CCR1987232COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #232-87 (As Amended) APPROVAL OF STANDARD WATER UTILITY OPERATING RULES AND REGULATIONS WHEREAS, the Public Service Commission has recommended that the Water Utility adopt standard water utility operating rules and Chapter PSC 185, Wis. Adm. Code, and regulations in order to reflect the latest requirements in WHEREAS, the Public Water Committee has recommended approval, and WHEREAS, the Public Water Committee's amendment to B-1 will be submitted to the PSC for approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Water Committee, does hereby adopt the standard water utility operating rules and regulations as attached hereto, subject to review of the City Engineers. DATED THIS 8th DAY OF December A , 1987. ,/ COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION F232-87 APPROVAL OF STANDARD WATER UTILITY RULES AND REGULATIONS WHEREAS, the Public Service Commission has that the Water Utility adopt standard water utility regulations in order to reflect the latest Chapter PSC 185, Wis. Adm. Code, and WHEREAS, the Public Water Committee has re WHEREAS, the Public Water Committee's submitted to the PSC for approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that City of Muskego, upon the Committee, does hereby rules and regulations DATED THIS DAY OF , 1987. PUBLIC WATER COMMITTEE aniel J. Hilt d. Patrick Patterson d. Harold L. Sanders ATTEST : TO WATER COMMITTEE DEFEKRED 11/10/87 AND REFERRED RATE FILE Section e Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Number : Sheet Number : Schedule Amendment h’umber : F-1 UTILITY NAME MUSKEG0 WATER UTILITY Number : 1 Public Fire-Protection Service For public fire-protection service to the city of Muskego, the hydrants up to and including the terminal hydrant and connection annual charge shall be 688,307 to cover the use of mains and on each main existing for the 1987 test year. For a11 extensions of fire-protection service, a charge of 68e per lenqth of main put.into use between hydrants placed, plus a charge lineal foot of main shall be charged per annum on the basis of the period. of 566.00 per net hydrant alded to the system after the base This service shall include the use of hydrants for fire-protection service only and: such quantities of water as may- be demanded-for the purposes of extinguishing fires within the municipal-boundary forth-, or- as: maybe filed with the Public Service Comks.ion; shall apply. The above base annual charge of $88,307 includes an estimated 52,094 feet of distribution mair., 6-inch and laroer, and 128 hydrants. only. For all other purposes, t5e metered or other rates. se.L PSCW Authorization by Order No.: Date Order Issued 4005-WR-100 9-15-87 Applicable for Service Rendered on and after: Letter ,Dafe September 25, 1987 I2iJl RATE FUE Section Public Servke ;Commission of Wisconsin Sheet TNumber -: Number : Schedule e UTILITY NP,E MUSKEG0 WATER UTILITY Number : F-2 Amendment Number : 1 Public Fire-Protection - Suburban Water used for extinguishing fires outside the immediate service .area of the :utility-may consist of three types of service: 1) kater supplied to tank trucks from utility hydrants: 2) Water supplied directly from hydrants located within the “corporate limits, or on its borders, by means of.hose lines: or, 3) Water supplied to t=z:< truck from any other utility water source. be submitted to the water utility after each use for fire A record of the measured or estinated volume of water used shall protection outside the utility‘s immediate service area. -If measuring or estimating is impossible, the water utility superintendent shall be furnished such data as size of orifice uses, pressure and time water wzs permitted to flow, in order to determine volume used. A charge for the volume of water used, for each fire either through a tank supply or from h:drants, will be billed to the A service charge, in addition to the water charge, shall be $15.00 township or fire department using water at $3.10 per 1,000 gallons per hydrant used. PSCW Authorization by Order NO.: Date Order Issued 4005-WR-100 9-15-87 Applicable for Service Renzered on and after: Letter Date September 25, 1987 - .~ - : 1987 %BATE 3J.LZ Sectinn ~~bli.c~erv'ire~mmission of Wisconsin XW-er .-.:~ . , Number : Schedule Amendment Number : 1 - KTTIL1T.Y .NAME Number : Upf-1 MUSKEGO WATER UTILITY Private Fire-Protection Service - Unmetered This -service -shall consist of urmetered connections to the main for automatic-sprinkler systems, standpipes, (where same are -con.n@cted-permanently or continuously -to -the-mains) and .Trivate hydrants. Quarterly deqand charges for private fire-protection-service: ". Size of Connection Charge 2-inch 3-inch 4-inch 6-inch 10-inch 8-inch 5 23.10 $ -71.85 $ 43.20 $231.00 $144.00 $345.00 Billing: Same provisions as for general service. Combined Service: When a 4-inch or larger connection is made .to the-main-for-private smaller size branch line for general service. This small branch fire-protection service, such service line may be -tapped with a line shall be metered and the water therefrom.billed at the regular metered rates, schedule Mg-1. The charge for private connection to the main as stated in the above .schedule. Where "X" fire-protection service will be that applicable to the size of equals the unmetered private fire-protection quar.terly -charge applicable to the size of connection, and "Y" is -the quarterly service charge for general service, the charge for private fire-protection service shall be (X-.30Y). PSCW Authorization by Order No.: Date Order Issued Applicable for Service Rendered on and after: Letter Date September 25, 1987 T ma7 . 