CCR1988104COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION 11104-88 AUTHORIZING LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN M. W. MARINE, INC. AND CITY OF MUSKEG0 (Water Patrol - Little Muskego and Big Muskego Lakes) WHEREAS, the Police Department has requested that the City lease a boat and motor for the use of the water patrolman for Little Muskego and Big Muskego lakes from May 1 to September 15, 1988 from M. W. Marine, Inc. and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the attached Lease A reement between the City and M. W. Marine, Inc. for the sum of 8 825 .OO. DATED THIS IOth DAY OF Moy , 1988. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. EdwirrR. Dumke ATTEST : City Clerk 5/88 YP e EQUIPMENT LEASE Wloconsln Legel Blank Co.. Inc. Milwaukee. WI 1 1 k 0 Lessor hereb leases to Lessee, ond Lessee hereby hires and takes from Lessor the following-described personal property (hereina r ter, with all replacement ports, additions, repairs and accessories incorporated >herein and,'or offixed thereto, referred to as "equipment"): ID.ser#b. .q~ipn.ml lully. ihcludins m&., bind 01 unh. ..rid and mod.l and on" o9h.r p.rlin.nl ,nfomatiae.) (one) Sylvan 16 Ft. Seamonster; sn/SYL27209B787 (one) Mariner 60 ELFTO outboard motor; sn/158732 (one) Shoreland'r R1612 trailer; sn/305620 (Yonlh. Deyl RENTALS: For said term or any portion thereof, Lessee shall poy to Lessor rentols aggregating $----?--- 825 00 $--8_?53_0_0--is herewith paid in advance ond the balance of the rental, $---!?!Lb ____, is payable In.-_ _. which equal, successive, monthly rental payments of $-_?!in ______ each, of which the first is due&L_i5, , .19.8-8., and the others an a like date of each month thereafter, until fully paid. .lHonlh. D0.b PURCHASE OPTION: At any timeafter___-_--_ ~ 19", if Lessee has paid in full a11 rentals owing here. under and be.not then in defoult hereunder, Lessee shall have the option to purchase said equipment upon.giving written notice not less than 30 doys prior to expiration of the original term hereof. The purchase price shall be: __________. IMonlh. Dart PLACE OF USE: Lessee shall keep the equipment at Vi182 38200 Racine AveC aunty of _______________ Waukesha Wisconsin Stole of_-___-____---_, un~il Lessor in writing permits its removal, and shall be used in the conduct of Lessee's business solely. REPAIRS: Lessor shall not be obligated to make any repairs or replacements; Lessee shall not incur for Lessor's OC. count or liability any expense therefor without Lessor's prior written consent. Lessee shall inspect the equipment within 1_ ..,shall be conclusively prewmed ta have accepted the equipmentin its then condition.Thereafter Leisee sholl effect and 48 hours after its receipt; unless within said time Lessee notifies Lessor, stating the details of any defects, Lessee benr "the expense of'all necessary repairs,' maintenance, operation and replacements. lSm.1 Ldd..s. md Cilyl OPERATORS: Lessee shall cause the equipment to be operated by competent employees only, and shall pay all er- penres of operation. ~ i LIABILITY: Lessee shall indemnify and save Lessor hormless from any and a11 iniury to or loss of the equipment from whatever cause, ond from liability arising out o! the use, maintenonce and/or delivery thereof, but shall be credited with ony amounts raceired by Lessor from insurance prccvred by Lessee. Damage for any loss or injury sholl be bored on '\ the then true ond reasonable market value of the equipment irrespective of rentals theretofore paid or accrued. extensions thereof, for the full insurable value thereof, against fire and theft with extended coverage and against such INSURANCE: Lessee, at its expense, shall keep said equipment insured, for the term of this lease and any renewals or other risks in such amounts asCessormoy specify. Lessee sholl on request of Lessor deliver to Lessor the policies or evidence,of insurance with o standard long form endorsement ottoched thereto, showing losses, if any, poyable to Lessor in form satisfactory to Lessor, together with receipts for the premiums thereunder. Ir.nl.nr.d\ THIS AGREEMFNT IS SUBJECT TO PROVISIONS SET FORTH ON THE FACE AND REVERSE SIDE HEREOF, THE SAME BEING INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE AND MADE A PART HEREOF SIGNED THIS -_-...DAY OF ~, 19 AT-- If Lessee is o corporation, this Lease is executed by outhority of its 3oord of Directors.