CCR1989214COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #214-89 APPKOVAL OF CEKTIFIED SURVEY MAP (Duerst - Town of Norway) WHEKEAS, a certified survey map was submitted on July 1 7, 1989 for a two parcel division of the Mary Duerst property in the NW quarter of Section 8 in the Town of Norway, and WHEREAS, this property is located within the extra-territorial jurisdiction of the City of Muskego, and WHEREAS, the City Plan Commission has recommended approval of the proposed division. THEKEFOXE, b'i IT KESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the Certified Survey Map submitted for a two parcel division of the Mary Duerst property in the NW quarter of Section 8 in the Town of Norway. BE IT FUKTHEK KESOLVED that this approval is subject to receipt of the $50.00 submittal fee. 0 DATED THIS 8th DAY OF Au~us t , 1989. Ald. Daniel J. Hilt ATTEST : City Clerk APPROVAL OF CERTIFlED SURVEY MAP MARY DUERST - NU 1f4 OF SECTION 8. TOWN OF NORWAY RESOLUTION #P.C. 135-89 WHEREAS, A certified sur two parcel land division in th Norway, and WHEREAS, This approval i extraterritorial p1.an approval, and ‘WEREAS, The Town of Nor within their jurisdiction. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVE the certified survey map for Plan Commission City of Huskego Adopted Defeated Deferred cds -. 71 2ar a9 L i J TtB VIS CCNSM 8TATE PURE MI cmw OF smIon e-4-x, STATE PIANE. COORDINATES O? 307,647.96 2,491,236.45