4005-WR-100 9-15-87 RATE 'FILE Section Public "Service"Commission of Wisconsin Sheet Number : Number : Schedule mILrTY NAME MUSKEG0 WATER UTILITY Number : Mq-1 Amendment General Senrice - Metered ~ ~~ ~~ Quarterly service charge: 5/8-inch.meter - $27.00 3-inch meter - $108.00 3/4-inch meter - $27.00 1-inch .meter - $36.00 4-inch meter - $144.00 6-inch meter - $207.00 1%-inch meter - $48.00 8-inch meter - $276.00 14-inch meter - $57.00 10-inch meter - $360.00 .2-inch meter - $78.00 12-inch meter - $441.00 Plcs volume charge: First -30,000 gallons .used each quarter - $3.10 .per I.000':ga~llons Next 90,000 gallons used each quarter - 52.35 per-l,000 gallons Over :120,000 gallons used each quarter - $2.00-per'1,000 gallons Billinq: Bills for water service are rendered quarterly-and become due and payable on the first of the month following the perioe for which service is renlered. A late Fayment charqe of I+% per month will be adde? to bills not paid within 20-days of issuance. This late payment charge will be applied to the total unpaid balance for utility service, including unpaid late payment charges. The late payment charge is applicable to all customers. The utility customer may be given a written notice that the bill is overdue no sooner than 20 days after the bill is issued. within the next 8 days, service may be disconnected pursuznt to Unless payment or satisfactory arrangement for payment is made Chapter PSC 185, Wis. Adm. Code. Combined metering: When a conscmer's premises has several buildinss, each supplied with service and metered separately, the the readings will not be cumulated. If these buildings are all full se&ice charge'will be billed for each mete= separately and used in the same business and are connected by the consumer, they can be metered in one place. If the utility, for itslown convenience, installs more than one meter, the readings will be cumulated for billing. PSCW Authorization by Order No.: Date Order Issued Applicable for Service RenCered on and after: Letter Date 4005-WR-100 9-15-87 September 25, 1987 r .. - 1537 RATE FILE Section Number : Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Sheet Number : Schedule 0 UTILITY NAME MUSKEGO WATER UTILITY Number : Mu-2 Amendment Number : 1 General Service - Suburban Water customers residing outside the corporate limits of the city of Muskego shall be billed at the regular rates for service (Schedule Mg-1) plus a 25% surcharge. @ PSCW Authorization by Order NO.: Date Order Issued 4005-WR-100 9-15-87 Applicable for Service Rendered on and after: Letter Date " September 25, 1987 f,?'7 7 1987 RATE FILE Section Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Sheet Number : Number : Schedule UTILITY NAME HUSKEGO WATER UTILITY Number : Npa-1 Amendment Number : 1 PuSlic Service Water service supplied to municipal buildings, schools, etc., shzll be metered and the regular metered service rates applied. Water used on an intermittent basis for flushing sewers, street shall be metered where meters can be set to measure the service. sprinkling, flooding skating rinks, drinking fountains, etc., Where it is impossible to measure the service, the superintendent shall estimate the volume of water used based on the pressure, The estimate2 quantity cse2 shall be billed at the rate of $2.35 size of opening and period of tine water is allowed to be drawn. per 1,000 gallons. * PSCW Authorization by Order No.: Date Order Issued 4005-WR-100 9-15-87 Applicable for Service Rendered on and after: Letter Date September 25, 1987 -- 7 1087 RATE FILE Section NumSer : Number : Scheclule Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Sheet UTILITY NAME MUSKEGO WATER UTILITY Nwher : Uq-1 Amendment Number : 1 ~ ~~~~ General Water Service - Unmetered Where the utility cannot imnediately install its water meter, service may be supplied temporarily on an unmetered basis. Such service shall be billed at the rate of $73.50 each quarter. This rate shall be applied only to single-family residential and small commercial customers and approximates the cost of 15,000 gallons utility that usage is in excess of 15,000 gallons per quarter, an of water per quarter under Kg-1. If it is determined by the additional usage. additional charge per Schedule Hg-1 will be mase for the estimated Billinq: Same as Sche2ule 13~-1. PSCW Authorization by Order No.: Date Order Issued Applicable for Service Rendered on and after: Letter .. Da e 4005-WR-100 9-15-87 7 158 7 September 25. 1987 .. RATE PILE Section ~~ Number : Number : Schedule Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Sheet UTILITY NAME MUSKEG0 WATER UTILITY Number : Mgt-1 Amendment Number : 1 Seasonal or Temporary Service Seasonal customers shall be served at the general service rate an annual seasonal service charge equal to four times the (Mg-1) except that each customer served under this rate shall pay applicable quarterly service charge. Water use in any quarter shall be billed at the applicable volume schedule in Mg-1 and the charge added to the annual seasonal service charge. PSCW Authorization by Order No.: Date Order Issued ?