CCR1989000aTABLE OF CONTENPS ib Fxh ibi t Accountants' Report Analysis of capital paid in by municipality A Page - 1 5 Analysis of anmal interest cost of NON-TIF contributions under an indebtedness theory B Analysis of annual interest cost of TLF construction projects C Analysis of other Utility costs paid by City borrarings - NON-TIF C I I I I Analysis of sewer project grant funds received and retained by City - utilized for debt payments C Analysis of TIF costs not recorded by Sewer Utility D Analysis of other TIF costs paid D Summary of total potential debt owed to City from Sewer Utility at December 31, 1987 Schedule of proposed principal and interest to maturity on NON-TIF debt of the Sewer Utility owed to City Schedule of principal and interest payments to maturity on TIF Districts #2 Through #7 debt of the Sewer Utility owed to City E F G Projected sratements of income - 1988 and 1989 H Projected long-term debt, capital paid in by City and unreserved retained earnings at December 31, 1988 and l9@9 I Projected working capital at December 31, 1988 and 1989 J Schedule of proposed principal and interest payments projected to exist at December 31, 1989 to maturity on all debt of the Sewer Utility CONLEY MCOONALO SPRAGUE 6 Co K 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 /' 7 I CONLEY McDONALD, SPRAGUE & CO. Certified Public Accounranrs I I I I Danlcl A Schulz. C.PA. Frcdenck L. Licau.C.PA Nicholas D. QUPI~IO. C PA. VIC~ N Weiler, C.PA. William B. Volkmann. C.PA. David L. Domhue.C.PA Robert L Gundrum. C.PA. Donald N. Vilme. C PA. Paul A. Nownrkl. C PA. RichardJ.Hammel.C.PA RabenJ Hammel.C.PA 1homarJ.SchoPncckerC.PA. Mayor, Common Council and City of Muskego W182 58200 Racine Avenue P.O. Box 903 Muskego, WI 53150-0903 Sewer Committee 19601 W Bluemound Road PO. Box0975 Brookbeld. Wmonsin 53008-0975 (414) 796-0701 Kenosha. Wisconsin 53140 2106 63rd Slrcer (414)552-7909 (414)657.6156 Cudahy, Wixonrin 53110 5011 5. Paclurd Aw. (414)481~3520 Dear Sirs: Pursuant to your request, we have performed a study to assist you in determining the Sewer Utility's long-term indebtedness for various projects under- taken between 1969 and 1987. Background: The City of Muskego Sewer Utility was created in 1969. At that time it was determined by management that the non-assessable portion of the cost of the Util- ity's plant assets, financed by the City through the issuance of general obligation bonds and notes, would be recorded as "Capital paid in by the City". This capital paid in by the City was initially viewed as a "contribution" by the City to the Utility, with the intent that if in the future the Utility's rate structure could support repayments back to the City the payments would be made. During the years 1969 through 1973 the City financed via borrowings approximately $2.2 million of non-assessable Sewer Utility plant costs. In 1973 the Utility issued $915,000 of mortgage revenue bonds and used these bond proceeds to partially repay the City. In the years following, various capital additions to the Utility were financed by City borrowings. Also, annually since 1974 the Sewer Utility has made payments back to the City. Since 1969, the City, including its Tax Incremental Financing Districts (TIF), has financed approximately $5.67 million of Utility plant assets. During the period 1969 through 1987 the Utility has repaid approximately $3.72 million. L -2 - Study approach: Our approach in performing this study was to: 1.) Review data supporting the activity in the ”Capital Paid In by Municipality” account from 1969 through 1987. An analysis of the account is presented on Exhibit A. 2.) Using the data established in 1.) above we computed the annual interest cost of NON-TIF contributions by City as if it were the Utility’s intent to pay back the City for these funds advanced with interest. Interest was computed using the actual interest rates on bonds issued by the City. Exhibit B details the annual contributions by City and repayments from the Utility under the assumption that the Utility would first pay the accrued interest and any funds remaining would be applied against principal. 