CCR1989061COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #61-89 AMEN~MENT TO 1989 BUDGET WHEREAS, Section 65.90 (5)(a) of the Wisconsin Statutes permits the Common Council to make budgetary adjustments as listed below. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City hereby direct the City Clerk/Comptroller to make the following of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does adjustments to the 1989 City Budget. REVENUES Intergovernmental Revenues Property Taxes Regulation & Compliance Public Charges for Services Public Improvement Commercial Revenue Transfers from other Funds TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES General Government Public Safety Transportation Education & Recreation Unclassified Indebtedness Transfer to Sewer Utility TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1989 BUDGET "::';:o":::o' 251,060 175,812 300 186,975 2,132,551 6,955,060 $ 888,552 2,053,786 680.467 559i482 168,436 2.504.337 .l oo;ooo $6,955,060 AMENDED 1989 BUDGET ":::::::::! 251,060- 175,812. 300 . $ 885,381 2,052,261 679.807 560; 144 167,774 2,509,693 100,000 $6,955,060 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is directed to publish this within 10 days of adoption. resolution as a Class I notice in accordance with ss.65.90 (5)(a) DATED THIS 14th DAY OF March , 1989. FINANCE COMMITTEE I Ald. Mitchel Penovich Ald. Edwin P. Dumke ATTEST : City Clerk 3/89 jz Ald. Daniel J. Hilt ACCOWI DESCRPTION h NIiT6F.R RECREATION DEPARRlENT Recreation Salary h Wages 100.7200.1110 Recreation Vacation 100.7200.1210 Recreation Sick Leave 100.7200.1220 Recreation Holiday Pay 100.7200.1230 Recreation Fica 100.7200.1601 TOTUS PARKS DEPARTllENT Parks Salary h Wages 100.7300.1100 Parks Vacation 100.7300.1210 Parks Sick Leave 100.7300.1220 Halidag Pay Parks Fica 100.7300.1230 TOTALS 100.7300.1601 Contingency 100.8300.3212 City Hall Utilities Police Deartment Utilities Garage Utilities 100.0900.6100 100.2000.6100 100.5800.6l~OO Long Term Debt (Principal) 100.9000.9100 (5356.00) TRANSFER (267.00) (33.00) (4.00) (2.00) (25.00) (331.00) (272.00) (26.00) (5.00) (2.00) (26.00) (331.00) 662.00 3171.00 1525.00 660.00 STATE OF WISCONSIN ) Milwaukee County ) ) ss. (SEAL) c Y JUDITtI ZIOLKOWSKI being duly :worn. dolh depose and say lhal he is a11 abthzriz?d represenlalive of The ........ MUSKEGO SUN. ... a newspaper published al . MUSKEGO ......... Wisconsin and lhat an adverlisemelll 01 which lhe annexed is a lrue copy, taken lrom said paper, was published lherein on ... .... . 5, ... ...... ...... U BOOKKEEPER. My Comission expires .AI?R. 16, 19 89. -. u i4 c- 0-