-pplicable for Service Ren2ered on and after: Letter Date 4005-h%-100 9-15-87 September 25, 1987 1,- - IC-87 . RATE FILE @ Public Service UTILITY NAME Number : Section Commission of Wisconsin Number : Sheet Number : Mt-1 Schedule Amendment MUSKZGO WATER UTILITY Number : 1 Building and Construction Water Service For single-family and small commercial buildings apply the service charge (Mg-1) for the size of meter to be installed. For large commercial, industrial or multiple apartment buildings, metered rates (Mg-1) applied. a temporary metered installation shall be made and general, PSCW Authorization by Order No.: Date Order Issued Applicable for Service Rendered on and after: Letter Date 4005-WR-100 9-15-87 September 25, 1987 I. - 'i 1587 RATE FILE Section Number : Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Number : Sheet Schedule 0 UTILITY NAME MUSKEG0 WATER UTILITY NurAer : 8-1 Amendment Number : I Bulk Water All bulk water supplied to fill tank trucks or swimming pools from metered. Utility personnel shall supervise the delivery of the the water system through hydrants or other connections shall be water. Service charge - $15.00 Plus volume charge - 3.10 per 1,000 gallons or fraction thereof, prepaid, for all fills unless under contract agreement, Fills will be limited to weekdays, during Water Utility hours, upon presentation of permission slip. e PSCW Authoriza.tion by Order No.: Date Order Issued Applicable for Service Rendered on and after: Letter Date 4005-WR-100 9-15-87 September 25, 1987 r .. 7 i 1337 / RATE PILE 0 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin UTILITY NAKE MUSKEGO WATER UTILITY Section Number : Sheet Number : Schedule Number : R-1 Amendment Number : 1 - Reconnection Charges During normal After normal business hours business hours Reinstallation of meter, including valving at curb stop $15.00 $22.50 Valve turned on at curb stop $12.00 $18.00 Note: No charge for disconnection. 0 PSCW Authorization by Order No.: Date Order Issued 4005-WR-100 9-15-87 Applicable for Service Rendered on and after: Letter Date September 25, 1987 - .- " - 1937 RATE FILE Section Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Sheet NWer : Nurjer : Sckedule Aren2ment Nder : 1 0 UTILITY NAME Nder : Cz-1 MGSKEGO WATER UTILITY Water Lateral Installation Chzrge The initial water service lateral will be installed from the main through the curb stop and box by the utility, for which there will be made a charge as follows: 3/4-inch or 1-inch copper water service 5670.00 Larger sized services Actual Cost PSCW Authorization by Order No.: Date Order Issued 4005-WR-100 9-15-87 Applicable for Service Rendered on and after: Letter Date September 25, 1987 r: -: - 1957 RATE FILE Section 0 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Number : Sheet Nmher : Schedule UTILITY NAME MUSKEG0 WATER UTILITY Nder : D-1 Amenhent Temporary Metered Supply, Meter and Deposits Service charge for setting the valve an2 furnishing and setting the meter - 510.00 Deposit for valve and meter - $10.00 Water usage shall be billed at present rates. Refun2s of 2eposits will be made upcn return of the utility equipment. DamageE or lost equipEent will be repaired zr replaced at customer expense. PSCW Authorization by Order No.: Date OrCer Issued 4005-WR-100 9-15-87 Applicable for Service Rendered on and after: Letter ,-, Date September 25, 1987 7 IS57 RATE FILE Section Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Number : Sheet Number : Schedule LTILITY NAME MUSKEG0 WATER UTILITY Number : H-1 Amenhent Number : 1 - Hydrant Charges In cases where no other supply is available, hydrants may be used (see Rule X-1.2). The following charges shall apply. Service charge for setting or moving sprinkler valve - $10.00 Ayerant wrench deposit - $10.00 Reducer (if necessary) deposit - $10.00 advance at the schedule rates. The minimum charge for water usage In aec'ition, the projecte2 water usage shall be paid for in shall be $10.00. Refunds of deposits will be made upon return of the utility equipment. Damaged or lost ecpi?ment will be repaired or replaced at customer expense. e PSCW Authorization by Order No.: Date Order Issued 4005-WR-100 9-15-87 Applicable for Service Rendered on and after: Letter Date September 25, 1987 - .- 7 1387 Nlxrkr: Scbedule Nmber : x-1 Fum&Erlt .+pliekkr? for *&-A- service s%ll te ?*de in writing on a fon -CUzis!!ed by the wate- utili?~. %e application will cc;..t=in th 1-1 desciption of the property to be --rei; .m of the an=, t5e exae use to be mde of the se-rice, and the rekigeratim &lor air-arditio- water cunsdng appliances.) size of the supply pip and .?let-== desi+. RJote particularly any -ial , plrt'k stzet or PJSlic st-ip in +ic! a cast imn or other .long-life water main Serrice will be only if (1) ;*ses have a frontage on a-properly has bee-^ lait, or L&=E property cwne- hzs age& to and canplied wit! the prcr\*isions of c-k utility's fild ~ei? exttsion rule, (2) pm-1 owner has use, and laid not less than 6 feet kelm the surface of an establis5ed or proposed iu-llec! or aqrees to install a sez-rice pipe frun the cur5 Line to the point of piping beynrd mterbg pint. Fade, and acmrding to utility's specification, ard (3) premises hzve adquate ?!e mre- of a rmlti-unit eaellinq has 5. @on of teiiy se" !q indivizual metezz wa-~ se-rvice to ea& unit. The CYR~T, by selectinq this option, is rretexd -rice to each unit ard inCvi-&al disconnection witbout affecting service rspirei to pmvi2e interior plunbirq zd meter settinqs to enable kdividual to other units. ~ach ireter and meter c" will be a sevte water utility CLC~Q~~' for the purpse of the file"- rAes and rqulations. ?;o division of the mter service of any lot or puce1 of lard shall 5e -de for the eX'asi0.l ani indepdent meterge of 5. wly to an adjoining lot or parcel of Lc~d'. SJ tivision of a water sely Se-Jice &all be mde at the cxb for separate or plblic service strip whether cwned by the same or different parties. "lies thereh for two or mre sewzate premises having frontage on any street EO? Autkrizatian by Order No. : Date order Issued Zgplicable for sewice Rendered on ad aft&: Letter Date 40054R-100 9-15-87 Se?tmker 25, 1987 r " ': ICs7 Sheet lb~p~~ Me+& slrpply, Wter an8 Cepsits applicant for temporary uater -1:~ on a metered basis shall We and mintain water and for such other chaqes bhici. .my arise fmn the use of the supply. A a mne+%.ry deposit for each mete- imdlled, as sewity for payment