CCR1987240COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION fI240-87 APPROVAL OF MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT (Cincinnati Time - DPW Time Clock) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby authorize the Clerk to execute a maintenance agreement with Cincinnati Time, Inc. for the Cincinnati Time Clock located at the Public Works Garage for the period of one year effective December 1, 1987 for a total of $90.00. ATTEST : . -: City of Muskego W182 58200 Racine Ave. ?!uskeco. WI 53150 CUSTMER ADDRESS CITY STATE CINCINNATI PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ASSURES YOU : LONGER EQUIPMENT LIFE Periodic cleaning, oiling and adjusting extends useful life of equipment. TROUBLE FREE OPERATION Proper equipment care gives you better equipment perfamonce. FIXED YEARLY COST AND SAVINGS orders, invoices, checks and administrative invoices. One annual invoice, eliminates seporate costly purchase PERIODIC INSPECTIONS < Regular scheduled inspections maintain peak performance of your time equipment and minimize repoir interruptions. PARTS REPLACEMENT Worn parts ore replaced without charge on Cincinnati Equipment. QUALITY SERVICE I Prompt, courteous service by Factory Trained Customer Engineers t JFMAMJJASOND INSPECTION SCHEDULE EQUIPMENT TO BE COVERED BY THIS I MODEL 3251 NTENANCE AGREI SERIAL 1236233 - Total ENT AMOUNT ANNUAL $90.00 ACCEPTEDBY Kelley Kraft CUSTOMER'S AUTHORIZATION City of Muskeqo NAME Cincinnati Time W182 58200 &cine Ave. W146 N5800 Enterprise Ave. Muskego, WT 53150 mmEss ADDRESS CITY STATE c ITY STATE :.!emnonee Falls, WI 53051 REP1ESEIITATIVE REF. h0. THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE AUTHOR !ZED BY FORM 5-24 MINTENANCE AGREEMENT