3.) We also calculated the imputed interest for the TIF contributions exclusive of the TIF contributions related to the Lake Denoon Sewer Project in TIF #I. (It is currently projected that TIF #1 will pay 1009: of its liability and, accordingly, amounts paid by TIF are correctly recorded as “Capital paid in by munici- pality”.) The imputed interest on TTF contributions is presented on Exhibit C. 4.) We also determined that other transactions existed that would affect the total indebtedness of the Utility. These transactions are as follows: Other NON-TIF Utility costs paid by City borrowings (Exhibit C). Sewer Project Grant Funds received and retained by the City and utilized for debt payments (Exhibit C). ., TIF costs not recorded by the Sewer Utility (Exhibit D). Other TIF costs paid by borrowings (Exhibit D). 5.) After completing items 1.) through 4.) above we summar- ized our findings. Exhibit E presents a summary of the Utility at December 31, 1987 detailed as follows: total potential debt owed to the City from the Sewer NON-TIF sewer debt owed to the City $ 853,868 TLF related debt of the Sewer Utility 3,195,475 Total $ 4.049.343 -3- I 8.) Exhibits F and G present proposed repayment schedules for the NON-TIF and TIF Sewer Utility debt. To totally understand financial impact of recording the Sewer Utility debt at December 31, 1987 of approximately $4.05 million we have presented a projected statement of income (Exhibit H), projected debt and equity accounts (Exhibit I) and projected working capital (Exhibit J) for 1988 and 1989. Exhibit K presents the projected maturity schedule of all Sewer Utility debt should this report be adopted as establishing the Utility related debt at December 31, 1987. Conclusion: This report establishes the Sewer Utility debt not previously reported at December 31, 1987 as follows: NON-TIF Sewer Utility debt owed to the City (as established by Exhibit F) at 8% interest $ 853,868 payable annually on November 30 TIF related debt of the Sewer Utility wed to the City, payable annually on November 30 (as established by Exhibit G) at an average interest rate of 8.14% 3,195,475 Total $ 4.049.343 -__ It should be noted that the establishing of the Sewer Utility's portion of TIF related debt DOES NOT IMPLY that the respective TIF Districts enumerated in this report are relieved of their liability; rather, it establishes the Sewer Utility's debt responsibility should the TIF Districts not generate sufficient tax levies to satisfy their debt responsibilities. We recommend that both the Sewer Committee and the City Common Council adopt this report in its entirety as establishing the Sewer Utility's unrecorded debt at December 31, 1987. CONLEY MCOONALO SPRAGUE S CO We will be happy to further discuss this report with you and provide any necessary assistance with implementation. If you have any questions or comments concerning this report, please contact us. We would also like to take this opportunity to adtncwledge the courtesy and I assistance extended to us by your personnel during our performance of this study. February 2, 1989 CONLEY MCOONALO. SPRAGUE & EO 1969 1970 1971 1973 1972 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1981 1980 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 Total Exhibit A 5. CITY OF MUSKEGO SEWER SEWER INDEBTEDNESS 1969 - 1987 UTILITY STUDY ANALEIS OF CAPITAL PAID-IN BY MUNICIPALITY NON TIF Capital paid-in by City TLF Total $ 441,140 49,210 309,529 1,341,926 56,509 58,284 38,350 10,261 1,379 - 9,061 17,001 