CCR1987101AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION 11101-87 APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT AND SUBDIVIDER'S AGREEMENT CRIMSON MEADOWS WEREAS, a final plat has been submitted to finalize a nine (9) SE 114 of Section 10, and lot subdivision known as Crimson Meadows on Woods Road in the WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has recommended approval subject to approval of the subdivider's agreement, letter of credit and payment of the 1% plan review fee and park dedication fees, and WHEREAS, a Subdivider's Agreement has been submitted, and the Finance Committee has recommended approval; and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has determined that this approval requires the house on Lot #9 to connect to the e proposed sanitary sewer. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the Cit; of Muskeg;, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission Subdivision, subject to approval of all objecting and approving does hereby approve the Final Plat of the Crimson Meadows agencies, and receipt of payment of all fees including attorney, engineer and administrative fees. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Subdivider's Agreement is hereby approved, subject to review of the letter of credit by the City Attorney. DATED THIS 26th DAY OF 5/87 - CITY OF MUSKEG0 ESOLUTION 1101-87 \ APPROVAL OF FINAL\PLAT AND SUBDIVIDER'S AGREEMENT CRIMSON MEADOWS \ SE 114 of Section 10, and on Woods Road in the WHEREAS, the Plan to approval of the payment of the 1% fees, and WHEREAS, a Finance attorney, engineer and administrative fees. the City Attorney. ATTEST: City Clerk 5/81 jm \ \ i PHONE 414-363-7161 Wl82 S8200 Racine Ave City of Muskego Muskego, WI 53150 Gentlemen: We hereby issue our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in your favor for the account of Crimson Meadows Partnership C/O Lawence T. Neary and Kenneth J. Scheibe, Wl65 S7893 Sandy Beach Drive, Muskego, WI for a sum not to exceed the aggregate of Thirty Thousand and no/loo dollars (30,000.00) available by your draft (s) at sight on us &%en accompanied by : A statement signed by the Mayor of Muskego stating that the Crimson Fleadows Partnership has failed to complete the construction of the sewer main or any other work in accordance with the City of Muskego with reference to the devel- 0 opment agreement with Crimson Meadows Partnership. This Irrevocable Letter of Credit will terminate on September 1, 1988. We hereby engage with you that drafts drawn under and in compliance with the expiration date. This original Letter of Credit must be sutmitted to us terms of this credit will be duly honored if presented on or before the affected by us and/or for cancellation. together with any drawings hereunder for our endorsement of any payments Sincerely, Douglas\ R. Bn~ins A.V.P.- Branch Manager DRB/kf e 290 SUBDIVIDER’S AGREEMENT CRIMSON MEADOWS SUBDIVISION This agreement, has been made and executed this __ day of May, 1937, by and between Crimson Meadows Partnership, a Wisconsin partnership, hereinafter referred to as DEVELOPER; and the City of Muskego, a Wisconsin municipal corporation, hereinfter referred to as CITY. WHEREAS, DEOELOPER has prepared and subm~ tted to CITY for CITYiS approval , DEVELOPER’S proposead final plat fur Crimson Meadows Subdiuision, a residential subdivision: and, WHEREAS, a copy of the said proposed final plat has been des.ignated .as Exhibi t A? and is appended hereto, and incorporated here ~n by refer?nce : and, IJHEREAS, CITY, under and pursuant to authority granted to it lunder the provisions (of Section 236.13 of the Wisconsin Statutes, has required that -- as a condi tion of final plat approval -- DEVELOPER make and install certain improvements reasonably necess.ary for the zubdivi sion, and has required the dedication of certain drainage facilities; all according to CITY‘.S specifications, and without costs to CITY; and, WHEREAS. DE‘IELUPER’.S plans and spec if icat ions for Crimson Meadows Subdivision and for the improvements and facilities hereinabove set forth have been duly approved by CITY’S engineer and by CITY‘S Common Counci 1, and CITY’S Common Draft Page 2 5-21 -87 Counci 1 has approved the prou i si ons of this agreement and the final plat: AGREEMENT ' NOW THEREFORE, and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as fo1 lows: I. IMPROVEMENTS 1. --.ani tarr Sewers: DEVELOPER shal I -- at its sole expense -- ion-struct ind instal I sani tar~ sewer al I in accordance with the proposed construction plans of Crimson .