BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego,
upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby
authorize the Mayor to execute an Agreement between the
Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission and the City
of Muskego by which SEWRPC agrees to provide data processing
services to the City as described in the Agreement for a period
beginning January 1, 1988 and ending December 31, 1990.
DATED THIS DAY OF n~pgp,,,)&,\ . , 1987.
Between the
Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission
and the
City of Muskego
Provision of Data Processing Services
This agreement. made and entered into this - day of 1987, by and
betreen the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, 916 N. East
Avenue. k'aukesha, Wisconsin (hereinafzer referred to as the Commission) and the
City of Xuskego, 61182 Sa200 Racine Avenue, Muskego, Wisconsin (hereicafter
rzfarrzcl to as the City) conce:?s the Fravision of data prccessing services by
the Cccissicn to the Cit'J.
e k'I3zSs3r~
The Conmission and the City hereir. agree as follows:
'Re Ccrrmissicn agrees to provide all data processing and storage equipment,
I szaff, telephone lines, and soft;.are to perforn the CitJ's data processing
applica-ions set forth in Article VII for the time period specified in Article LY
and a= a fixed rate specified in Article VII. Maintenance of the equipment and
operating systm located at the Camission shall be the responsibility of the
Copmission. Operation of the equi;rezr installed in the Conmission offices shall
be controlled by Commission staff. Cperation of the equipnent installed in the
City shall be controlled by City szaff.
At the request of the CiYf, the Conmission agrees to configure computer
systens or teminal networks of equipment. order equipment, monitor delivery
schedules, install the equipment or cause it to be installed. and adninister all
equipment transactions such as contracfs. installment purchase agreements, and
Page 1
maintenance agreements (if desired). on behalf of the City. The Commission
further agrees to invoice the City for the exact amount the Comission is charged
for the acquisition method chosen by the City with the folloving exception:
equipment ordered through the Commission not intended to be connected to the
Comission's mainframe computer will be invoiced at 10 percent higher than vhat
it costs the Commission. This 10 percent surcharge is intended to cover the cost
of perforaing all of the administrative tasks associated with equipment
acquisition. The Comission shall secure additional equipment for the City only
upon written request of the City.
A~TCLZ rn - owm.ssilr? OF m EOUIPZXT AT THE c~n
It is mutually agreed that any equipment acquired by the City through the
Co-ission on a purchase basis either outright or via instalhent payment shall
be the propercy of the City as of the date of final payment. It is further
agreed tlat the City vill have tke full benefit of any purchase accruals that may
acxrxlais in equipeezz thac nay be leaspd or rented through the Coraission and
tha: is located in City offices.
h--C-: ~q - ESUi?UE!R U-\I?jT3tLVCZ &hi C0,WECTION COSTS "*T " "
At ::?e request of the City, the Cc.mission agrees co encer ints naintenance
agreezen:s wich 1311 or other vezdors fsr all OK any of the purchased equipmenc
acquired by tke City. The City agrees io prcvide the Camission with a list of
all ecui?nent rnc acquired thxugh tke Commission tha: is to be placed onto
eaincenance agrements. Such a lis: is to include manufaccurer. model number,
feature nunoers, and the star: dace a naintenance agreement is required. The
Caonisslon shall be responsible for all customer obligations under said
rnaintemnce agreements with the excep:ion of maintenance agreements that require
the equi?rent to be delivered to rke vendor for repair. The City agrees to
notify the Cocnission of the need for naintenance on any item of equipment that
the City has asked the Comission to be responsible for and agrees to follow
Commission instructions for the proper repair of such equi?ment. All leased
equiprent includes maintenance in tSe monthly lease rate. The maintenance
agreetlents shall provide service to City equipment bet-aeen the hours of 7:OO AM
a;.d 6:OO P?, ?!onday through Friday, exclusive of holidays. Maintenance ordered
ourside of these hours by the City will be invoiced separately to the City and
shall be paid by the City in addition to the normal monthly cost.
Page 2
The Commission agrees to provide leased telephone lines betveen the
Commission and the City; and, further to provide leased telephone lines between
City Ea11 and remote City offices as requested; and, further to provide
connection equipment at the Comission. The Commission shall invoice the City
monthly for the above at the folloving rates:
1. The published price of maintenance on all IBM equipment as set forth in
the State of Wisconsin/Sorbus pricing manual updated every June 30th.