for use of chzqe s!ll be mde for set- Lb nlve and furnishin9 and set- the meter. &I for applicable rate. Water for Construction hhen water is requested for constructtm Wses, or for fill- tanks or other such cses, an application therefor sLrll be made to the utility, in writing, upon application provided for that pxpse in the utility's office, givin9.a statement of the arrrxlnt of construction wark to ke done, or the size of the tark to be fill&, etc. payment for the water for construction shall be mde in advance at pscs auuthorization by Order M.: Date Order Issued - 4005-h?l-100 -1icable for Service Rendered on an2 after: 9-15-87 r" .. Letter Date Water utility Operating Rules (continued) -__- . " the sc.Flesllled rates. The serzice pi- mu^= be install& +side the Suilaing h where the water must be &m. M mnnectim with the service pipe at the curb .shall be mde withcut special pmission f=an the utility. In m case, will any employee of the utility-tum m water for ~~cm mrk unless the cuntractor first presents a mt. Upcn rrmpletion of the constNction wxk, -the contractor mst return the original @t to the utility together with a stataneyt of the actual amxlnt of construct!5on mrk perfom. Consm-s shall not allm cor.t-ac%rs, Wns or other pers0r.s to *?e water -5un their prsises without first shwinq a Fit firm the de-t. Any consurer faiiiq to canply with this 2rovisim will .kve water service discoz'Aued. In cases wfiere no other supply is anilable, permission my Se granted by *& utilicf to use a hydrant. M hydrark shall be used until it is qui-- with a n-erker of 'A utility. qxinklino valve. In no case, shall any valve be install& cr msvec! except by a used at the scheduled rates. See Sckdule H-1 for applicable ckeposits and Before a valve is set, payrent mst Se mde for its setting and for the water to be charyes. Upn capleting use of t! hydrant, the cvsta-n=r must notify the utility to that effect. by the utility when the sprinkling mlve is set, and the flw of water mst be In the use of a hydrant suply, the hydrant valve will be set at the proper opening rqulated by means of the sprinklirq valve. .If the water is to be used thrcugh iron pipe connections, all such pipe installations shall have the swinq joint to facilitate quick disconnection €ran the fire hydrant. Any -son who shall, without authority of the utility, allow contractors, msons or otkr unauthorized persons to take water fmn their prenises, opeate any mlve connect& with the street or supply rains, or open any fire hydrant connected with the distzibution system, except for the mse of crtiguishing fire, or wfio FSCd Autbrizatian bv Oder No.: Date Order IS& ~~~ ~~ 4005-WR-100 Applicable for Senrice Fend- on and after: 9-15-87 Letter Date September 25, 1987 -,,;. ': fno7 I"U, " : Sheet Operation of Valves and %&ants, md L>authorizec! @se of Wa'a - Penalty (Cant'd.) shall wantonly darnage or impair t! smre shall be subject to a fine as pmvided by municipl ordinance. Permits for t! use of hydrants apply only to such hydrants as are designated for the qxcific use. Reh& of Monetary Deposits All mries depsited 8s sec~-i:.y for p:rme?t of chh~s ~-isL79 the use of wheel or reducer, if the wa'm is used on an urnrete-ed basis, will be refund& to -razz water supply on a =+pd basis, or for the reym of a sprinkling mlve t!! depxitor on the tenrbatia-: cf t!! use of water, the .ppent of all ChKges levied against the depositor, md the return of the %heel an? reducer. Se-Jice Connections (or Water kL~ralsl KO wate- service shall be laid ',nugh any trench having cL-ders, rubbish, rcck or gravel fill, or any other mto,--ial whk3 my cause injq to or disintegration of the =?rice pipe, unless ad-te rrear.s of protection are p-mvided by sand filling -through curb or retaining walls shall be adequately safeguarded by pmvision of a or suc! other insulation as IM~ ke approved by the utility. Service pipes passing channel space or pipe casing, not less than twice the dimeter of the service connection. The space between tk service pipe and channel or pipe casing shall be filled and lightly caulked with L? oa)nrm, mastic cenent or other resilient material, and made jnpervious to misture. .Sy.c~e~Wly hand tamping the g"d filling, free h ha=+ Iws, rocks, stones In backfilling the pipe trench, the service pipe must be protected against injury or other injurious material, acarid and at least six (6) inches over the pip. All wate- supplies shall be of urdhinished size frcm the street main into the .pint of ret- placerent. Beyond the xter outlet mlve, tk pipkg shall be sized and p-rtioned to pmvi?e, on all floors, at all tires, an equitable distribution of mte- supply for the greatest probable nmhr of fixhres or appliances operating simultaneously. i P!Xd Authorization by Order No. : Date mer Issued >zlic&le for Service Fen- on anc? after: Letter Date 4005-wR-100 9-15-87 Septpnber 25, 1987 .- - , ." : X-1.4 ATerdmlt Replacement and Repair of SerJice Pipe Stop Wes 'hs mzsrer shall protect the s*a toX in the terrace an? shall keep the same free locate stop b3x and shut off the wter in case .of a leak an the mnSLmer's preises . &kt and other abstructions. The utility shall not be liable for failure to Pscd Authorization by Order No.: Date order Issued Zpplicable for service Render4 on and after: Letter Date 4005-WR-100 9-15-87 September 25. 