CCR1987151COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #151-87 (As Amended) APPROVING THE CITY'S OFFER TO PURCHASE AN EASEMENT FOR BELLVIEW/BAY LANE SEWER PROJECT (G. Pellmann) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the City's Offer to Purchase for the property of Glenn and Ruth Pellmann as stated in the Relocation Order for the Durchase Drice of $4.000.00. and that the Mavor and Clerk are Huthorizeh to sign'any legai documents in the name of the City. DATED THIS 28th DAY OF July , 1987. ATTEST : .. ~I ,-.C. I .- ........ Milwmh. wu, VACANT LAND OPPER TO PURCHASE Muskego I ................................................ Wircomin, .................... A%V?.t..3 .................... 19.87. 2 'Ihe undcRipedBuyer. ..... C.1J.Y .~.~..M.VSKE&o ..................................................................... &=by OHC~ copwhme ~O"BWQIX ..... as..e.aserpeo.t..in..car.t~jn..~~n~,e~.t3( ......................... 5 moR padcdrdy krcni u: . .$.~e...att.a.c..hed..ee.sement. ............................................................ io che .. .cit.Y. ......... d.. .......................... Muskego .Countyd,.. ................................. .Wid Waukesha 6 .................................................................................................................... 7 ............................................ , ........................................................................... 8 ... ........................................................................................................... i .................................................................................................................. 10 althepied,f.~,ur Tb~us,qnd,,qgd Ng/J,OO ______- -___- ................................. II ~llars(S.4,.V.OR,.O.D.r.-r.) mdooibetennrmdfwditionr~foU~s: 12 Earncs~moneyof$..,~:.o.o.T,~~~.- tcndcrtdbcnwiib.Additi~OS~oxxK.x.x.xxxxx.x.~illx.x ............... 13 .. ............ .. .......... . ,. ......................................................................................... 17 Additional x.amcmmonoy~~mxakmaduu rbr tlpcine:brpkaaana WW Ilsii~mrpcllllwotxx ............. 18 ~~~~~.~!L ................................................................................................................... 19 TIME 1s OF THE ESSENCE AS TO: MZUlYO"F%~, LEGN POSSESSION.OCCUPANCY.AND 20 EATE OF CLOSlNG. (Strike those 001 I licnblc.) 21 THEBWER'SOBLlGA~ONTOCON~~UDETHlSTRANSA~IONISCOND~ONEDUPONTHECONSUMMA~ONOFTHE 22 FOLLOWING: 2 3 (lf this der is subjccl 10 hnancing. pcrcolntion tes~, K~CC~~C zoningor use, approval of ~cardcd building and u)c rcstricticms and wvenanls, M any 24 der contingency. it mu1 be slalcd here If none, LO rurte.) 25 i... ..~e~.~~.~..e.~.~~.~t~.nl.th.~.~~.~~~.ch~d..~.~~~-m~.~~~..o~~.o~..b~~o~e.,.~~?.~~.?~~ .................... 26 ................. ............................................................................ 17 ... ................................................................................................ 6 ................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... 31 . .......................................................................................... 32 ___. .... ...................... ................................................................................. 33 ..... ...........,..... .................................. ........................ ~ ............................... 34 ........................................................................................... 35 .................................................................................... .,._ .............................. 36 ................................................. , ..... .... , ...... , ........... ,, ........... ... 37 ................ ............................. ...................... ................, , ................... 38 . ......................................................... ............. ...................................... 39 ........................................................................................................... 40 ................................................................................................................... 41 ........................................................................................................................ .-.... 42 ...................................................................................................... 