, amend Section 4.01 by chanqino "Sixty-Four Cents (64C) " to "Sixty-Eight Cents (cad) " per gour. - 4. ARTICLE XV - SICK LEAVE: Effective January 1, 1989, amend Section 15.02 to add: 'Up to three (3) sick days per year may be taken by an employee in the event of an member shall be defined as a spouse or depen- injury or illness to a family member. Family dent who resides in the employee's home." ’Before age 70 Ages 70-74 Ages 75 and over $21,000 $14,070 $10,050‘ 6. Retain all provisions of the prior Agreement except as set forth herein and as set forth in the Final Offer of the parties. BY Mayor Wayne G. Salentme Clerk Jean K. Marenda Date -2- 1. 2. 3. 4. SUMMARY OF SETTLEMENT " CITY OF MUSKEGO AND MUSKEGO AREA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES LOCAL 2414 (Police Telecommunicator Unit) INSURANCE City agrees to offer "Protector Plan" and pay up to the lowest HEW rate. For employees who elect HMO coverage, the City will pay up to $304.88 for family coverage or $117.26 for single coverage for 1990. Where an employee can demonstrate that their current primae physician under either WPS or Maxicare is with Maxicare only and not with Samaritan or 'WO, then the City will pay the Maxicare rate. Health insurance for 1989 is per current agreement. LUMP SUM City will pay $150.00 for each active employee hired before January 1, 1987 as a lump sum. WAG E S All rates and classifications: 4% effective January 1, 1990 3% for 1989 1% effective April 1, 1990 All other terms are per prior agreement or pursuant to previous agreements of the parties. FOR THE UNION: CITY OF MUSKEGO BY DATE Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor Jean K. Marenda, Clerk DATE STIPULATION OF AGREEMENT CITY OF MUSKEGO AND * MUSKEGO AREA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES LOCAL 2414 (Police Telecommunicator Unit) 1. Amend prior Agreement to reflect a two year agreement having as its effective dates January 1, 1989 through and including December 31, 1990. 2. ARTICLE I11 - PROBATIONARY PERIOD: Section 3.06 - New. Add as follows: .A "Other than as set forth in Section 3.04 above, there shall be no accrual of benefits during the period of an employee's probation- ary status as set forth in this Article. Upon the successful completion of the proba- tionary period, accrual of all benefits shall be retroactive to the date of hire. There- be paid during the probationary period. How- fore, in the case of sick leave, it shall not ever, reimbursement may be made at the end of the probationary period up to the accrued amount at the request of the employee. The floating holiday may not be taken during the probationary period." 3. ARTICLE IV - RETIREMENT PROGRAM: Effective January 1, 1989, amend Section 4.01 by changing "Sixty-Four Cents (64d)" to "Sixty-Eight Cents (68d)" per hour. 4. ARTICLE IX - HOLIDAYS: Amend the first sentence of Section 9.02 to read: 'The above paid holidays are understood to be workweek through the year; provided however, absorbed in the regular short (4-2, 4-2) that each employee working the short (4-2, 4-2) workweek schedule shall be entitled to begins work on or after July lst, shall, in two (2) floating holidays; an employee who the first year of their employment, be enti- tled to one (1) floating holiday." 5. ARTICLE XV - SICK LEAVE: Effective January 1, 1989, amend Section 15.02 by adding: "up to three (3) sick days per year may be taken by an employee in the event of an member shall be defined as a spouse or depen- injury or illness to a family member. Family dent who resides in the employee's home." 6. ARTICLE XVII - INSURANCE: Section 17.03. Clarify contract language to coordinate with Life Insurance Policy which provides as follows: "Before age 70 Ages 70-74 Ages 75 and over $21,000 .. $14,070 $10,050" 7. ARTICLE XVIII - UNION ACTIVITY: In Section 18.05, add as follows: ./ J "Yembership meetings shall be conducted at a time when the least number of members would be on duty. In the event it is desired that the meeting will be conducted during the working time of an employee/member, notice of the meeting will be given to the Chief of Police one (1) week prior to the meeting so cover the dispatching duties. If adequate that adequate personnel are available to coverage cannot be arranged or a meeting notice is not given, the on-duty telecommu- nicator must remain in his/her post." 8. Retain all provisions of the prior Agreement except as set forth herein and as set forth in the Final Offer of the parties. 0 FOR THE UNION: By : By : \I Uayx G. Salentine, Mayor -2- Jean K. Marenda, Clerk