1987 .. . . .. " NU&CT : X-1.5 lbzdm?nt Nlmber:l ht.ere Lk original service pip+ is irs'alled for a new =et-& custaner, where meter is installed for an exis- flat zate cust-, the custamr at hisk exis- service piping is ch- for the custaner's convenience, or where a new -.se shall p-wide a suitable location and the proper wnne=tiom for the meter. T5e mtsr utility should be mnsulted as to the type and size of mter setting. h3here it-, is pssible to set rreters in the basement, or other suitable place within tk buiXing, a short nipple shall be insertedafter the sLq am2 waste d, then a union, and the.l another nipple .an* ccarpling of the pmper length. The nipple at'iac'd to the union and mupli?g shall be cut to a stardazz length pmvided ky t!! plans of the utility (the superinte7dent may~require a horizcntal of 18 inches in such pipe line) vhic'l ray later be rarwed for the of the mter into the supply line. PSCW Authorization by Order No. : Date order Issued Applicable for Service Rendered on and after: Date 40054iR-100 9-15-87 Q.rLet/%bl Septhr 25, 1987 '0 'Nurk€r : Schedule NLanber : X-1.6 kmenonent Turning on Water Fai1L-e to &ad Wters 'kr Lk utiliq is unable to -read z meter after tw~ successive ztL-enpts, the fact will ke plainly indica- on the bill, and either an estirratd Sill will be ccnpctd, or the ., . the mter is aqin read, that is, the Sill for the su&nq q~arte- will be lmjnnnn ckr applie?. The difference sbll !x azjusted %&en cnpctz- wiL5 the gallons or mbic feet in ea& bld of the -ate sc!!le doubled ?r&Tg rrozth. only in unus1.1~1 cases or where is &tajnec?lfran the znd cet ~11 be given on that bill for t\e amxlnt of tk n-i-imm Sill paid the cxtm- shll mre than two consecutive estimated bills be re!!&. If t\e meter is dam@ (see Surreptitious Use of Water) or fails to operate, the bill will be based on the averagease-&ring the past ye^' udess t!! is saw reason hy t!! use is not noml. If the average use ca-not te pmperly employed, the bill will be estimated by SUE @table mtM. pscw >uthrizaticu! by Order No. : Date order Issued -1icable for Senrice Rendered on and after: P." LetteJOate ..~ 1 4005-WR-100 9-15-87 Se?tsber 25, 1987 Nlnr&r : x-1.7 Jknw&ent Nunber:l LlspC*'Orl of prsnises During reasonable hours, any officer or autlsorized employee of the utility shall have the riqht of access to the pmLses supplied with Sevice, for the of inspzttor! or for the enforerent of the utility's rules anc! regulations. At least every 12 mmths, the utility will de a systemtic inspectian of all mted hater taps for the plrpose of checking waste and unnecessary use of water. Exis& ?.eside-.tial Service The utility may require a cash depsit or other guarantee as a Conli*Aon of continued service if, and anly if, either or both the follaJing circznstances apply: I. Se:Jice has been shut off or &iscontinu& within the last 12 mths for violz~on of these rules and rqulations 'or for nonp-mt of a delinquent bill for service which is not in dispute. 2. CeOit inforrnation obtained by the utility subsequent to the initial application indicates that the initial application for service was falsified or inanplete to the extent that a deposit wxld be required der these rules and nqulations. ' pscw Authoritaticm bv Order No.: Date order Issued ~~ - applicable for Service Rendered on and after: 4005-WR-100 9-15-87 Ftter Date Septmker 25, 1987 oc! 7 ;,OB7 public Senrice Cunnission of Wismnsin Nunbe- : sheet Wate- utility Cp=rating Rules (continued) CmiaL and Indus'rial Service If t!! cedit for an applicant for amrercial or industrial service has not keen est3blisked to the satisfactian of the utility, the applicant my be rquired to make a dewsit or otherwise -tee to the utility paymnt of bills for service. Conditions of "msit Se Wis. A&. Ccde, Clapte- X 1ES. 36 (4). depsit on file at not less t!! 12mth intervals and shall not or The utility shall review the pyme?t record of each residentla1 cusL%zer with a continue to - coditio?s stat4 atme. ~n t,, case of a camercial or ineatrial custmr, the .. a deposit unless a c?e-msit muld be ere2 mfc- t?? utility shall re-?md the deposit a2er 24 consecutive rronths of p-t payment if +& custmr's &t standi!! is stisfactory to the utilitx. PapTt shall 5e consider& 'prcr@" if it is mde prior to notice of disconnection for nonpayrn=nt of a bill not in disJute. Any Ee-xsit or portion thereof re5mde6 to a cust- credit the regulzr bill, or unless SeTVice is tzmuna shall be reNed by check unless both the custmr and the utility agree to . ted, in whi& case, the deposit with accrued interest shall be =lied to the final bill and any balance return& to the CUStcln=r pmptly. 0t.r Conditions A new or additional depxit my be rquired upon .reasonable writ-? notice of the nee? therefor if such new or additional de-msit axld ham kea rezure2 circmstances wi-m the initial &posit =ms made. service my &M or . underthe disconnected for failure to pay a eepsit request as provided in the rules. Then service has been disco~ected for failure to rake a deposit, or for failure to pay a delinquent bill, or for failure to canply with the terms of a Defezed Paymmt Agrement, and satisfactory arrangenents have teen mde to have -*ice restored, a reconnection charge as specified els"em in these rules, shall Se paid by the custawr as a condition to restoration of service. & PSCd Authorization by Order No.: rate order IS& Letter Date 4005-WR-100 Applicable for Service Rendered an and after: 9-15-87 Septmker 25, 1987 OCT 7 E7 section Nunber: Sheet : X-1.9 Amencment Water Wlity'Cqezating Rules (continued) &-antee Cont-acts me utilit.1 my accept, in lieu of a cash deposit, a mtact signed by a guarantor satisfactory to the utility, ,wfiereby payment of a specified m not exceding t! cash deposit requLranet is guaranteed. The term of a guarantee contract shall be tko years, but shall autacatically techinate after the custarer has closed hisher arrOunt, or at the guarantor's request pn 30 days written notice to the utility. Lmr~ te-&?zticm of a wzzantee contract-or-whenever the utility dms sa cpzz-L-.tee ,wy be "ired upon -yaso?able written notice to t?? custaner. Service insufficicqt as to amxlnt or su-=ty, a cas!! deposit or a new or adclitional 'a any custm who fails to qly with these requirements my be rekd, or upn 8 days Written notie, diSC9nneCted. 