CCR1989241COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #241-89 APPROVAL OF CITY'S OFFER TO PURCHASE AN EASEMENT FOR SCHULTZ LANE ROAD PROJECT (Suchy) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the City's Offer to Purchase for the Gregoria Suchy property as stated in the Third Amended Relocation Order for the purchase price of $325.00, and that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign any legal documents in the name of the City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City hereby assures that the property will suffer no loss of trees due to this project nor will the invert be located on this property. DATED THIS 17+h DAY OF -bPr , 1989. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Harold L. Sanders ATTEST: City Clerk 9/89 jz $!I1 l.lVALA!>l I.AI~I>T>?~LI:!< fiil'lJl!~llASl, I ......... Muskeg.0 , Wisconmin. ,19. 2 THE BROKER DRAFTING THIS OFFER IS THE AGENT OFtSELLERI IBUYER~ISIrihr (lr applirnhlvl. - 3 IF ACCEPTED. THIS OFFER CAN CREATE A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE CONTRACT, ROTH PARTIES I SHOULD READ THIS DOCUMENT CAREFULLY AND UNDERSTAND IT BEFORE SIGNING. n i Thrundrrsig.nedBuyer, C,lT,Y OF MUSKEGO, .. a Municlpal see .a.tta~ch~ed Corporation l'e~gal' discri.ptlon 6 hereby offers lo purchase Ihr properly known ns lStrrrl Address) .............................................. 8 morcparlievlarlydrscribedss: .a!.t.ac.hed. 1,e.ga1..de.~c.r1,pt~.on 7 in the .ci.tY. of ... ..... ..r?.v?.keg.?., ..Co"nlyof Wauke!t!a , WiRconmin. 10 .... ............. ............ II althcpricsof ?.h?.e.e.,HU,r??.ed .?W.e.nt.~.~F.iv,e..P. N~.!~,~~T.'~.~"~--.~"-".~rDallarrI$~.?~~~~.----.I 13 Eem~.Imon~yol$O~.~~.-.~-.~.~~.-. intheformof 12 and on lhe tcrmc and condilionn LIS follows: n/a I4 moneyof$ .n/a, in the form of !!.a. lendwed with this offer. Addilionsl earner1 15 ........ .. .. ................. lo bc paid vilhin .!?!a. days of ecceplanre of lhia offrror 16 Failure of Buyrr In make earnest money payments 88 provided voids offer SI Seller's oplion. Enrnrrl money. if held by broker. and the bolsnre in cash at dosine. 17 .hell be held in sellinp broker'alrurtsrrounl rim ~ORCCP~~R~CP ofoffer and thcrpsflrr in lislinp brukpr'c.lrual BCCOU~I or unlil 18 appd tothv urchese rice atclosing or di&-d herein or rmilfpd by law .......... ...... 20 OCCUPANCY, [)ATE OF CLOSING AND AS TO ALL DATES INSERTED IN THIS OFFER EXCEPT: .NDn.e. 19 T EISOFTP~EESSER~CEASTO:XBR~ ~~~~~I#~,ACCEPTANCE.I.EC;AI.POSSESSION. 21 .......................................................................................................................... 23 OFTHE FOLLOWING: 22 THEBUYER'SO~I.IGATIONTOCONCI.UI~ETI~ISTRANSACTlONISCONI~ITIONEIIllPONTHE~:ONSIIMMATIOPI' 24 (If this offer is subject lo financing. nuwY. prrcolntion tr61. aperifir zoning or use, approval of recordpd bvildine and usc 25 rrslriclions end covcn~nls. or any other conlingenfy. !I mucl br slated here. If nom, so state.) 27 ' 29 ! 30 26 1.. .Selle,r.(s.l .enecwt.ing. t.he srw?.n.a!. of. t,he .att,ac.hed dp.cumen.ts. on^ or ...................... I 2R before closing,. 31 32 71 72 ' 73 74 77 7c 79 c e 0 91 EXCEPTIONSTO WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONSSTATED IN LINES BOT090 .Non.e:. 72 !XI .. THIS OFFER IS HEREBY ACCEPTED. THE WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS MADE IIEREIN SURVIVE THE CLOSING OF THIS TRANSACTION. THE UNDERSIGNEI) HEREBY AGREES TO SELL AND CONVEY THE ABOVE.MENTIONED PROPERTY ON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS SET FORTH AND ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF A COPY OF THIS AGREEMENT It wm presented to Seller by This offer wn, dmftrd by ILirmaeP and firm1 Seller's Social Security No GREGORIA K. SUCHY Seller'a Social Securily No. on Rruker ncknowledgea receipt of initial enmest money as per line line 13 of the above offer. EARNESTMONEY RECEIPT ., 19. (BY \ ....... IScllerI ,19. at .m Brokrr , ) I59