CCR19872347 COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLIIIION #234-87 .. \+ (As Amended) APPROPRIATIIG THE NECESSARY FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF THE GoVEm AND ACNINISTRATION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO FOR THE YEAR 1988 BE IT RESOLVED that the Cmn Council of the City of kskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Comnittee, does hereby appropriate out of the receipts of the City of bskego for the year 1988 including monies received from the General Property Tax Levy, to the various funds and purposes set up in the budget presented herewith for the purposes therein stated, the follming amount: REVENUES Property Taxes $ 2,276,114 $ 2,306,414 $ 2,353,112 Intergovernmental Revenues 371,969 1,579,529 1,704,700 Rewlation & Compliance 199,027 239,633 253,480 Public Charges for Services 139,097 143,521 144,985 Public Improvement 1 ,892 1 ,900 150 Commercial Revenue 328,183 237,981 207,350 Transfers from other Funds 1,134,206 1,684,207 1,914,724 TOTAL REVENUES $ 4,450,488 $ 6,193,185 $ 6,578,501 ACTUAL ESTIWTED BUDGET 1987 -9 MOS. TOTAL - 1987 1988 .......................................... ACTUAL MPENSE ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES BUDGET 1987 - 9 MOS. TTXAI. - 1987 1988 General Government Public Safety Transportation $ 627,003 $ 873,032 $ 868,039 1,238,178 407.021 1,644,247 595.540 1,803,032 599.625 Education & Recreation 353;812 475 ; 204 508 ; 433 15,977 18,094 249',416 Indebtedness 1,337,899 2,416,144 2,449,956 Trans.to Sewer Ut.-State Sh. mAL EXPENDITURES 80,000 80,000 100,000 7 4,059,890 $ 6,102,261 $ 6,578,501 ahclassified """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""- CAPITAL OWMY ACTUAL EXPENSE ESTIMATED BUDGET 1987 - 9 MIS. TOTAL - 1987 1988 -0- $ 205,312 $ 153,096 $ 91,329 $ 205,312 $ 153,096 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED there is hereby levied a tax of $5.736 per $1,000.00 upon all the taxable property within the City of Muskego as returned by the City Assessor in the year 1987 for uses and purposes set forth in said budget. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to spread the said tax upon the current tax roll of the City of t4xkego. DATED THIS 16th DAY OF November ', 1987. FINANCE COMMITTEE OAZTEST: City Clerk 11 I87 & ........... .. ............ ... ... .. ( Aluno3 aayneml!H ( NISN03SIM 40 31VlS 'SS ( ON COUNCIL - CIlY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION #234-87 APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF THE GOW- AND ACMINISTF!.ATION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO FOR THE YEAR 1988 Council of the City of appropriate out of received from the in the budget prese AClYAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 1987 -9 MOS. TOTAL - 1987 Property Taxes $ 2,276,114 371,969 199,027 139.097 144.985 Public Improvement 150 Commercial Revenue 328,183 207,350 Transfers from other Funds 1,134,206 1,890,724 $ 6,554,501 ~~ 1 :892 . mAL REVEms ,450,488 ESTIMATED BUDGET EXPENDITURES TOTAL - 1987 1988 General Government Public Safety Transoortation $ 873,032 1 ,644, 247 595.540 $ 868,039 1,803,032 599.625 Educakn h Recreation 508; 433 Unclassified 225,416 Indebtedness 2,416,144 2,449,956 Trans.to Sewer Ut.-State Sh. 80,000 TOTAL MPENDITURES 100,000 $ 6,102,261 $ 6,554,50f CAPITAL OUTIAY A(SIU4L EXPENSE STIMATED BUDGET m&, - 1987 1987 - 9 kOS. 1988 REVENUES -0- EXPENDITURES $ 91,329 $ 153,096 $ 153,096 """"""_ BE IT FURTIER RES0 taxable prope 1987 for uses BE IT FURTHER spread the sa , 1987. / FINANCE CoE.f*IITTEE \ .* A'ITEST: / J City Clerk 1 1 I87 Mayor Wayne G. Salentine Ald. Mitchel Penovich Ald. Edwin P. hnke Ald. Daniel J. Hilt