CCR1989109.. COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #log-89 APPROVAL OF OFFER TO PURCHASE (Richard Properties, Inc.) (Industrial Park Addn. #l) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the City's broker and the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the attached Offer to Purchase (Richard Properties, Inc. - Industrial Park Addn. #1) in the amount of $26,000.00. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign the Offer in the name of the City. DATED THLS 25th DAY OF Anri 1 , 1989. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Harold L. Sanders Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Daniel J. Hilt ATTEST : City Clerk 4/89 jz WB-13 VACANT LAND OFFER TO PURCHASE .. , Wisconsin. April. .7., . . .. .. , .. , 1989. 2 THE BROKER DRAFTING THIS OFFER IS THE AGENT OF (SELLER)- (Strike as applicable). IF ACCEPTED, THIS OFFER CAN CREATE A LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE CONTRACT. BOTH PARTrES .SHOULD REAP THIS PocUMENT CAREFULLY AND UNDERSTAND IT BEFORE SIGNING. 5 The undersigned Buyer, .Richard ,PtXPP.TtkS.,. ... ... .. ... .................... 6 hereby offers to purchase the property known as (Street Address) .VW.*nf .b.Wld.. ... ..... 7 in the . Cia.. . of . .MWkegO. ....... County of ,W.avkesha. .......... Wisconsin. 8 more particularly described as: Lqt, ,3, .Blp.sk. ,3,. .MP.ske,gv. .Indve.tri,al.?!ark, Additinn. No,. .I;. .Pat. .Qf..the 9 .NE lL4, and ,the.NW. l.L4,,of. ,the.s.W l./(4,,of.,Se.c. .lo. .and .part..of..the.NE, l./(4..of. ,the SE 114.nf. 10 .. S~c. .. 17 ... T.qwn.5 ..North,..Ranze 2.0, East.. containing 1.003. acr.e$,..hauing, a frontwe a€ l.5O.Xt.. on II at %$$f?e &'re. .Twenty Six ,Thous.and .and. no/.lOD.., ..................... 1)oIlars ($.26.'0P.O. 0.0, . . ,) 12 and on the terms and conditions as follows: 13 Earnest money of$ SOQ.OQ. . in the form of .a. .check. tendered with this offer. 14 "g.$ ................... 15 ...... ...................................................................... 16 Failure of Buyer to make earnest money payments ns provided voids offer at Seller's option. Earnest money, ~f held by broker. and the balance in cash at closing. 17 shall be held in selling broker's trust account rior to acceptance of offer and thereafter in listing broker's trust account or untd 18 applied to the purchase rice at closing or disgurscd as provided herein or permitted by law. 19 TIMEISOFT1IEESSE~CEASTO:ADDlTlONALEARNESTMONEY PAYMENT.ACCEPTANCE,I.EGALPOSSESSlON, 21 ........................................................................................................................... 22 THE BUYERS OI%I.ICATION TO CONCLU1)E'I'lIIS I'llANSAC'I'ION IS CONDI'I'IONED UPON THE CONSUMMATION 23 0l~'IYlE F01.1.0WINC: 24 (If this offer is subject to financing, survey, par~:~dutim tcst, specific zoninl! or use, npprovnl of recorded building rind use 2.1 restrictions and covcnnnts. or any uthcr contingency, it must hc st;ltcd hcrc. If noI1c, so stntc.) 27 ................ the necessary ap~+?yals. .and p.?r~i!s ,?equired, f?~. ,Bu~.e?,',s. US^, ,!e?.?????Y aPPr.?!'?.!S. . 29 20 OCCUPANCY, DATE OF CLOSING AND AS TO AIL mns INSI:I~I'EI) IN 1'111s OFFER ExCwr. z ................... .r 26 .11. rbi.5 ~.ffe.x is, subject to Euyer ,receiving ,wi,fh.in,.?O. .days of a~cepfance of this .Offe.~:l 28 to include architectural a~prqva.!?,.. ?hi,? offer i.5 nu!!: a,!d,.Y?id, i,! Buyer d??.?.!!?f. ................................. ??ce%)re these %ePE?va!s. .wi,th!.r!. this 30 day .S*me-fral?e:. . a AlS.0 see. see. .Attac.hed ,R.ide.r " JZ 33 .... ............ 34 ....... 35 36 ... ......... ... .. ... .. .. .. .I .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....................... .... ... ... .......... ..... ., .. .... ........... .. .. .. 