43 ................................................................................................................. ,.. ... 44 .............................................. ................................................. 45 .............................................. , ........ , ........ .. ........... 46 ....... . .. 47 48 . ................. ... , ................. .. , ......, ........... ,... 49 ................ , 50 ................. , ..... , .. ..... ,... ... ............. .......................... . 51 ...... ...... .. .. .... 52 Buyer agrees that unless ohenrise spcciricd. Buyer will pay dl cow orrecuring any financing 10 thc crtcnlpermiacd by law. md w pelrorm nII am ...................................................................... , , ......... ................ ... ...,..... . , .................. ....,....... ...................... .................................... ............. ... , .. .. nccesbaq LO expedite ruch financin& ADDITIONAL ITEMS INCLUDED KN SALE: .. .nOTlE.. . , ..... , ............ , ... , ...... - ................ , .......... 5 56 ....................... ............... 57 KEMS NOT INCLUDED IN SALE . .nOn€.. ........................ , ........................ , .................. .... 59 60 Selier shi, upou paymen! or the purchase price, convey the propeny bykAt&d$dFbd;or her conveyance provided herein. fret and clesr ddl 6 L bens and cncumbrnncer. e~~~pling rnlmiclpal and wNnp odnances. recorded cnscmcnu for public utilities lo~ltcd @aceot LO side and rear la ...................... ,. .. ...... .. ....... , ............ ..................... .. 56 ... .. . .. ..................... ... ... , , , .,.. .. .............. ... .at.tache.o..e.asemeo.t... . ,.. ~~,. ........ 62 63 b4 fl. \ 13 i 74 1 75 I 77 1 16 , -L. - ._ 78 Ifthiso,Pleriraccepted.itshallnorbecomcbindinguponBuycrun~lrcopyof~cccpledoRcrisdepositcd,poslageprepaid,inthcUniudSurcs 80 hv,enue., .?as.t .o,ffi.ca .Qg.x..?.O,, ?!v.Sk.e.go., W,lsC.o~S.in ??.!.3! 79 mails. lddresscd to Buyer at .C.i.fu .o.t:..Mu?.ke.g.'?,. Mu.ske.go .ci.tx .Ha1.1., .wit??. S8?O0 Racine ~~~ 81 This uansactiun is to be closed at the ol~cc of Bu er's mortgagee or at the otlice of .Muskego. .C.i iy. Hal 1, W.182, . . . , or by personal delivery thereof. . on or before , 19 2 , or at such other time and place a5 may be agreed in writing by Buyer and Seller. :@ .: . ._ 5.8209 .Rac.ine. Avenu.e,. MU.SliW?, .J ..L?c.o??.Lfl . - ~. . _. ~ 94 li9dkmwawx Rwrr~bar ha pmpens h xm 85 .I 86 &kamnt%mnd repRscDlXW~ytK~aItR ~~~~'~~18~~~~~~:~~~~~rX 87 88 39 tCaution:~Refer 10 wetlands regulations.1 !I 0 Seller warranu and represents lo Buyer that Seller has no noucc or knowledge of any: 91 ialplmned or commenced public improvement which may result in +c:clal assessments or otherwise materially aht the propeny lblgovemment agency or coun order requlring repair. aiterauon or correctton oi any existing condition. 92 ?J EXCEF'TIONS TO WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS STATED IN LINES 86TO 91. .No(l.e: 0 4 95 .. 129 are the responsibility of the ownets ,o,r the fee title such as properJy 128 SPECI.\LPHOVISIONS: .se1.1e.r. s.ha1.1. ?.?main .re.spo.nsible. fo.r..a!!. .li.?bi!i.t.ie.s which^ 130 taxes, spscial ........................ assessmen'ts 1. etc ................................................................. It is understood between the parties that the 131 Seilers ............................................. will not receive a front foot sewer assessment for the main which will be installed 132 within this easement and to the extent the City has such authority!,& sel,ler,vi,ll,.have, the I1figh%o connect to'the'main'in'the easement; .it is further.understood ..... that the Sellers may ........ be 134 subject to reserve capacity assessmenk, connection 'fees, etc. it i's Further understood that ..................... ............... .......... ................. ........ .................................... ..~~. .. I ~~ ttie. .ria.tits~ s.t'ated' 'this DaraaraDh ~w~il .tie. .tibriored. .as .to successors .in ,int.eres~ it*tie.~.ow~ ->, r I36 Buyer has read. l'ully understands and xknuwled er rec-eipr iia copy of lhi5 olkr to purchase. BUYERISADVISEDTHAT BROKER ,., .. -, 137 LIAS ..