- e Ple.adows Subdivision and in ac,zordance with CITY'.S standard sin i tar;/ sewer spec if i czt i ons and requ i remen ts. 2. Surface Water Drainaqe: DEVELOPER shal I -- at its sole expense -- construct, install, furnish and provide iacil i ties for storm and surface water drainage throughout the subdivision, as shown on the proposed construction plans, and in accordance wi th CITY'S plans and speci fications therefore. 3. Miscellaneous: A. DE'VELOPER agrees to preserve existing trees, if I. any, wherever reasonably possible, in the construct ion of DEVELOPER'S subdi u i si on. , r Draft Page 3 5-21 -87 0 6. CITY shal 1 provide DEVELOPER such easements and permits as DEVELOPER may reasonably require for the completion of improvement5 required by this agreement. SECTION I1 TIME OF COMPLETION All improvements set forth in section I above shall be completed within one (1) year of the date of execution of this agreement. SECTION I11 AOMINISTRATIVE A@& INSPECTION DEVELOPER shal Chapter 10 of CITY .?ha1 1 be payable a .said ordinance. 1 pay to CITY any and dl 1 fees set forth in 'S Land Division Ordinance. All of said fees t the time and in the manner speci fied in the SECT I ON I U DEDICfiTION E IMPROVEMENTS-km ACCEPTANCE BY CITY Upon completion of the improvements set forth in Section I hereof, DEVELOPER shall grant, conuey, and dedicate to CITY all sanitary sewers and al 1 storm and surface water drainage facilities set fnrth in the said Section 1,'or otherwise shown on DE'JELOPER'S f inai plat. Such conue~ance shal i be free and clear of ai I I iens and encumbrances, and shal 1 be wi thout charge or cost to CITY. Any such conveyance shall include (by way of example, but not I imitation), any mains, conduits, Draft 5-21 -87 Page 4 0 pipes, culverts, or similar items which may in any way pertain to such improvements; and any necessary easements for access thereto. Upon dedication to city, the improvements shall be accepted by the CITY if said improvements have been completed as required by this agreement, and as required by CITY'S crdinances and other .appl icabl e law and approved by the CITY'S Engineer. - ==l-.T! dN U " -, ,:, ,;!-l+F:&:.; -~ -: : ,-;=.c;i .- " -,.=, '"C, ",j"" ., I :L:-ir -, .. " 2 ,~ >, 7. *. 2 ? .+ + .: ?,-,e z27, ++- ", " - .. " .. .. - i....? " ,- " prou i del by DEVELCtPER. .and the surface !s!atcr drai nage iacilities to be provided by DEUELOPER against defects due to faulty workmanship or materials for a period of one (1) year follnwing the date of dedication by DEVELOPER to CITY and acceptance by CITY of such improurments. In addition, DEVELOPER shal 1 ;day for .any damage to CITY proprrty which lamaye directly results from such defective materials or workmanship, provided that such damage appears within a period of one year from the date of dedication and acceptance. 0 SECTION VI ADDITIONAL REOIREMENTS DE'JELWER .;ha1 1 , at DEVEL0PER"S cost: e A. Proui de any easements on DEUELOPER"S 1 and deemed reasonably necessary by CITY before the final plat is signed, Draft Rage 5 5-21 -87 provided that any such easements are SO located render any lot unbui ldable or unsaleable. B. Reimburse CITY for the cost, includ installation, of all street and traffic signs, pos that CITY may erect wi thin or on account of the as not to ing cost for ts and 1 ights subdivision within 12 months from the date of DEVELOPER'S dedication of improvements to ICITY. D. Properly place and instal 1 any survey or other monuments required by z.t.3tl~te or ordinance. E. Execute and record deed restrictions in the form attached hereto. made 3. part hereof and designated as Exhibit B F. Furnizh to CITY'S Building InSp , documen tat i on showing the street grade in front of each lot, the yard grade and the grade of al 1 four rorners Of each 1 ot. G. Plant street trees in accordance with Res. PC. 72-76. SECTION VI1 INDEMNITY PROUISIONS In addition to, and not to the exclusion or prejudice of, any other pro., i si on of th I s agreement or of any document incorporated herein by reference, DEUELOPER shall indemnify and I . Draf t 5-21 -87 Page 6 save harmless the CITY. its officers, agents and emplo~ees, and 0 shal 