37 .. ... ............ ......... ............. ..... ........ 38 ........... 39 .... 40 42 41 . 43 ... 44 45 .... .. ..... ..... ... .............. ....... .. ......... .... ... .. ... ... ..... .. .... .... .. ... 46 .. ~~ .. ,. ........ ..... ......... .. ..... .. 47 Buyer agrees that unless otherwise specified, Buyer will, in good faith. pay all costs of securing any financing to the extent 48 permitted by law, and will perform all acts necessary to expedite such financing. 50 delivered free and c P ear of encumbrances: nll fixtures; imd all garden bulbs, plnnts. s E rubs and trees. 51 ADDITIONAL ITEMS INCLUDED IN THE SALE: .None. ..... .. .. 52 53 54 ITEMS NOT INCLUDED IN THE SALE: .None.. 55 49 lncludedinthe urchasepricearesuchofthefollowing~temsasn~aybeonthepro ertyonthedateofthisoffer,whichwillbe .. ..... ............ ..... ............. ............ ,. ... ... .... ... ... ... .. .. ,.. .. ........... .. .. ... .. .... .. . ................ .. ., ........... ... .. ............................................. seller shall,^ on'paymentofthepurchaseprice,conveythepropertyby warrnntydeed.orotherconveyanceprovided herein, 59 servlng the propert recorded buildin and use restrictions and,covenants, general taxes levied in thq ear of closlng and 58 free and clear of a1 liens and encumbrances, excepting: municipal and zoningordinances, recorded easements forpublicut~l~t~es The Rules and &aulations of !he Muskeqo Industrlal Park as adapted by the Cl& of Muskego - 60 .......... ....... .... , provided none of the foregoing prohibit resent use, 61 andSellershallcompleteandexecutelhedbc'umentsnccessarytorecordthecanveyance.(WARNING:Recordedbuil~nganduse 62 restrictions and covenants can have material impact on the use of or in) rovements to the property.) 63 ThisofferisbindinguponbothpartiesonlyifacopyoftheacceptedoPferi~deposited,postngeorfeesprepaid,intheU.S.mnil 64 65 66 67 68 G9 70 71 e: 75 74 16 77 78 79 or a commercial delivery system, addressed to Buyer at "). 7. h!J;? 7.f? ,/.i.'~L,.:~a a>~~.?f!d!., .!.vCI .k'<.f.zdn.,,. Ldor by personal delivery of the accepted offer to Buyer on or before .4PXiL. .27.z I.?$.? . Otherwise. this offer - is void and all earnest moneyahall be promptly rcturned to Ruyer. on or before ... .by. 30,. . :. .. ,I /' ' This transaction is to be closed at the office of Duycr's mortgagee or a1 the office of .b!'?QP.eY k?s,ag!? .h. .r\SS?C:. I, kfd. Legul possession of property shall be delivered to Buyer on dnte of closing. . , , 19.89. , ur nt such other time nnd plncc ns mny bc ajirecd in \wiling. It is understood the property is .Vacant Land .. m .............................................................. - ........................................................................................................................... Occupancy of Land shnll be given to Buyer on at. closing 0 .+ ........... p'C. .. .............................. ................................... ..................................................................................... ". 85 Seller warrants and represents tu Buyer that Seller has no notice or knowledge of any: 86 (a)planned or commenced public improvements which may result in special assessments or otherwise mulerially affect the :i e(lr)guvernment sgency ur court order requiring repuir, alteration, or correction of any existing condition. 89 (c)shurcland or special lund use rcgulntlons affecting the property. 90 (d)underground storage tanks and the presence of any dangerous or toxic materials ur conditions affecting the properly. i properly. YI EXCEPTIONS TO WARRANTIES ANI) RI:PIIESENTATIONS STA'I'EI) IN I.INISS ROTO 9lk Ex'TP!. .!h.?f. .a 92 Reserve, Capacity, Ass,essrnent. .