973 9,847 752,636 13,268 24,193 - - $ 3.133.567 280,743 (6) - - - - - 1,165,898 (3) 1,038,107 (4) 51,821 (5) 2.536.569 441,140 309,529 49,210 1,341,926 56,509 - 58,284 38,350 10,261 1,379 280,743 17,001 9,061 973 9,847 13,268 1,918,534 1,062,300 51,821 5.670.136 Utility to City (1) repayments - - - 891,988 (7) - 72,251 58,415 125,675 137,659 161,038 161,737 167,979 205,757 40,461 132,671 165,576 520,472 386,509 485,998 3.724.246 Notes: 1. All repayments to the City represent funds used to retire City general obliga- tion debt. 2. Net proceeds from the $915,000 Mortgage Reveme Bond. 3. Principally represents the follwing: Woods Road Project Northeast Pumping Station Project (27.83%) (63.47%) Kurtz Lane Sewer Project Bass Bay Sewer Project Other 4. Principally represents the following: Ladwig Drive Sewer Project Industrial Park Sewer Project Other 5. Represents liquidation damages on Ladwig Drive Sewer Project. 6. Represents non-assessable portion of Lake Denoon Sewer Project. CONLEY MCOON4LO SPRAGUE & CO $ 152,399 579,617 185.812 243;311 4,959 $ 1.165.898 $ 336,662 675,548 25,897 $ 1.038.107 1969 1971 1970 1972 1973 1974 1975 1977 1976 1979 197 a 1980 1981 1984 1985 1986 1982 1983 I 1987 Principal beginning Balance of year Add1 tions Retirements $ 441,140 490,350 2,141,805 56.509 678,145 1,520,169 - - 1,520,169 58,284 - 441.140 - 49,210 309,529 1,341,926 - 799,879 - - 1,578,453 38,350 1,616,803 - - 1,379 43,652 1,574,530 10,261 84,569 1,500,222 - 90,272 1,409,950 9,061 101,906 1,317,105 17,001 145,335 973 - 1,134,427 13,268 114,097 65,164 1,333,172 453,062 318,121 1,039,244 - 430,391 $ 3.133.567 2.524.714 1,188,771 1,189,744 9,847 1,033,598 752,636 24,193 " Ra la nce of year end 441,140 490,350 2,14l,R05 1,520,169 1,520,169 1,578,453 1,574,530 1,500,222 1,409,950 1,317,105 1,188,771 1,134,427 1,033,598 1,333,172 1,039,244 799,879 1,616,803 1,189,744 608,853 Exhibit B I CITY OF MUSKEGO SEWER UTILITY SEWER INDEBTEDNESS STUDY 1969 - 1987 ANALYSIS OF ANNUAL IhTEREST COST OF NON-TIF CONTRIBUPIONS UNDER AN INDEBTEDNESS THEORY Balance Interest Balance beginning of year $ - - 20,958 133,583 133,583 40,131 56,185 62,784 18,347 - - 13,016 - - Accrued interest - 20,958 32,681 79,944 120,391 75,129 78,250 75,660 76,469 71,465 60,422 66,073 53,417 54,491 51,479 67,410 55,607 81,238 68,388 Payments - - - 213,843 58,475 72,251 125,675 76,469 94,007 71,465 66,073 60.422 40,461 67,507 51,479 67,410 55,607 - 68,388 1.189.532 ___ end of year - 20.958 133,583 53,639 40,131 56,785 62,784 18,347 - - - 13,016 - - 1985 1987 1986 Exhibit C 7. CITY OF MUSKEGO SEWER UTILITY SEWER INDEBTEDNESS STJDY 1969 - 1987 ANALYSIS OF ANNUAL INTEREST COST OF TIF CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Capital paid-in by City 1985 - 1987 Imputed interest $ 1,165,898 34,977 101,097 132,240 $ 2.255.826 268.314 1,038,107 51,821 "" ANALYSIS OF OTHER UTILITY COSTS PAID BY CITY BORROWING - NON-TIF 1983 MMSD capital charge Imputed interest, 1983 - 1987 $ 635,585 177,964 $ 813.549 ANALYSIS OF SEWER PROJECT GM FUNDS RECEIVED AND RETAINED BY CITY - UTILIZED FOR DEBT PAYMEhTS 1978 1980 1982 Imputed interest Grants received 1978 - 1987 $ 147,432 77,035 126,736 76,042 98,114 43,175 196.252 $ 372.282 ___ ___ CITY OF MUSKEGO SEWER UTILITY SEWER INDEBTEDNESS STUDY 1969 - 1987 ANALYSIS OF TIF COSTS NOT RECORDED BY SEWER UTILITY 1979 Town of Norway Capital charne: Classified-as pre-existing debt project cost cost $ 349,152 460,152 111,000 1983 MNSD capital charge financed by borrowing 245,092 S 705.241. ANALYSIS OF OTHER TIF COSTS PAID 1985 Plant abandonment costs 1982 Manhole Project cost $ 184,267 84,369 S 268.63fi Exhibit D 8. Imputed interest 1979 - 1987 163.226 51;893 215,119 08,232 303.351 Imputed j.nterest 1982 - 1987 32,250 37,125 69.375 CONLEY MCDONALO 5PRAGUE & EO CITY OF MUSKEG9 SEWER UTILITY SEWER INDEBTEDNESS