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CCR1989124COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION 11124-89 AUTHORIZING LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN M. W. MARINE, INC. AND CITY OF MUSKEG0 (Boat) WHEREAS, the Police Department has requested that the City Little Muskego and Big Muskego lakes from May 1 to September lease a boat and motor for the use of the water patrolman for 15, 1989 from M. W. Marine, Inc. and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute Inc. for the sum of 1,000.00. the attached Lease A reement between the City and M. W. Marine, 8 0 DATED THIS 9th DAY OF May , 1989. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Ald. Harold L. Sanders ATTEST : City Clerk 5/89 jz 5 b A. 90 -. EQUIPMENT LEASE City ond Postal Zone County OIL ______ Stole ___~~ _.___ Hales Corners 53130 Milwaukee Wisconsin Lerror hercb ICOICS to Lessee, ond Lessee hereby hire. and tokes lrom Lrrror the Mlowing~dcscribed perron01 properly Ihcrcina6er. with all replocement pod%. oddllionr. repoi,, o~cc~lorie~ incorPomrd therein ond'ot dlixed threto. relcrred ID as "equipment"): ID..C.ib. .. "i..."l ,"V,. ilCl"di". ..,., Li",., ""4 ,.,id ."d ..,.I l"li ..,. .", .", .,*., ..,. ".", ,"lO"".l..", 1 (0ne)Sylvan 16 Ft. Seamonster; SN/SYL292098787 1 (0ne)Mariner 60 ELPTO Outboard Motor: SN/158732 1 (0ne)Shorelandr' R1612 Trailer: SN/l05620