\N .AGENCY RELATIONSHIP WITH SEL~ER.' LITY OF MUSKEGO "y : 139 Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor (Buyer) Charlotte L. Stewart, Clerk (BuYerJ I40 THIS OFFER IS HEREBY ACCEPTED. THE WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS MADE HEREIN SURVIVE THE 141 CLOSING OF THIS TRANSACTION. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREES TO SELL AND CONVEY THE ABOVE- 142 ~ENTIONEDPROPERTY.ONTHETERMSAND~0NDlTlONSASSETFORTHANDACKNOWLEDGESRECElPTOFACOPY 143 OF THIS AGREEMENT. \ 146, ~,.. ..... 147 148 (If 1 r married, spouse should rip.) Behann (Seller: EARNEST MON& CEIPT I49 Earnest money in Ihe mount off 150 15 I .. 152 lccount in~Wisconsin. or uansmir the 5ame in accordance wirh the rcrms of the above oKer. in form of . received from . .... Tho undersigned hereby awes to hold same in M authorized real estate wusl 153 I54 15s .... ... ....... .. I19 ,- BY **of ownership of thelproperty to the extent possible by the City. Broker COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #151-87 APPROVING THE CITY'S OFFER TO PURCHASE PARCEL OF LAND FO BELLVIEW/BAY LANE SEWER PROJECT (G. Pellmann) / BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of,'Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the City's Offer to Purchase for the properky of Glenn and Ruth Pellmann as stated in the Relocation Order for the purchase price of $4,000.00, and that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign any legal documents in the name of the City, and hereby waives any contingency as to approva'l in the Offer to Purchase, and approves of the same. DATED THIS DAY OF j, 1987. \ ,I FINANC'E COMMITTEE ATTEST: City Clerk 7/87 jm i Ald. Mitchel Penovich ! / .:Aid. Edwin P. Dumke i Ald. Daniel J. Hilt / Approved by rhc Wirconrin kparunrnl d Rrplauon and Lccnrinp IXllvrllk. :-I42 VACANT LAND OFFER TO Puucmse Muskego ................................................... Wiromin, .................................................... 19. O~~CISU,~W~.U I~~WW-X as..e.asemr.o.t .in cr:r.ta in.. p.rnP.er.t ....................... ...... ................................................................. The dcrsipcd Buyer C.~Ty..p.F;..M.VSK.E~Q ..... .. inthe... SiLy .......... d ............... Muskego ............., ~o~tyd, ................................... Waukesha .w- morc paddady kscnw as: ... s.~e...~tf.ach.~d.ea.sement ........................................................ ..................................................................................................................... 1 2 J 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 I5 14 16 Y ... ..................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... .... 17 Addm;orel ~srocmmomqprymrau.abchzdcm nx il~:br&waaa W Lhlr M~~xmpcrPcalrwaxx.. 18 ........................................................................................................................ 19 TME IS OF THE ESSENCE AS TO WFA~, LEGAL POSSESSION, OCCUPANCY, A 20 DATE OF CLOSING. (Strike those not a licahle.) 21 THEBWER'SOBLlGA~ONTOCON~~~DETHISTRANSACTlONISCOND~ONEDUPONTHECONSUMMA~ONOFl 22 FOLLOWING: 24 olhcr oonlingency. it must be slnted here. If nonc. so SLSIC.) 23 (If lhii der is subject U, financing. percolation lcst, specfic wning or use, approval of mmrdcd building and UY restrictims and covcnnnl6. or 2s 1.: .... ~e~.~~.~..~.~e~.~~~.nl.t~.~.-~.~~~.~h~d..~.?~~-?~.~~~..o?..o~..b~~~~e..~~?.~~.?~~ ................ 26 ............................................................................................. 27 ............................................ ......... 26 30 ............................................ ........................................................... ... 31 ........... .- ......... ... ................................ , ....... ................................................ ..... ................. ..................................................................... .... 029 ................. ,. .:. ..: ...................................... ,... : .... .. ., . .;* 32 .... .... ........................ .................... .............................................................. 33 ................................. , ... , .................................. , .................. ,, ................. , .... 34 ........................ ,, ......... , ............ , ....................................... , .. , .. , ........ 3s ................... ......................................................................... . ...........