€Q$. .$aQit4Fu. .$We.? $.eW.iGe, .?nd..3 .b!akr: CaPWitY. ASsSSS."!eF.t d.%S 93 .exist. .against. .this p.rw?er,ty,. T,hes.e As$c$ement$. ,Vil.l. be. BUY.W'.S o.l?li.gati'?!! !.'?.P.?Y .!!he.?, due.. 94 Buyer. .is..resgonsihle far ,the. .fi,K$t. .$~,.POO,OP.,Of. .GW.t, tQ. .inS.t?l,! ~,.dKiV?.%Y .C.!lY,Srt, .fO.< $.he. 95 property ... .... 96 The followingitemsshall be prorated asoftheday ofclosing: geueral taxes.rents, water and scwerusecharges. homeowner2 97 assocmtlon assessments, fuel. and 08 Any incume. taxes, or expenses through the day dclosinp accrue lo Seller. 09 100 on the net general taxes fur the preceding year. General taxes shall be prorated at the lime ofclosing Imsed on the net generul taxes for the current year, if known. otherwise .. .. .. .. .. .............................................................................. 101 CAUTION: Ifproperty has not been fully asscascd for tax purposes.or renssessme~~tiscompleted or pending,tax proration shall 102 be UII the basis of$2.6.39. per. .thouSa~~t,RF.lt~~~R~~~~a~?lue. 104 other snecial assessments sha11 be "aid IJV Duvcr (Cautiun: Consider a special wrecmenl if urea assessments ur homeowners' IO3 Specialassess~nents,ifany,forworkonsiteactuallycommencedorleviedpriortodateofthisuffer~hallbepaidbySeller.All 1 I4 cxtcllded as necessary fur this purpose. 1 I5 1 Iti required above and written prod, at or before excculion, that the total underlying indebtedness. if any. is not in excess of the Ilthisufferprovi~lerforal;~ndcontract,priortoexecutionoftl~elandcontructSellershallprovidetl~csameevidenceoflitleas oposed balance of the land contract. and that the puynlents on lhls land contract are sufficient lo meet all of the obligations of 119 120 broker shall be disbursed as fullows: If the transaction fails Lo close and the parties fail to agree on the disposition of earnest money, then earnest money held by ler on the underlying indebtedness. 121 I. Tu Huyer. unless Seller notifies Iluyer and Ilruker in writing no later than IS days after the earlier of the Buyer's written 122 denland fur relurn of the earnetit money or the date set for ching, that Seller elects lo conslder the earnest money US I24 2. '1'~~Seller.sul1jecllo:~~~~~~u~~lsp;ly~llJl~t1~l~r~~kcr,~1r~~videdtl~~i~l~~ven~~ticeisgivcnandneilherpartycommencesalawsuit 123 liquidated damages or partial pnyment for specific pcrfurn1:lnce. 125 126 111 nlokinl: the disl~ursen~ent. the bruker shull follow prucedurcs ill Section 111. lR.09(4). Wis. Adm. Code. aln this matter within :IO days after reccipt of the notice. 127 I)ishursemenl of earnest moucy does not determine the legal rights of the parlies in relation to this agreement. 1211 129 with this ugreenlenl or present Department of Ikgulation and I.iccnsing regulations concerning earnest money. hth Ilartiesa~reet~~I~~rI~I the broker h;trmlessfra~n anyli:~hility forgood faith ~lisbursemenlufearncslmoneyin accordance 130 Iftl~e~~ropcrtyis~l~l~~~~~~~d~yfireorele~~~c~rtspri~~rt~~~itnc~~TcI~~singi~~:~nan~ountwhicl~cxcecdsfivepercentofthesellingprice, 131 tl~isc~r~~tr~ct~~~:~yl~ec~~ncell~d~toptiunoflluy~r.Sl~~~ul~l ll~~yerelcct1~~c;~rryoultl~is;lgreen~cntdcs~~ilesuchdamage.Ruyershall 132 IJ~ entitlcd tu tl~e insuruncc pr~~cecds relating 10 hnugc 111 pr~~)~crty. I 33 134 ,p.arC, ,Q€. this. .Qf.fer. .to. .pKGhase .(IS i.f f.ullY .i!corP.???,ted .her!!!: .The ?,?*d .PE?Sn$.!Y . SPECIAL PROVISIONS: .%%e, Rider .S!t.a'?hed. .here!.? WhOS !Sr!S, .?!a. .Go."d!t!on?. .are .made. .a. . 135 ,o.w.ine.d. b.~ the. .Ci.ty of. ,Mvskego. ,and. .cu?re.nfJ.y tax, .ex?lP.t: ..... .... 136 ... .... .. 137 ..... . ..... .... 