2. The actual invoice amount for maintenance agreements as received from
Decision Data or other vendors.
3. The actual invoice amount for leased telephone lines from Wisconsin
lr. Connection at the CoPnission ac a fixed cost of S200 per month per
leased line.
5. Leased mode3 at City Hall a: a fixed cost of $150 per nonth and a shared
rocen at tke Comission at a fix2c cost of $i5 per nonth each.
Tr.e Commission agrees to provide application sofr-;are to the City that would
be ac:essible through the tele?rccessi-g netxork or, if feasible. on equipment
locacac ac the Ci:y. 1.1 par'ic-la:, tk2 Conmission agrees to provide and
raintaia t?.e following applicacicns a: :he Commission (CCUU) OK at t5.e City
(CIT.') :
Utility billing (CITY, Voter registration (CIn)
Payroll (CITY) Aquatic Harvest Billing (COMM)
Financial Hanagmeat (CITY) Fixed assets (CITY)
Tax File Yaintenance, Inquir], &-.d
Property Tax Billing (C3X)
Ccnputer Aided Mass Appraisal (CAW) (Corn)
to be used for tax billing is ovned by the Commission and shall be provided for
use by the City on the Commission's computer system at no charge to the City.
Should the City desire to transfer this systm to a City awned systen in the
Page 3
future, the cost to the'City shall be $10.000 at that tine. Should a transfer to
a Cit:r owned system occxr. the City nay use the system for it's own use but may 0 not transfer the softxare to another municipality without the express written
consect of the Commission. Any additional computer systems written by the
Commission expressly for the City in the tax billing area shall becone the
property of the City.
FINZ-VC1.a MANAGmVT SYSTF.. The City shall operate the CCSI financial
managenent system on the Cify's 1% Sysrem 36 under an existing softvare license
held by the City. The City may operate under this license for a period of 99
years f:m the beginning of the license. Any supplemental, non-CCSI related
computer prograns written by the Conmission expressly for the City in the
financial management area shall become the property of the CiCy.
C2UXT3 AIDED Y2.S AP9AIICXL. The Computer Aided ?ass Appraisol software
s:isra.z oL-ned by the Sta:e of 'n'isco?si?, Deparment of Reveoce may be used by the
Cicy c? che Cornission systm a: no ckarze. Should the City desire c3 transfer
this s:rsren to a City omec cmpuier system in the future, the City vould have to
do sc wce: an agreenen: vith the Wiscmsin DeTartaent of Revence eocered into at
tLa: tix. AdCitional progrms i?. this area that the Carnission has developed to
enhacce tbe system, includi~g oc-lize godules, are the procerty of che Commission
aoc ray be used by the City on the C:~-ission syscem a: no charge. Should the
City cesire to tzansfer these addi:iccal programs to a Cicy owned syszern in the
f-trlrre, the cos: to :ne City shall be Sl5.000 at that ti-e. Should a transfer to
a Cit'f omed system occxr, the Cizy cay use the prograns far it's om use but may
not transfer the sof:vare to any nu?.iciaality without the ex?ress written consent
of t5e Cammission. Any additional ccnputer programs written by the Commission
exgressly for the City in the CAwA area shall become the property of the City.
."hY30LL/PZRSONNEL. The City shall operate the CCSI Payroll/personnel systen
on the City's ILY System 36 under kl existinq softvare license held by the City.
The City may operate kder this licecse for a period of 99 years from the
beginnir.5 of the license. Any supple=ental, non-CCSI related computer programs
vrit:en by the Conmission expressly for the City in the payroll area shall become
the propertjr of the City.
VOTZR REGISTRATION. The softvare in the voter registration system is owned
by the Commission. The City has paid a one time fee of $2,300 for the use of
this sofrvare for as long as the City desires. The City can not transfer this
softvare to another jurisdiction without the express written pernission of the
Comission. Should the City transfer the system with permission, the receiving
jurisdiction would have to reimburse the Comission a one time users fee of
Or-3. SOFTWLJILSE. All other sofrdare set forth in Article V shall be deemed
to be the property of the Cir]. Should the Commission acquire or develop
proprietary software during the terx of this agreement and should the City share
the use of that soft-dare a separate agreement specific to that sofrvare shall be
entered into by both parties at that time.