5e uc'lity shall mil the guarmtor copies of all disconnect notices sent to the mst" &.os acccunt he has qzrarteed unless the waractor waives mch notice 5 W-ritbq. outs'adjnq a-t accrued wit51 t!! last 6 years with the utility, &e11 have In lie11 cf E cas!! deposit or gvszzrtee, an applicant for new senrice who has an the riq?t to recei-e serJice frm tke utility under a Deferred PayrreTt A-t as provided in these rules and zegulations for the 0utstandi.q account balance. Ree25ons for Disconnection Service may be disc~nnect& or refused for any of the .follaJing reasans: 1. Failure to pay a delkquent account or failure to caply with the ~IZIZW of a Defd Payment Agreement. 2. Violation of the utility's rules ad regulations pertaining to the use of o,xation of nonstandad wprent, if the custamer has first ka notified service in a mer which interferes with the service of others or to the anc! provided with reasonable omrtunity to the situation. Pscd Authorization by Order No.: Dake order Issued Applicable for Service zaendered on and after: 4005-hR-100 9-15-87 September 25, 1987 PW?? NLrmber : x-1.10 Am3dnent Reasons for Disconnection 1Co"iixd 3. Failure to acmply with &?xi: or guarantee arrangements as provided for in these rules and regulations. 4. Dive-sion of mice the meter. Discornection for Delixue!t AcxcL_s A Sill for service is delw-qt if m-id after the .due &te skm on t!! bill. The Qtility ray &ism- se"lice -5r a delinquent bill by giving the cus'kzrer, my be ixluded with the bill fcr sez-Jice. 'For:prp%es of this de, the due at least 8 cald days pricr to &sc.mwction, a written cfiscanneCt mtice which date shall not be less tk 20 2zys a-fter issuance. %s utili?] my &scon.?ect wiLkci notice &ere a dangerous condition exists for as iong 6s the ccndition exists. Se-ice my be denid-to any astoner for failwe to ccmply with the awliccl;le --irements of the rules and regulations of t5e Fublic Service Cannissior. or of these rules and regulations, or if a &!gemus or unsafe condition exists op. ~k custcmx's pdses. The utility shall notify the amqriate county Deparbnent of Aealth and Social Services at least five caledar &ys prior to any schduled disconnection of residential service, if the cxk-- or responsible person has made a written vest for this prccdure. "2-e utility shall apprise custaers of this right mr. application for service. If "vice to a residential cut- which >as keen disconne-ed has not bep-? resk"ed within 24 hours after disconnection, the utility shall notify the apprupriate Sheriff's Department of the billing ram and mice address and that a tk,-ea: +a health and life miqht exist to persans CCcLqinq the PA-emiSeS. Defd hyment P.greerre?t The utility shall offer Deferred P3:.-qt AqrEeIrents to resi2ential "e &?erred Pawt Aqreaent shall p-wide that service will not be discontinued for the outstanding bill if the CJS-- pays a stated reasonable amount of' the FSCd Authorization bv order No. : Date or&r Issued ~~ ~1 40054T-100 Applicable for Service Rendered on and after: 9-15-87 r-- -. .p Letter Date September 25, 1987 , .: . 0 0 8 RATEfILe public mice Camissim of Wiscaasin Nunber: Sheet Water Utility Cperating-Rules;(wnontinued) Deferred Payment Aqecner~t (Continued) outs*~nding bill ad aqrees to pay a stated reasonable portton of the raMining amOunts are "reasohable", the parties shall consider the: 1. Size of the delinquent account. 2. CJstaner's abilit). to pay. 3. C;starer's payxzct >istor(. 4. 5n-e that t!! debt has bee? mts'canding. 5. Reasons why the debt Sas bepn outstanding. 6. i=xy other relex-zt factors cuncezzLrIg the cinslrmsta-ces of the custarer. In t'le Defer& Payrent A-Yt, it shall state inmediately precdinq the space pmvidd for the ccs'Lcme"s siqznature and in bold-face-print at least bm sizes larger than any otk used thereon, the following: - outstanding balance in irstallments until the bill is pic?. In detemmmq ~t .. IF YW AFE NOT SATISFIED hlTl TFIIS Am, Do NOT SIDS. -IF YW Do SIGi Am MCEPP FOR ?HE LTILJlY'S FAILLRE OR RENsAL"K)'~-THE'TEIIMs CF 'IRIS Am YCU GIVE UP YWR RIW ?o DISPUE TNE ~3T~DuE'bNDER lW.E THIS P.GE3Exr. A Deferred Payrerrt Aw!t shall not include a finance chrge. If an applicant for service has not fulfilled the terms of a Deferred Payment Agreer;e?t, the utility shall have the right to disconnect senrice or refuse be- senice in accodance with these rules and under such cirzstances, it shall not ' to offer subsequent negotiation of a Deferred P+m=nt Aqreenent prior to di;cormection. Any payments mde by the custaner in ccrrpliance with a D?fe?ed Payment Agreenent, balance with any reminder credited to the current bill. or ot!%rwise, shall be first comidered made in payrrent of the previous amt FSCw Authorizatim by order No. : Date order Issued Applicable for service rcendered on and after: Letter Date 4005%-100 9-15-87 Sep- 25, 1987 ,Pi :"" ,. I :i 207 Sheet -NLrmber : x-1.12 ArerdEnt Nlrmbe- : 1 Diqxte kcce&res wherever the custawr advises t!! utility's designated office prior to the discamection of senrice that all or of any billing as -?der& is in displte, or t!!t any matter related to t!! dixonnection .is .in dispte, the utility shall investigate the displte prcnptly and-qletely, advise the mst- of tke results of t5e investigation, attsnpt to resolve the espte, an2 prwide the qpx~nit-y for the custtrner to eqtc i7to a Deferred &:mt Awt, when ap?ic&le, ir~ or2der to settle t!! 2k??e. Aft&- t)?e cs*m has pursuec! 