CCR1987035COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO RESOLUTION //35-87 (As Amended) ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER TO PURCHASE TESS CORNERS CITY OWNED LOT (Runge) WHEREAS, an Offer to Purchase in the amount of $15,500 has been submitted by Geraldine and Ronald Runge for city-owned Lot #I, CSM 4616, on Woodland Place adjacent to the Tess Corners Detention Pond, which lot was authorized for sale in Resolution 1/51-84, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended acceptance of the offer. NOW, THEREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the Committee, does hereby accept the Offer to Purcilase submitted City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance by Geraldine and Ronald Runge for Lot 1 on Woodland Place adjacent to the Tess Corners Detention Pond in the amount of $15,500.00, with the funds to be credited to TID 11.2 after deduction of the 109, broker's fees and any other costs associated with the sale of the property. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign the necessary documents in the name of the City. RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City wishes to make the buyer aware that there is a $500 initial construction fee (sewer connection) in addition to the Reserve Capacity Assessment which is also his responsibility. 0 DATED THIS 10th DAY OF March , 1987. ATTEST: / COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEG0 RESOLUTION 1/35-87 ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER TO PURCHASE TESS CORNE CITY OWNED LOT (Runge) WHEREAS, an Offer to Purchase in the amount of 500 has been CSM 4616, on Woodland Place submitted by Geraldine and R Detention Pond, which lot was authorized for 1\51-84, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committ the offer. NOW, THEREFORE, RE IT RESOLV mmon Counci.1 of the City of Muskego, upon the re f the Finance Committee, does hereby accep by Geraldine and Ronald Runge for L adjacent to the Tess Corners Detent on Woodland Place Pond in the amount of $15,500.00, with the funds t deduct€on of the 10% broker’ associated with the sale of the BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that to sign the necessary docume ayor and Clerk are authorized DATED THIS DAY OF ,/ , 1987. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin P. Dude Ald. Mitchel Penovich Ald. Daniel J. Hilt ATTEST : City Clerk 3 I87 J I 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 II ~~ I2 11 14 IJ 16 17 18 20 19 21 22 11 14 15 16 27 28 29 31 10 32 33 34 15 17 16 38 0 (0 19 41 43 42 44 4J 46 41 48 49 50 SI ' J2 51 J4 J5 J6 J7 58. J9 60 61 62 63 64 6J 66 61 6.4 69 !'I a- ll 71 73 74 7s 16 17 ... si-sz .' , R.IY,il,,l,, ,/,,, , ,',,,\IIIF .. .............. VACAKT LAND OFFER TO PURCHASE Wircmdn. Brookfield March 2 ...................................... .............. ............... o~.i~.~r..?,..?d!u~e..and.AUd.re~..HcC!u~e. . I9 E?. . .... ..... ..... ... ... ...... ... ...... ............. ... ........ ........................... ... ... ... .... .. .... .., ........ .... ... ... .. ......... .. .... .: ............... .... ... ... '4 ... ........... ... ..... .......................................... ... ..... ............... ... Buycrl6nrlUlltunlcsroUlrrviasp~iRcd.Bvy~rrillp~yali~a~Udr~curi~~~~n)rRnancin~I~lh~~~lenlprrmillrdbyl~w.~dI~prlam~II~clr MCCII~~ lo ~spcdkc Such Rnmdq. ADDITIONAL ITEMS INCLUDED IN SALE NOM, ...... ............... ............... ITEMS NOT INCLUDED m SALE .,.None,. . , ... ... ... ........ ... ...................................... ...... ......... ~iler~haII,u~pl)rmmld~ep~h~rprlrr,mnr~~~pmpn)r'iyv~rnntydrcd.oro~rrmnveymcr ~idrdhmln.fme1~d;ie~rd;il lie1 .nd ecumbnnrrr. sirrptin~ mmkipl ad min6ordinlnCrl. mdrd memenu lor plhlic uliliti~si%ed adinant lo side ad mar Id her. mdcd buildin8 and UI~ m~ulctlonr and covenmla. general tam levied in Ihc oar or clorinl and ,the. !'!!,e?. .and, !egu!at!on o.f.