1 defend the same from and against any and al 1 I iabi 1 i tY, claims. loss damages, interest actions, suits, judgments, costs, expenses, attorney’s fees, and the like to whomsoever owed and by whomsoever and whenever brought or obtained, which may in any manner resul t from or ar i SQ in the course of, out of, or as a resul t of the DE‘JELOPER’S negl i gen t construction or operation of improvements cowered thereby, or its violation of any law or ordinance, the infringement by it of any patent, trademrk, trade name of coprr ight, and i ts use of road improvements prior to their formal dedication and acceptance by CITY. VI I I AGREEMENT FOR EENEFIT E PURCHASERS: DEVELOPER agrees that in addition to CITY’S rights herein, a1 I proui 5i on5 of th~ s agrremrnt shal 1 be for the benef i t of the purchaser of any I ot or any interest in any lot in the Crlmson Meadows Subdivision. IX BIJILDING AN@ OTHER PERMITS 1. CITY shal 1, wi thin i ts author i ty, issue such permi ts, adopt such resolutions, and execute such documents as may be necessary to permi t DEIJELOPER to construct the improvements in accordance with the phns and spcifications herein set forth, upon DEVELOPER’S compl i ance with this agreement, and with any depo51 t provisions or regulations or any other requirements of 'Draf t 5-21 -87 Page 7 0 applicable codes or ordinances; and CITY shall cooperate with DEVELOPER in obtaining any similar permits, resolutions or documents that may be necessary from other authorities having jurisdiction over the subdiuision. -. '7 CITY shal 1 , .as a condi t ion of the DEVELOPER execu t ing this agreement, make available to the DEL'ELOPEH or its nominee, 1 successors or assigns, eight (8) single fami hereof. 3. It is express building permi ts for building permits for the construction of y residences subject to the provisions Y agreed that CITY :.ha1 1 not issue any he construction irf homes wi thin Crimson 0 Meadows Subdivision until CITY'S engineers have determined that a1 I sani tarr sewer and sur+ace water driinage faci 1 i ties required to serve any proposed homes are connected with an operating system as required herein. SECTION X CITY'S ORDINANCES All applicable provisions of CIT'Y'S ordinances are incorporated herein by reference, and all such provisions shall be binding upon the parties here to and be a par't of this agreement as if set forth at length here in. This agreement and a1 1 work and improvement; retquired hereunder shal 1 be performed 2nd carried out in accordance with and subject to all Draft 5-21 -87 0 Page 8 applicable provisions of said ordinances. SECTION XI CONDITION PRECEDENT = LETTER CREDIT CITY shal 1 not execute this agreement, un t i 1 DEVELOPER shal 1 have filed with CITY’S clerk, a letter of credit in a form reasonably accepkable to CITY‘S legal counsel, In an amount not less than 630,UOO. Such letter of credit shall be drawn in favor of CITY, and against a commercial bank licensed to transact business in the State of Wisconsin, and shall guarintee that the required improvement will be completed by the Developer ina De~~el~per”~ subcontractors no later than oneil) year from the date of the recording of the final plat or the date of the agreement , whichever date comes first, and as a fIJrkher guarantee that al I ob1 igat ionc to the subcon tractors for work on the deve 1 opmen t are sat i sf i ad. SECTIClN SI I 0 ENTIRE AGREEMENT This 3greement, and the related exhibits, documents, and proposed final plit constitute the entire agreement and understanding between the parties as to the subject matter binding upon each of them, and upon their successors or assigns; 3nd each party acknowledges that this agreement has Draft 5-21 -57 Page 9 assigns; and each party acKnowledges that this agreement has 0 been duly Signed by their appropriate officers and is a Val id, binding, and enforceable act of each executing entity. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, DEVELOPER and CITY have caused th agreement to be signed by their appropriate officers and the seals to be hereunto affixed on the day and year first abo wr i t ten. DE'JELOPER CRIMSON MEADOWS FARTNERSHIP BY: I Kenneth J. Sd9e I be, Partner CITY OF MUSKEGO BY: WAYNE G. SALENTINE, Mayor Attest: CHARLOTTE L. STEWART, Clerk THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTEO BY: Attorney at Law William C. Yellin is ir ve