5% sr=il&Le eies with t!! utility, the custcn-e my -est that the Puslic Se-ke Carmission's staff informally review the &i.qxt& issxe and recorme?d te-s cf settlmt. my party to t!hs dispute after i7fzral re,:iew, my de awritten --est for a foml review by the cwmission. If t!! cnmissian decides to cond~ct a foml heazbg on t?e dispute, @.e @st-- .rust pay 50% of the bill in 2is;xlte or post a pst the bnd will constitute 2 ;r;?i-..e- cf 5% right to a hearing. Service shall bond for 2-a~ &runt on or Sefcre Lk hearLlg date. Failure to pay-& amxrnt or not ke clism~m=ted bxaw of my fiqmtec! mtter while the disputed ratter is be+ pur& under the disputes prrx&ze. In rn my does t!!-is relieve t!! ccstarer fmn the obligason of payk,?g ckqes which are not disputed. The form of dismnnection notice to ke used. DISXXETTION NOTICE Derr msta7ler: The bill e?clo& with this notice ixludes your current ch&e for utility service and your previous unpaid balance. You have 8 da)~ to pay the utility se"vice arrears or your sevice is subject to dismnxction. If pu fail to pay the service anears, or fail to contact us within the 8 days allme2 to make reasonable tim p2l-q': arrangmts, w will prm with disconnection action. pscw Authorization by Order No. : ate order Issued Applicable for Service Rendered on and after: Letter Date 4005-WR-100 9-15-87 Septemhr 25, 1987 nrT 7 IC97 Disconnection Notice (Continued) mke the tire pyments you aqreed to, your semice will be subject to If you ham entered into a Deferred PapTt Agrement with us and have failed to clisconnection rless you pzy the mlz~t &e wit! 8 days. If you have a reason for delaying t!! -=-mt, call us and .-lain the situation. .PLFAsE CXLL TMS TELEpKNX "8R, (Aenpriate telephone .nunkrl, ,l?MR7L9TELY IF: 1. You have a pestion about yov' utility service mars. 2. You are unable to pay the f~111 munt of the bill an2 are willing to enter into a tirre payrent a-t .xiL\ us. 3. There are any cj~mtances you thi-3~ should be taken into corsideration before se"vice is dismntinued. 4. Any reside?t is seriously ill. Illness hwision with a sta'at signed by either a lice?sed Wisconsin physician, or a .public If there is an existing deal ererqe?cf in your hue and -mu furnish the utility health official, be will delay disconneeion of service up to 21 days. The during which disconnection will agamte the existing emrgency. statarent mt identify the medical m=qency and specify the period of tire =feme3 Pqmznt Aqrements If. for sa reason. mu are unable to 3av the full munt of the utilitv servi ~ ~. arrears M pur bili,'pu may contact &-utility to discuss arrarqmen to Pay the arrears ow an extended pricd of tirre. PSCW Authorization by Order No.: Date order Issued AFplicable for Service RMdered an and after: Letter Date 4005-h'R-100 9-15-87 September 25, 1987 llrT i 10Q7 RATEFIIE mlic Caunission.of wixap.lsin NLrmber: Sheet : X-1.14 Almndwnt RLis tirre ppent agreement will require: 1. Pa)m=?t of a resanable mt at the tirre the aqremnt is made. 2. Pa-mqt of *& mirder of t?? outstanding balance in nunthly installments ove- a reasonable lerqth of tire. 3. ?a;re?t of all .future .utility sevice bills in full by t\e due &te. &ut the pun& for pmpsed disconnection through contacts with -- utility, in mq si5~tion. where you are unable to resolve billinq disputes or disputes Wisconsin. -yx ray rke an appeal to the P&xonsin public Service Carmission, .%?ism, (LTILITI NAME) 3 the event the :utility is mt able to collect any bill for mter service even t!!h Cepsit and Guarantee Rules are on file, the bill my be pt qmn the tax roll as prwided in Sectian 66.069, Wisconsin Statutes. su"~t5ticus Use of Water h'hm t5e utility has -reasonable evidence that a conmr is obtaining water, in hkle or in par, by mans of devices or me- used to stop or interfere with the pro-- mtering of the utility service being delivered, the utility reserves the riqht to es'dte and present imnediately a bill for service mtered as a result of NC! interference and such bill shll be pqable subject to a 24-b~ ~smnreztion of service. when the utility shall have disconnected the consmer conditions: for any see! reasan, the utility will reconnect the ccn- upn ths follaJing 1. The con= will be required to depsit with the utility, an amount sufficimt to guarantee t!! payment of the mnsm=r's bills for utility service to the utility. ps=w Authorizatian by order No. : Date order Issued ApplicaSle for Service Rendered on and after: Letter Date 4005-wR-100 9-15-87 Septernser 25, 1987 r _- I' I 107 RA-"E: FTLE public .%mice carmission of Hisonsin secticm Nunbe- : sheet 2. The mnswer will be required to pay the utility for any ad all -3s to with its metering. its quiprent on the conm's pdses due to such stoppage or interference 3. The con-- must m! a- to ccmply with reasodle reqkemnts to protect t!! utility aqzinst further losses. ,.Sians 08.25 and 943.20, Wis. St~ts., 2s relating to wate- servim, M hereby a&pW ad mde a part of these mles. Vacation of Prenises when premises are to be vacated, the utility shall te notified, in writinq, at The mer of the premises shall be liable to prosecution for any mqe tD the once, so t%t it may remve the mter m.d shut off the s~ply at the cur?