138 Sellerand~Buyeragreetoactingodd~f~ith~nduse~iligenceincompletingthe~ermsofthisa~reement.Thisagreementbinds 139 and inures to the benefit of the parties to this xgrcement and their successors In Interest. ... ,... Riclpqd Propert$eg, Inc. ..... (Buyer) 1.13 THIS OFVI;I{ IS HEKEHY ACCEI'TEI). TIIIC WAKIIANTIISS ANI) HEPI~ESENTATIONS ~AIIE SURVIVE THE CI.OSING OF THIS TRANSACTION. THE UNI>ERSIGNED HEREBY AGREES FOHI'II AND ACKNOWI,EI)C15S Itl~CElPT OI' A COPY OF THIS AGREEMENT. SISLI. ANI) CONVLY THE AHOV15.MEN'I'IONED I'H01'15[t'1'Y ON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS 14Y Olfw is rejected (Seller initiul.) ,19. . City of Muskego BY : ............................. Seller's Social Security No. ............. ............. Wayne C."$alentine, Mayor (Seller) I.... 150 Offer is countered (Seller initial.) ..... BY : ........ ... ....... 15' Persuant to Resolution # passed by JeanGeenda, City Clerk ., ./. (Seller) .. the Muskego Common Councll on 152 1989. Seller's Sociul Security No. .................. 153 ........ 154 It was presented toSeller by . , , .. This offer was drufted by (Licensee and firm) ,A:, .e???et?,! ,!!?OneY ,LSS(I,V?ge, .6! ?!??!'?!a!es!. Lfd:. .. ...... on ........ ., 19. .. ut .. .:. .... ,m, 155 1 Ihker acknowledges receipt of initial earnest money ns per line I2 nl the above offer. 158; +.er?.l, ?., , ,. 19.8.9 I.:ARNI:ST MONKY RKCKI1"I' I57 ......................................... Mooney LeSage L Associates, Ltd. nrukcr 153 (By ..................... Anthony S. Bareta ) RIDER TO OFFER TO PURCIIASE Purchase attached as if fully incorporated herein and dated April 7, 1989 by and between the City of Muskego, as Seller, and Richard Properties, Inc. as Buyers. The following terms and conditions are made a part of the Offer to I. lo I1 SDecial immovements: A. The purchase price includes the following improvements: Sanitary sewer and water laterals are at lot line and fully paid for and available for use by Buyer. Buyer will connect to sewer and water at Buyer's expense. Electric and telephone service is available along rear lot line. Natural gas available in Saturn Drive. 8. If said streets are.not permanently surfaced at the time of the completion of this transaction, said streets when permanently improved shall be at the expense of the City and no special assessments with respect to the permanent improvements of the streets shall be assessed against the property herein described, and the Buyer, his heirs and assigns, shall have no further obligation with respect hereto. It is aareed between Buyer and Seller: A. B. C. BUYER: The provisions of paragraphs thfrteen (13) and fourteen (14) of originally adopted by the City of Muskego by Resolution #145-70 the Rules and Regulations for the Muskego Industrial Park as on July 28, 1970, and further extended to cover Muskego Industrial Park Addition #1 on May 27, 1986, are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. Said provisions provide portion of the premises which are the subject of this Contract and in effect that in the event the Buyer should desire to resell a which are not being used in connection with Buyer's business, that he must first offer the same to the City for repurchase. The City shall then have ninety (90) days to act upon said offer. These provisions shall constitute covenants running with the iand and shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties hereto and may be included in the deed yhich Seller delivers to Buyer in completion of this transaction. Buyer, , Rules and Regulations of the Huskego Industrial Park ahd that Le acknowledges that he has received a copy of the kuii text of the has read and fully understands same. The warranty and representation made herein survive &e cioslnk Oh this transaction. SELLER: CITY OF MUSKEGO Date: 4 In, /PC) Date: Countersigned: By : Jean Marenda, City Clerk Date :