CCR1986287RESOLUTION /1287-86
WHEREAS, the Police Department has recommended that a Public
Safety Communications Equipment Service Agreement be executed
between the City and Waukesha County for the maintenance of the
console and three Motorola base stations for the year 1987 in
the amount of $1,320, plus time and materials for that
equipment not listed, and
WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended approval.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the
City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance
Committee does hereby authorize the Police Chief to execute the
attached Service Agreement for 1987.
City Clerk
of Wauknha, Wimconmin (“the County”) and thr City of kuPk-0
Clproeaent mdr OI-I Ihcrmbr 9, 1986, bobom the Cwnty
Pol i co -utmt.
Tho FSrtiwm both havr a public intmrrrt in providing far
public ufoty throughout their rrrpectivr trritorirm. Tho
putin ruognitr that thrir mutual intercut can br urvrd by
coaperating in tho ume of a cwntywidr radio 8KViCm facility
pravidinp mngineoring, unifiod purchasing, installation and
maintenmcr scrviceu for public-safrty comnunicationm.
Now, MREF#(E, in conmideration of tho promisem and
puforaancm mxchmped hmrein, the partims agrH as follorrs:
(1.) SERVICE: tho County agr- to providr inmtallation,
maintmmco and cwtain purchasing and conmultation mrrvices
stations of the City of hurkego Police Department radio
with respect to thr console and three (3) Motorola base
and mervicr equipncnt and routine servicr part.. Thr City of
system. Thr services to be provided include prronnel, tmlm
radio equipment used in it. radio mymtrm and will br
r~ponsiblr for any replacement of comnunicationm equipment.
(2.) FEES: The City of Muskego Police Department agree.
to pay thr County certain fees for raintrnancr in tho amount
of S1320.00, on or before January 31, 1987.
ktskego Police Department will own and providr tho actual
ti-md-matwialm basis for repairs to radio rquipment 0th-
Thr City of thskego Police Department will pay on a
than that lirtod above, or rrwltinq from rxtraordinary rbuu
OT catastrophic dwge, which will br drturninrd solely and
finally in the good faith judqmt of thr radio mervicr
preonnrl. Labor rates shall invoiced at *ZS.OO pw hour,
wi th a minimum onr how charge par incident.
Thr City of )+r8kmqO Police Dmputmnt agroem to pay tho 5
daym of recript of invoicr. Vrhiculu installationm mhall br
fmo for my wrvicr or installation it rrqurmtm within 30
*250.00 far marked cum.
invoiced at tho flat rat. of *12S.00 for unmarkod car. and
(3.) DISCRETIUC Tho County’m radio 80rvicr prrsonnrl
mhall havr wlo md final di~rrtion in mttrm of technical
judgliamt, includinp but not limited to, dotrrnininq nhrn m
inmtallation, ropair ar 0th- task rrquntrd by thm City of
unfoasiblr and will bo drclind or nhmn a tamk rrqursted im
artmido tho capability of thr radio muvicr facility and tho
a ktmkrgo Policr Wputawnt is tochnically OT ron~ically
task must be doclind or rofwrd to ur indopondmt
contractor, tho costs of which the City of Huskoqo Polico
Dopartatant shall bo roeponaiblo for wor and abovo tho Con
defined in the attached feo uhdulrr.
facility froquatly mcountoro tasks of M urgmt nature,
nuessary to koep public-wfoty oquipmmt opuatfng Md
requiring proomption of routino work undrway. Tho radio
rrvico pwaonnol will havo solo and f inal dimcrrtim to
ostablimh priaitin among taokr roquostd of it by ury
agonciu it SKVP.. Thm radio srvico facility md the
orcrpt in carem of bad faith.
county will not bo romponsiblo +or dolays in conploting taaks
Tho partiom mutually acknowlodgo that tho radio srvico
(4.) LICIBILITY: the City of Muskago Polico Dopartamt
will indemnify tho County urd radio m~vico prrsonnol urd
hold thorn harmless from any Md a11 claimr rolating to radio
mervicm prformed in good faith. Thir clauro will romain
offoctivo dospitr tornination or inoffectivmomr of tho
rmuindw of this agrooment.
January 1, 1987 to kombw 31, 1987. It will autonrtically
(5. TERM: Tho turn of thim agrrrwnt will bo from
rmw for ruccnsivo your unlna one of tho putin givn
wittan notico of non-rmrwl or mdification at loast 60
dayr prior to tho next rm.w.1. Xf tho City of hrkrgo
Polico Dmputrmt attoapt. to trminato this agruamt othr
than by notico of non-rmmrl abovo, City of IICImkogo Pol ico
Department will pay tho Count,y tho mum of .100.00.
IN WITNEW UHEFEW, tho partirr havo affixd thoir
sipnatwrr brlw by thrir duly authwizd agmtr on tho dhy
mot forth abovo.
City of Humkogo Pol ico Dmputmnt
Camty of Yaukuha, Yiaconsin