^ &. property of the water de-= by reascn of failure to notify the-utility of -vacancy. Itspairs to mills The utility reserves the right to shut off the water in the mains teqmrarily, to &e repairs, alterations or additions to the plant or systan. when the pklication or othemise, of the discon&uance of the supply. No reSate will be circmutances will permit, the utility will give notification, by newspaper all- to mnsmers for such teFp3rary mspmsion of supply. kty of utility with bespect to Safety of the public It shall ke the duty of the utility to see that all om ditches for wa*m mains, hydrants and service pips a~-@ properly quarded to prevent accident to any person or vehicle, and at night, there shall be displayed mker signal li*t in such rranner as will, 50 far as possible, insure the safety of t!! plblic. FSCd Authorization by order No.: Date order Issued @licable for Service Redered on and after: Letter Date 4005-WR-100 9-15-87 Septerker 25, 1987 7' 1987 : X-1.16 ?Jre&re!t hImlb=r:l cate order Issued 40054'R-100 9-15-87 >;;oliccble for Semite -de" on an2 after: Letter Date 0 public Service Ccrmrission of Wisconsin Nunber: Sheet NLrmber: Schedule ??dze.r : X-1.17 Amxdrent B. C. a Relief Valves On all "closed systems" fi.e., system having a ch& valve, pressure regulator, or reducing valve, water filter or softener), an effective pressure relief mlve shall be installed eit! in the top tapping or the uppe- side t+pLzq of the hot water tmk, or on the hot water dist-ibuting pip mmection at LSe MA. No stop valve %hall !x place? t!!e hot wate- +Am-? 2nS the relief valve or on t5e chk pip. See applickle ?l.&irg codes. .Air Dmhrs An air chamber or app- +IO=? &sorter shall be installed at the terminus of each riser, fixture bran&, or hydrzulic elevator rain for the prevention .local plhinq des. where possible, LLe air c.-sOuld.be prwvidd at of undue water hmz. The air cLamber shall be sized in ClonforsMnce with i's base with a valve and L-ain mc! for water chinage andrreplenishrent of air. pL-ity of suuplv Not to ~e Impai-4 by Cnss-Connections '?- person omjng or aapying a prernise receivirq city or village water supply of a &re3 or of an indirect nature, vith a water supply frcm a foreiq7 sauce, shall rmintain such villa- or city water supply free fron any COM~M, either or of may mer of connection wLth any fixture or appliance, whereby wate- 5-m a foreiF. supply or the waste frun my fluture, appliance, waste or soil pip my flcu, te syphon4 or prmped into the piping of the city or village water qistm. 0- pscw Autiwrization by order No. : Date order Issued agplicable for Service rrendered on and after: Letter Date 4005-wR-100 9-15-E7 Septerhr 25, 1987 r . -.' .. 7 i987 RATE FILE Section Public Service Corrmission of Wisconsin Number : Sheet Number : Schedule UTILITY NAME MUSKEGO WATER UTILITY Number : X-2 Amendment Number : 1 Water Main Extension Rule Water mains will be extended for new customers on the following basis: A. Where the cost of the extension is to immediately be collected through assessment by the municipality against the abutting property, the procedure set forth unser section 66.60 of the Wisconsin Statutes will apply, and ro aeeitionzl customer contribution to the utility will Se required. 3. Khere the municipality is unwillinq or unable to make a special assessment, t?!e extension will be made on a customer-financed basis as follows: 1. The applicantfs) will advance as a contribution in aid of construction the total amount equivalent to property un2er (A). that which woulc' have Seen assessed for all 2. Part of the contribution required in (1) will be refundable. When additional customers are connected to the extended main within 20 years of construction will be collected equal to the amount the date of completion, contributions in aid of which wouIc2 have Seen assessed under (A) for the be refunded to the original contributor(s) . In no abutting property being served. This amount will case will the contributions received from amount which would have been required under (A) nor additional customers exceed the proportionate will it exceed the total assessable cost of the oriqinal extension. C. When a customer connects to a transmission main or connecting loop installed at utility expense within 20 years of the date of completion, there will be a contribution required of an amount equivalent to that which would have been assessed under (A). PSCW Authorization by Order No.: Date Order Issued 4005-KR-100 9-15-87 Applicable for Service Rendered on and after: Letter Date " "" r-" 7 1QQ7 .. e 0 RATE FILE Section Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Number : Sheet Number : Schedule LT1LI"I' NAME HUSKEG3 WATER UTILITY ~~ ~ Number : X-3 Amen2rnent Number : 1 Water Main Installations in Platted Subdivisions Apalication for installation cf water mains in regularly platted real estate development subdivisions shall be filed with the municipal clerk and shall set forth the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of subdivision. Legal descrip" Lion. Map showing streets, lots and sizes of proposed mains and hydrants, and street laterals. Date of approval of scjdivision plar. by state Department of Development. Date of approval of ?reposed mains by state De?artment Number of hocses presently under construction. of Natural Resources. .. Upon receipt of the application, the water utility will prepare detailed estimates of the cost of extending water mains and hydrants of the size deemed zecessary in the subfivision and svSmit same to the municipal cc*.-erning body for approval ofthe extezsion as it pertains to ~cklic fire-protection service requirements. The applicant for water service to be supplied to a subdivision shall be required to advance to the utility, prior to the beginning of the construction, the total estimated cost of the extension. If the final costs exceed estimated costs, an This bclance is to be paid within 30 days. If final costs are ac?ditional billing will be made for the balance of the cost due. less than estimated, a refund of overpayment will be made by the water utility. If the developer, or a contractor employed by the developer, is to install the water mains (with approval of the utility), the developer shall be responsible for the total cost of construction. PSCW Authorization by Order No.: Date Order Issued 4005-WR-100 9-15-87 Applicable for Service Rendered on and after: r I- Letter Date September 25, 1987 ., -. . 7 1987