STUDY 1969 - 1987 SUMMARY OF TOTAL POTENl'IAL DEBT OWED TO CITY FROM SEWER LTILITY AT DECEMBER 31, 1987 Exhibit E 9. NON-TIF DEBT Capital paid-in by City (Exhibit 8) 1983 MMSD charge (Exhibit C) Less: Payments (Exhibit B) Grants (Exhibit C) Adjustment Total NON-TLF sewer debt owed to City TIF DEBT Capital paid-in by City (Exhibit C) Town of Norway (Exhibit D) 1983 MMSD capital (Exhibit D) 1985 plant abandonment (Exhibit D) 1982 manhole rehabilitation (Exhibit D) Less: Town of Norway charges which will be paid by TIF F1 Total TIF related debt of swer utility Principal Interest Total $ 3,133,567 1,189,532 4,323.099 635,585 177,964 3,769,152 1,367,496 5,136,648 -813;549 (2,524,714) (1,189,532) (3,714.246) (372,282) (196,252) (568;534j (18,288) 853,868 18,288 - 872,156 (18,288) $ 853.868 "" - 853.868 - $ 2,255,826 268,314 2,524,140 460,152 245,092 215,119 88,232 675,271 184,267 32.250 333,324 216,517 84,369 3,229,706 37,125 641,040 3,870,746 1213494 (460,152) (215,119) (675,271) $ 2.769.554 425.921 3.195.475 - ALLOCATION OF TIF DEBT Balance District 2 3 4 5 7 6 December 31, 1987 S 419,595 70,163 1,769,691 139,663 335,892 460,471 Total $ 3.195.475 CONLEY MCOONALO PRAGUE & Co I - p I I1 1987 1988 1- 1989 II 1990 1991 1992 I 1 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 - 1998 b 1999 I I Exhibit F 10. CITY OF MUSKEG0 SEWER UTILITY SEWER INDEBTEDNESS SllJDIDY 1969 - 1987 SCHEDULE OF PROPOSED PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYMENTS TO MATURITY ON NON-TIF DEBT OF THE SEWER UTILITY OWED TO CITY Principal $ 103,868 - - 100,000 100,000 100,000 - - 300,000 150,000 - - Interest 68,309 60,000 60,000 60,000 52,000 52,000 44,000 44,000 36,000 12,000 - 488.309 (1) Tot a1 172,177 60,000 60,ono 160,000 152,000 52,000 144,000 44,000 336,000 162,000 - - 1.342.177 Balance outstanding Decenber 31, $ 853,868 750,000 750,000 750,000 650,000 650,000 550,000 550,000 450,000 150,000 - - - (1) Interest computed at 8%. Principal and interest due November 30. (2) Principal debt payments based on City's debt maturity schedule considering TIF debt schedule. CONLEY MCOONALO SPRAGUE Co I ,e I 1987 1988 1989 19 91 1 1993 1992 1995 1994 1 1996 1997 1999 1998 I 1 I I Exhibit G 11. CITY OF MUSKEGO SEWER UTILITY SEWER INDEBTEDNESS STUDY 1969 - 1987 SCHEDULE OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYMEhTS To MATURITY ON TIF DISTRICTS 82 THROUGH #7 DEBT OF THE SEMER UTILITY OWED TO CITY Principal $ 166,853 284,182 296,533 290,525 485,504 507,123 508,716 323,249 28,943 101,302 57,887 144,658 $ 3.195.475 -__ Interest 271,047 231,472 254,807 202,982 167,283 123,762 91,925 42,699 28,169 25,811 21,006 12,446 1.473.409 Total 437,900 528,005 538,989 652,787 493,507 630,885 600,641 365,948 57,112 122,308 83,698 157,104 4.668.884 Balance outstanding December 31, $ 3,195,475 3,028,662 2,744,440 2,447,907 2,157,382 1,671,878 1,164,755 656,039 332,790 303,847 245,960 144,658 - Project ed ne !t inc :ome per CITY OF MUSKEGO SEWER UTILITY SEWER INDEBTEDNESS STUDY 1969 - 1987 PROJECTED STATEMEmS OF INCOME 1989 budget document Additional interest expense: NON-TIF debt TIF debt Estimated operating transfer from TIF to finance interest expense Exhibit R 12. 1988 19 89 $ 407,542 214,085 (271,047) (254,807) (68,309) (60,000) (1) 22,500 40,600 Projected net income $ 90.686 160.122) -__ (1) If it is assumed that the TIF tax levy is used first to finance the MMSD annual capital charge then the following Districts would be able to finance a portion of the annual interest expense: 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tot a1 Districts 1988 tax levy $ 98,999 164,993 23,553 13,010 21,063 159,277 480,895 1988 MMSD requirement 71,904 12,015 81,479 23,937 57,542 14,362 261,239 Available for debt service $ 27.095 152.978 " - - - 173,639 Above divided by 1988 total debt service requirements 14.5x ~ 98.4% N/A N/A N/A = 29.6% - 1988 Sewer interest coverage $ 5.500 5.700 N/A N/A N/A 11.300 22.500 ~- 1989 Debt service % 17.8% - - 100% 8.2% N/A 20.32 35% 1989 Sewer interest - = - = coverage $ 6.100. 