CCR1988163COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION //I 63-88 RESOLUTION REQUESTING LEGISLATION AIDING WISCONSIN CITIES AND VILLAGES IN REDEVELOPING THEIR CENTRAL AND NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICTS WHEREAS, thriving central and neighborhood business districts are crucial to the economic future of Wisconsin's cities and villages, and WHEKEAS, significant and creative redevelopment of central and neighborhood business districts is increasingly hampered by inadequacies and restrictions upon the tools available to municipalities under present Wisconsin law, and WHEREAS, the problems of municipalities in overcoming their business district problems are compounded by the Federal Government's withdrawal and curtailment of its programs, especially in the revenue area, and WHEREAS, there are numerous examples of states adopting redevelopment efforts which promote economic development, job legislation to assist local governments with business district other revenues for the state. creation and tourism, and generate substantial sales tax and 0 NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT KESOLVED that the City of Muskego requests municipality in the Wisconsin Legislature and Governor Thompson that the State Senators and Representatives who represent this support the enactment of legislation to assist local units of government in the development, construction, operation and financing of central and neighborhood business district redevelopment projects. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Wisconsin Downtown Action Council and Wisconsin League of Municipalities be commended for their efforts to improve the tools and incentives available to local municipalities for central and neighborhood business district redevelopment. BE IT FUKTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be sent to State Senators, State Representatives and Governor Thompson and the Wisconsin Downtown Action Council. A ATTEST : Mayor Wayne G. Salentine City Clerk ,- . . -1) Goal: Eliminate deficiencies and errors in existing state legislation. Means: Through, for example: A Give all cities and villages the power to create pedestrian malls, not just cities of the first class Why confine public pedestrian malls only to Milwaukee? B. Give village and county housing authorities the power to build and operate elderly housing projects, not just city housing authorities. Why insist that all housing authority elderly housing be in cities? C. Give villages the power to create redevelopment and community development authorities, business improvement and tax imcrement districts as opposed to especially villages with populations and areas larger than many cities. limiting these tools to cities. Why deny villages these redevelopment tools, D. Give all municipalities the power to issue industrial development revenue bonds for all organizations and types of projects for which tax-exempt bonds add all Section 501(c)(3) organization projects to the IRB statute. Why can be issued under the Internal Revenue Code, not just some of them E.g.. deprive Wisconsin municipalities of the benefits of tax exempt financing (lower interest costs) which the Federal Government offers to all municipa- lities? 0 E. Eliminate uncertainties by expressly authorizing refinancing of housing, redevelopment and community development authority and industrial development revenue bonds with subsequent issues of the same type, and making presently authorized TIF revenue bonds workable. E.g., add authority for municipalities to count pledges of their TIF revenues to their redevelopment or community development authorities as expenditures under the TIF Law. Why give the statutory authority to do these things, but make their use impossible or inefficient? F. Eliminate uncertainties in the business improvement district legislation, and coordinate TIF disbursing provisions with the existing BID legislation and operating plans so that TIFs and BIDS fully complement one another. G. Clarify and expand powers of counties to engage in economic development, especially in rural areas; and authorize counties to form insurance pools like those being formed by cities and villages. E.g., authorize counties to issue IRBs, create BIDS and TIDs, and grant counties the powers of a redevelop- ment authority. H. Eliminate inter-branch and inter-agency dysfunctions. E.g coordinate state line agencies with one another and local governments to get biggest bang for the tax (state, county and - local) dollar. 2) Goal: Improve access of Wisconsin cities and villages, and redevelopment, community markets for central and neighborhood business district redevelopment projects. development and housing (village, city and county) authorities to the capital Means: Through, for example: a Ereation of state, regional or county credit enhancement facilities. E. Creation of state, regional or county bond pool or authority. C Modification of Pubilc Land Comiss;oners. 5ta.e of Wisconsin Investmenc Board. 'Wisconsin Housins and Zconomic Deveiopment Authority. Wisconsin Development Fund and local government ?enslcr, board Lnvestment and lending authoricy to include business district redeveiopme?ts as projects qualifying for loans or investment, and earmarking of a portion of funds to be invested (directly or indirectly) in such projects 3) Goal: - Improve government revenues for public infrastructure and private investment in central and neighborhood business districts. Means: Through, for example: A. Recognize business districts as a major source of State Government revenues (sales taxes), and channel some/all growth in revenues of this type into busi- ness district redevelopment. I e., TIF concept applied to sales taxes. €3. Establish Trust Fund from new real estate user fees. E.g , a real estate transfer tax or recording fee channeled into a Trust Fund for business district redevelopment. C. Recognize downtown parking structure requirements as needs generated by the transportation system and isolate a part of the State's transportation revenues to assist municipalities in constructing these facilities through grant or financing programs. 4) Goal: Create additional incentives and tools for private sector investment in central and neighborhood business districts. Means: Through, for example: A. a 8. C. D. Establish state-funded Grant Program to communities for targeted business district redevelopment projects. Create investment tax credits or deductions against Wisconsin income tax for investments in targeted business district redevelopment projects. E.g., state deductions for the full amount of contributions to non-profit community develop- ITC for business district historic restorations or handicapped access or state ment corporations for business district redevelopments, historic restorations or handicapped access, even part of the contribution in excess of the maximum charitable deduction for Federal income tax purposes. Provide seed capital for a Wisconsin Business District Redevelopment Program, more money for Wisconsin Development Fund, and modification of criteria for Wisconsin Development Fund and Wisconsin's %ll Cities Program for Block Grant Funds (non-entitlement) to recognize role of business districts in the economic development of a community and to provide for recycling of such funds in local community redevelopment projects. Create a housing assistance program for central and neighborhood business districts. June 15, 1988 Prepared For Legislative Initiative Committee of Wisconsin Downtown Action Council by David H. Fleck of Foley & Lardner 777 East Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202 -2-