CCR1988076WHEREAS, Frank Narlock represented the City of Wkego as Waukesha Cmty Supervisor fran his election to that position in April, 1974 until April, 1988 when he did not seek re-election, and WHEREAS, Mr. Narlock served as the Cwnty's Chaimn of the Finance Committee from 1982 to 1984, and was a member of the Personnel Cdttee fran 1974 to 1984, in addition to serving on a number of other committees, and WHEREAS, Mr. Narlock has served in the capacity of Waukesha County Supervisor with diligence and dedication, and WHEREAS, prior to being elected County Supervisor, Frank Narlock served as Alderman for the City of Xuskego &om July, 1967 to April, 1972, and WHEREAS, Frank Narlock also assisted Muskego's Assessor for a muher of years as part-time Deputy Assessor. hQW, ZIIEREFlIRE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Conrmon Council of the City of hskego does hereby acknowledge Frank Narlock's many years of service to his coanrmnity and wishes to express the appreciation of the citizens of Muskego for such service. BE IT. FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution with the seal of the City of Muskego affixed shall be presented to Frank Narlock, and Council of the City of Kuskego. this resolution shall become a part of the proceedings of &e Commn DATED THIS 26th DA!t' OF April , 1988.