- ......... .,.. 36 ............................................................................ , ................... 31 ............................................................................................................. 38 .. , ...................................... , ......... , .... , .. , .................................................... 39 ................................. , .. , ............ , ................................................. 40 .......................... , ............................................................. , ........................ 41 ....................................................................................................................... 41 ............................................................................................... 43 ................................................................................................................ 44 ......... ., ...................................... ....... 45 ..................... . , ...... , ... .. , ...... .......... , .... , , ... , ........... 46 .............................................. .. ........... ..... , ..... 41 ..................................................................... ............................... 48 ................... ..... .......... ..................... 49 ................... .................................................................... 50 ......................... .. ,. . ................................................... ._ . 51 ...................... ...... ................... 52 Buyer apes lhal unleab otherwise specified. Buycr will pay all cosu of securing an) financine 10th~ cxlcnlpennincd byltv..nd u,pedonn all 53 nccesrar). 10 expcdiu such financing. 54 ADDITIONAL ITEMS INCLUDED IN SALE: . .norre.. ............................... ._. ........ .__. .......... 51 ....................... ,. .. ..... ............... , , .. 56 . .. ................... ........ ,. ... ............................... 57 ITEMS NOT INCLUDED IN SALE ..~OnE., ................................... __ ...................... 78 79 80 81 82 83 34 85 86 87 88 0 39 91 9? ?J !I 4 107 Id9 109 I10 111 1U 112 1 IS 1 I4 116 1 I: I18 110 120 I21 I?? 123 125 I24 I26 1?7 128 I29 130 I34 135 SPECI.\LPHOVISIONS: .se!1e.r s.ha1.1. r.emain .re,?!?onsi.b1.e. for,.?!!. 1i.abi.1i.ties. w.hich~ I. subject to reserve capacity assessments, connectibn 'fees, etc. I't is Vurttier understooh"tha .rigtits in .this paragraph .be .hono.ed' as^ succ~essors.in 'infereSt' **.below 138 By.: :Y: 139 Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor (Buyer) Charlotte L. Stewart, Clerk (Buyer) 140 141 CLOSR'IG OF THIS TRANSACTION. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREES TO SELL AND CONVEY THE .ABOVE- THIS OFFER IS HEREBY ACCEPTED. THE WARRANTIES AND REPRESENT.ATIONS MADE HEREM SURVIVE THE 142 MENTIONED PROPERTY ON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS SET FORTH AND ACKNOWLEDGES IWCEIPTOF A COPY 143 OF THIS AGREEMENT. 144 141 19 ... Glenn Pellmann ... ..... (Seller 146 147 spouse should sign.) (Selier:J 148 EARNEST MON 143 Earncsl money In the mount 012 150 151 152 lfcaunt in Wisconsin. or uansmlf the Same in accordance with the tcm of the above oh. in form of received from The undersigned hereby agrees IO hold same in UI auhoized real estate rust .. ..... . 19 BY **of ownership of the property to the extent possible by the City. Broker a a EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE, made this day of , 1987, by and between GLENN PELLMANN h RUTH PELLMANN, husband and wife, hereinafter referred to as party of the first part, and CITY OF MUSKEGO, located in Waukesha County, Wisconsin, hereinafter referred to as party of the second part. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the party of the first part, GLENN PELLMANN h RUTH PELLMANN, husband and wife, owns a parcel of real estate located in the City of Muskego and described as follows: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION MARKED EXHIBIT "1" WHEREAS, party of the second part has requested from the party of the first part a permanent easement for sanitary sewer purposes including construction, repair, maintenance and reconstruction of the sanitary sewer and a temporary construction easement: NOW, THEREFORE, party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and confessed, do grant and convey unto the party of the second party, forever, a permanent easement for sanitary sewer purposes including construction, repair, maintenance and reconstruction of the sanitary sewer and a temporary construction easement in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, on, over and in the following described real estate: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION MARKED EXHIBIT "2" USE OF LAND Party of the first part consents to the entry of the employees, workmen, agents or independent contractors of party of the second part for an incidental to the construction, repair and maintenance and reconstruction of said sanitary sewer, but reserve to themselves the right to make such use of land included in said easement, subject to the ordinances of the City of Muskego, the regulations of the party of the second part, and the statutes of the State of Wisconsin as will not disturb or interfere with such sanitary sewer or prevent ingress or egress, thereto for the purpose of construction, repair, maintenance and reconstruction thereof. The parties expressly acknowledge that the party of the second part may allow others not parties to this easement to use the easement for the purposes indicated above. TFiIS INDENTURE, upon its acceptance by the party of the first part, shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their respective heirs, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, party of the first part has executed this indenture the day and year first above written. STATE OF WISCONSIN ) GLENN PELLMANN RUTH PELLMANN COUNTY OF WAUKESHA ) 1.5s. Personally came before me this I day of 1987, the above named GLENN PELLMANN & RUTH PELLMANN to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF WI My commission expires: THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: ARENZ, MOLTER, MACY & RIFFLE, S.C. Attorney Donald S. Molter, Jr. 916 Clinton Street, P. 0. Box 1348 Waukesha, Wisconsin 53187-1348 -2- 1 .. I I All that part of Southeast k of Southvest k of Section 10, Tovn 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Huskego, County of Uaukesha. State oi Wisconsin, described as iollovs: running West on Section line 19.63 chains to a point 50 links East of chains; thence North 764" East, 8.38 chains; thence North 18' West, the l/8 post; thence North 7.84 chains; thence North 734' East, 4.88 1.68 chains; thence East 7.33 chains to k line; thence South on % line 12.68 chains to beginning. Declination of 3' East, declination on k line 3' East. declination on South Section line 3%' East. ALSO that part of Southeast k of Southvest k of said Section 10, . described as follovs: Commencing at 1/16 post on East side of said Southvest k of Section West 7.48 chains; thence North 19' West 7.80 chains to the 1/16 line; 10, and running thence South on k line, 5.97 chains; thence South 784' thence East on 1/16 line 9.87 chains to beginning. Declination 3' East. declination of 1/16 line .3%* East. EXCEPTING a scrip of land lying Wesi of-ch-e-present fence betveen the above mentioned fences and former Jas. McAneny's land. containing 11/100 of an acre, more or less, meaning :hac the West line fence ALSO EXCEPTING that piece of land conveyed by Prank Sobek and vife to remains vhere nov located. :he Kilvaukee Light, Heat and Traction Company, by deed recorded in Volume 106, on ?age 232. as Document No. 51328. Tax Re? No. 2199.995 Commencing at k post on South side of said Section 10, and thence Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easement .. All that part of the SW 1/4 of Section 10, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin; being a 40 foot wide strip of land the North line of which is more fully described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of Ludwig's Subdivision, i recorded plat, seid corner being 3,994.97 feec distant alono the centerline of said Section 10 from the .North 1/4 corner; thence S8eC2E'3O" Hest along the South line of said Ludwig's SubZivision, also being the North line of that pro?erty known EE Tax Key No. 2199.995 as described in Vol. iii, Paoe 320, €51.42 feet to the point of tenninatior: elsc being e point on the West line of the above described Tax Key Nt. 2195.095. e Tooether with a 20 foo: vide temDorarv construction ecsement lyino southerly, parzllel, adjacent and measured normal tc the above described 40 foot pernanent easement.