4.900 11,600 N/A 5.400 12.600 40.600 CITY OF MUSKEGO SEWER LTILITY SEWER INDEBTEDNESS STUDY 1969 - 1987 PROJECTED LONG-TERM DEBT, CAPITAL PAID IN BY CIn AND UNRESERVED RETAINED EARNINGS Bala (as previously reported) mces, December 31, 1987 Restatement for: NON-TIF Sewer debt TIF debt Balances (deficit), December 31, 1987 (restated) 1988 activity: Projected borrowing for Hillandale Principal payments on debt Transfer from TIF for principal debt Appropriation for equipment replacement Net income and Bellvim/Bay Lane Sewer projects Projected balances (deficit), December 31, 1988 1989 activity: Principal payments on debt Projected borrowing for Sewer project Transfer from TIF for principal debt Net income (loss) Appropriation for equipment replacement to Waste Management Projected balances (deficit), December 31, 1989 Long-Term Debt 853,868 3,195,475 5,456,378 5,510,252 (423,507) 816,000 - - - $ 5.902.745 Capital paid in by City 1,955,890 (853,868) (821,279) 280,743 - - 24,200 - - 304,943 - 46,800 - - - - 351.743 Exhibit I 13. Unreserved Retained Earnings 1,246,438 (2,374,196) - (1,127,758) - - - 90,686 (26,350) (1,063,422) - - - (60,122) (26,350) (1.149.894) CITY OF MUSKEGO SEWER liTILITY SEWER INDEBTEDNESS STUDY 1969 - 1987 PROJECTED WORKING CAPITAL Balances, December 31, 1987 Contributed capital - TIF 1988 City Special Revenue Fund activity 1988 net income Depreciation Amortization Replacement Fund payments Principal payments: Collectionof special assessments 1988 budget TIF debt NON-TIF debt (1988 and 1989) (1988 and 1989) Fixed assets purchased - financed with working capital Projected balances, December 31, 1988 1989 City Special Revenue Fund Contributed capital - TIF 1989 net loss Depreciation Amortization Replacement Fund payments Collect ion of special assessments Principal payuents: activity NON-TIF debt (1990) 1989 budget TIF debt (1990) Fixed assets purchased - financed with working capital Projected balances, December 31, 1989 Note: Utility $ 313,281 24,200 90,686 250,000 78,400 (26,350) 33,600 - $ 85,405 103,868 451,035 (640,308) (20,000) 103,509 46,800 (60,122) 250,000 78,400 (26,350) 55,600 - $ 139,325 296,533 (435,858) - (11,408) $ 571 city Special Rev e nue 605,164 (92.000) - - - - - - - - 513,164 (140,000) - - - - - - - - 373.164 The above working capital projection provides for the financing of the subsequent year's interest debt service requirements to be financed by subsequent year's principal debt service requirements and assumes the that year's operations; however, the City Special Revenue Fund would be sufficient to also finance the subsequent year's interest require- ments on non-mortgage revenue debt if operations were not sufficient to do so. Exhibit J 14. Tot a1 918,445 (92,000) 24,200 90,686 250,000 78,400 (26,350) 33,600 (640,308) (20,000) 616,673 (140,000) 46,800 (60,122) 250,000 78,400 (26,350) 55,600 (435,858) (11,408) 373,735 CONLEY MCOONALO. SPRAGUE 6 Co I I 1988 1990 1989 1991 1992 1994 1993 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Exhibit K 15. CITY OF MUSKEGO SEWER UTILITY SEWER INDEBTEDNESS STUDY 1969 - 1987 SCHEDULE OF PROPOSED PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYMENTS TO MATURITY ON ALL DEBT OF THE SEWER UTILITY PROJECTED TU EXIST AT DECEMBER 31, 1989 Principal $ 356,126 423,507 475,008 583,725 660,688 822,948 771,071 688,229 714,929 814,378 196,707 175,062 6.682.318 Interest 505,288 434,692 449,392 409,660 353,101 245,739 298,440 176,111 130,800 72,720 30,010 15,030 3.120.983 Tat a1 790,81R 928,795 924,400 993,385 1,013,789 1,016,810 1,121,3@8 864,340 887,098 845,729 226,717 190,092 9.803.361