~he..Mustego..ln.du~tr.lal..Pack..as..odo~.ted..bu.the..Citr.o~ MvskegoI. h6d pmsion of pmprly rhdl bc delivered Lo Buyer on dole d closinl. ItIrvndrnloodhcpm~nyI~~. ,?3.Ca!t.l,Ed:. .._ -... ............................................................................... ....................................... ............ Occupancy d . . Jsnd.. , 8hallkdrmloBuyerr .Pn,date,.of..c!.os!.?g. ................................. .............. 105 106 108 107 IO9 I10 111 I12 1u 114 I15 116 I17 I I8 I2U I10 122 121 113 I24 125 126 117 128 ~ECIALP~~VISION~ ..see,Rjder,.attache? !'ere.to..whose.,ter~s and are Mde a part 129 o,,,thl,s.O er to urchase as If ful,ll,,lncorporated 130 by,,the C~tj;:o~f'Muskego'an~~curreritly ........................................ tax exempt:, ................................................................. .... ....... ......... I31 ... ...... 132 ......... , .... I33 ........ ........... 134 ....... .... ...... .............. .. ...... 140 THIS[O/FFER IS HEREBY ACCEPTED. THE WARRANTIES AND REPRESENPATIONS MADE HEREIN SURVIVE THE 141 CLOSING OF THIS TKANSACTION. THE UNDERSIONED HEREBY AGREES TO'SELC'ANCS-CONVE% THE ABOVE- 142 MENTlONEDPROPERTYONTHETERMSANDCONDlTlONSASSETFORTHANDACKNOWLEDGES~CEl~OFACOPY 143 OF THIS AGREEMENT. ........ .. CITY OF MUSKEG0 144 ............... I45 Pursuant to Resolution passed by the Wayne G:"Se'leitine, Flayor (Se1l.r) 146 Iga-., BY: ....... .. ...... ............ 147 Ir seller is mmkd I rhovld bj .'i (Seller) 149 Enmeat mnuy in the amount dS 5oo:oo ...... in (on d...ChKC.. ............... I50 ....... ......... March ............................... " I@.? BY.: . " .. Muskego Cown Council on .............. 148 EARNEST MONE khrbbp %L 1. 'SKart, CIG Clerk .rrcrivedrrom .N!W J:..?F!~.r~.,and.~udre~..HcC!"- 153 154 155 ........ Bmkcr ......... March .?. , 1') .e! ................ RIDER TO OFFER TO PURCHEE Purchase attached hereto and dated March 2, 1987. by and between The City of The following terms and conditions are made a part of the Offer to Huskego. as Seller, and Oliver J. McClure and Audrey HcClure. as Buyers. 1. Special Improvements: 1. The purchase price Includes the followlng improvements: Sanitary sewer and water laterals are at lot line and fully paid for and avallable for use by Buyer. Buyer w111 connect to sewer and water at Buyer's expense. Electric and telephone servlce to be available along rear lot line. Natural gas available In Saturn Drive. B. If raid streets are not permanently surfaced at the time of the complet!on of this transaction, said streets when permanently improved shall be at the expense of the City and no special assessments wlth respect to the permanent improvements of the streets shall be assessed against the property herein descrlbed, and the Buyer, his heirs, and assigns, shall have no further obligation wlth respect hereto. II. It is agreed between Buyer and Seller: 1. The provisions of paragraphs thirteen (13) and fourteen (14) of origlnally adopted by the City of Muskego by Resolution 1145-70 on the Rules and Regulations for the Huskego Industrial Park as July 28. 1970. and further extended to cover Muskego Industrlal Park Addltlon II on May 27. 1986. are Incorporated herefn by reference as if fully set forth herein. Said provlslons provlde In effect that In the event the Buyer should deslre to resell a portion of the premises whlch are the subject of this Contract and which are not being used in connection with Buyer's buslness, that he must flrst offer the same to the City for repurchase. The City shall then have ninety (90) days to act upon said offer. 0. These provisions shall constitute covenants runnlng wlth the land and shall be binding upon thh successors and asslgns of the delivers to Buyer ln completion of this transaction. Buyer parties hereto and may be included in the deed which Seller acknowledges that he has received a copy of the full text of the has read and fully understands same. Rules and Regulations of the Huskego lndustrial Park and that he this transaction. C. The warranty and representation made herein survive the closing Of BUYER: SELLER: CITY OF HUSKEGO By : bayne G. Salentfne. Mayor Date : J-J S? BY : tharlotte I. Stewart. City Clerk Da te : ASB:dls 036:62086 0 I ! 0