CCR1988247AMENDED RESOLUTION #247-88 APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO SUBDIVIDER'S AGREEMENT (Meadow Green) COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 WHEREAS, Resolution #126-87 "Approval of Final Plat and Subdivider's Agreement (G. Boehm - Meadow Green) was approved on June 23, 1987, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended that the deadline date for completion of seeding and/or sodding be extended from November 1, 1988 to July 31, 1989, and WHEREAS, the Letter of Credit has been extended to January 26, 1990. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the Committee, does hereby approve the extension of the seeding City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance and/or sodding deadline date from November 1, 1988 to July 31, 1989. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the deadline date for the application of the final lift of asphalt shall be extended to September 1, 1989. DATED THIS E+h DAY OF NovPmher , 1988. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Mitchel Penovich ATTEST : Ald. Edwin P. Dumke City Clerk Ald. Daniel J. Hilt Gregory J. Boehm, Pamela Boehm-Rieder, individually and as partner individually and as partner in Boehm Partners in Boehm Partners Gloria J. Boehm, individually and as partner in Boehm Partners Gary B. Boehm, individually and as partner in Boehm Partners 3 .P I 1 i City CLerx Ald. Daniel J. Hilt ,Gregory/ J.. oehm, individual y and as partner individually and as partner in Boehm Partners in Boehm Partners T..; ~ , -cr- Gloria J. !.Boehm, Gary B. .%ehm, individually and as partner individually and as partner in Boehm Partners in Boehm Partners Lj:'],?, ~ 4 /i . 7 ~&ll.,Wl : ,jl C*L.,, COWON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUS-EGO RESOLUTION #247-88 AYZSDED AQPROVAL OF A32XDFEXT TO SUBDIVIDES'S AGREEYEST (Yeadow Green) IjtiEXUS, Resolution #1?5-87 "Approval of Final Plat and June 23, 1987, and Subdivider's AgreeTenr (G. Bee% - Xeadow Green) was approved on KHZXEXS. the Finance Commi tree has recommended that tSe deadline date for completion of seeding and/or sodding be extended from Novenber 1, 1988 to July 31, 1989, and XCW, l%ZXFORE, BE IT ?.ZS3LVZJ t?.at tSe Comncn Council of the c;c7 02 ?-skego, upo~ the rzcsnsencacion of the Finance Conmi:=ze, does here3;r asrove the exzension of tSe seeding and/or sodding deadline dace fro3 Noveaber 1, 1988 to July 31, 1989. BE IT EYRTIIER RESOLVED rhac the deadline date for the a?plicarion 05 the final lifc of as?nalt shall be extended to Se9ternber 1, 1989. DXT3 TXLS 8 ri DAY OF , 1988. FINXVCE COPMITTEE la. I".iccnel Penovich ATTEST : Ald. Eavin P. DUmKe 0 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #247-88 APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT (Meadow Green) WHEREAS, Resolution 1b126-87 “Ap June 23, 1987, and Subdivider’s Agreement (G. Boeh WHEREAS, the Finance Committee date for completion of seeding November 1, 1988 to July 31, 1989, and WHEREAS, the Letter of Credit h 1990. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED City of Muskego, upon the recom Committee, does hereby approve and/or sodding deadline date fr 1989. DATED THIS DAY OF FINANCE COMMITTEE / Ald. Mitchel Penovich ATTEST : Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Daniel J. Hilt individually nd as partner in Boehm Pa ners G oria J Boe m, indivi ally and as partner in Boe m Partners Pamela Boehm-Rieder, individually and as partner in Boehm Partners p individually and as partner in Boehm Partners