CCR1987146COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION #l46-87 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND ROBERT AND SANDRA MATTHES (Maintenance of Septic System) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego agreement between the City and Robert and Sandra Matthes with does hereby authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the attached respect to the maintenance of their septic system. DATED THIS I <.\A DAY OF , 1987. Ald. Mitchel Penovich I ATTEST : ~0 City Clerk rGxEMEm 'ZHIS MZEmEhT Ira& this day of t 1987, by and herdsen the CITY OF .WFZSJ, d dcipal copration, wit5 its principal office lazated at W182 S8200 Racbe Avenue, Huskego, Wisconsin, hereinafter called CITY and "TIES and MATTES, wfio reside at S76 W16474 Bellview Drive, Wk-, Wisconsin, hereinafter called GNERS; and the ~LIKESA CClNlT HEAL'"! 'X?-, a depamnent of i.iauJcesha County, a municipal corpration, LE fo1lm.s: hi, the Wzukesha Cmnq Health Deprtn-ent hzs raised an issue relztive to the suitability of L% sea- dispsal syscm upon the follming descritd p"t,y cured blv rh Cwners tc-wit: S76 W'16474 Bellview Dr~.. ~ hFm, :!E Cic~ of is in the pmess of and has sc.Wded smit.zx/ seer c=nst-:c-ion which will se-m the Cwners' pesnises by 12/31/87 0 ;and hXEX3.S tk Crme-rs zre +sirous of atteting to corltinue to use the existing privace se..~~ syscsn at said prmises by initiating a pqram of wing and bacez cmser,-ecicn; Exkr '332XRF, IT I5 AGXED ty and beten the parties as follcws : 1. That the ewers a- to maintain the septic systa at the "descrikd prmises in such a manner as to prevent sea- frcm flming on tix surface of tk -urd or ir~ ur-~ otker n"er creating a nuisance or plblir health hatad, by pmgi7g or other mans as ne=essary. The &t-ers further authorize the City of ,Xcskep to pq and maintain said systen, at their expnse, in the ent they fail to so maintain. 2. Cit:/ of ,%kq aws that the septic systen at said pranises will te mainrained in such a mr as to prevent swage frcm e flcwing on the surface of the ground or in any other nranner creating a -2- 0 pblic nuisme or pblic health hazard, and will cause said systen to be ins~ed imrediately en receiving any cap1a.int. and will take such action as is necessary kcluding ming to cum said situation. 3. That in the aent the systemcan mt be so maintained by wing, the Cwners a- t3 install a system, upn order frm the Depxznt, including a holdi~ tank or any other ;lecess~z system, in acc=-x!zrce with the Stzte PlWirr C&. 4. The &nen furher a- that if at any th the City, through its plmbing -:or or b-lth officer, desns it necessuy to pmp said syst-s~, uld in the eMnt of 'A fail- of the CkJnen t3 do so, the City my have szid wrk done, ax! -=TEY +I: c%ts f-m the mr including crxts of collucion, and if if so chcsts, ck City my place tk sane on the Cwners' twc bill as a spzial C- and Lhe sm shall constitute a lien upm the -21 estats, the sme as m& "1 estate taxes. The "-s fmkr agree Lhat tSe City is k"Sy q-rante tk right, license and authority to enter on the p~rtjr "c!escrib4, fo i?sEt, and haul frun said tank as pmi& herpin. 0 5. Pe &ners furc.kr that the Cepz-ment sMll have the right to vest verification of wing and verification that the contents of said tank have ten trmsge-4 znd disposed of at an appmvd sits. 6. The %mer; siball dessit with the City a cash trod in the sum of s -0- . %s tond shall not accne inteEst and shall guarznte the City t.ke prfome of the obligations inps& upn the Cwners hereurder and tie r&mtczsnent of the City for any and all exgenses incuxd by the City for which tk mrs are obligatd t3 r4mturse the City hereunder. The sum of S - 0 - ShaLl bs mintdined by the -3-