P.e Ccr=issior. agrees tiat all deened to be omed by the City shall not
be use5 :or or transfered :a ar.ocker jurisdiccion wi:houc the written consent of
t::e Ci:?. Tke Cormissicn hereby ackxvledges that it is the responsibility of
the Csc=.:ssior. to ezsure that adeqcace safeguards are built into the system to
pyacecr againsc access by unacthorized persons.
rye Cmzission agrses to ?roviCe equipment and staff to ~KOC=SS specific
CL::r a=?Licacions during the ten of tiis agreement. The Csmission further
agrees :o prsvide maintenance to tke a?plications residing upon the City owned
Sysrm 36. me Comission furtSer agrees to process OK maintain the following
app1ica:ions at the fixed cos: indicacsd for the tern of this agreenent:
Page 5
Property tax file maintenance, inquiry,
tax billing
Utility Billing
Financial Management
Voter registration
Aquatic Harvest billing
Fixed Assets
Page 6
Fixed Annual Cost
$ 7,500
$ 18,025
Tke fixe6 ancual cost set for+. above is exclusive of t+.e cos: of foxs, postage,
operaci-g supplies, equipnect maiczenacce. connect ckarges, leased ncdems. or
ocher equi?nenc paynents. The cr"s:s above include program naintenance necessary
to conrly with changes in State re:or:ing requirements, program changes to fix
prcblers, minor cSanges such as ckzngi-g a colum headic3 on a report, and any
enkanczects developed by the Comrission staff or CCSI far the good of all users
of the sofz-dare. Assistance to the Cit;r by the Comnissicn Community Services
ReTresentative shall be invoiced at tke rate set forth in Article VIII.
Beginning January 1, 1988, the Ccmission shall divide by 12 the total fixed
annual cost of $18.025 and shall invoice the Cit;r at the beginning of each
calendar month the sum of $1,502.
The Comnission agrees to provide to the City, upon written request. written
maxkm cost estimates for staff costs to design and/or implenent new data
processing applications. Such wrFtZen estimates shall include anticipated
elapsed time from such date as the City may authorize the Comnission to proceed
with a specific work task. All new a?plications shall be inplemented at the
following Comission billing rates during the term of this agreement:
.- .. ..
Item - Hourly Rate
Ccnputer run time
Print time at SZaXPC
Job submission
Supervision or Project Leader - mainframe areas
Systems Analysis - mainframe areas
Community Services ReTresentative
Programzing - mainframe applications
Supervision or Project Leader - Hicro/mini areas
Systems Analysis - Nic-olmini areas
Office automation trainizg specialist
Programming - bficro/nini applications
Data entry
Should the City utilize Project leader, Systems Analysis, or Computer Programming
staff for projects to be rcn on the City's ovn computer spstem, the rates vould
be at the higher Ecra/nini races. T?e cast to process az:r nev application vi11
be ins-oiced on a tine azd cataria1 basis. at the above raszs, until the end of
the calendar yea: in vhi-h the:i are i=?lemented. At the er.d of a gi3ien calendar
yeaz, the actual cost to p:ocess a given new applicaticn vi11 be analyzed and
nade a part of this agrement. Representatives of the Comission and the City
w--- EeP-t in January of ever:r yea= ad mutually agree, based upon billing
ir.for^a:ion sqplied by t?e Ccznissign. as to what the fixed costs are to be
acced ta the monthly p:ocessi?.3 cas:s far the subsequent year. As nev
applica-ions are requestsa by the Ci::r, the Commission will invoice the City at
the er.6 of each caledar nonci for the additional vork effort as the work
progresses. The City shall became the owner of all conputar prograns vritten by
the Cccmission for the Cit:r to the excent that the City reiaburses the
Re Conmission agrees to provide data processing sezvices to the City as
described. herein for a period beginning January 1, 1988 and ending December 31.
Page 7
The City and the Connnission agree to meet in February of 1990 to discuss the
terms and conditions attendant to any extension of this agreement. Should the
City decide not to extend this agreement, it shall so notify the Commission no
later than June 30. 1990.
Date: Southeastern Wisconsin Regional
Planning Commission
By :
Anthony F. Balestrieri. Chairman
City of Muskego
Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor
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