CCR19862250 RESOLUTION !/225-86 CORRECTION OF ASSESSMENT OF VERBURGT PROPERTY AND DIVISION OF SAID ASSESSMENT WHEREAS, the portion of the assessment referred to in Exhibit "A" of Resolution #218-86 as"Verburgt" in the amount of $12,887.21 was incorrect, and WHEREAS, the total assessment referred to in said resolution was, therefore, also incorrect, and WHEREAS, all owners of the property affected by this correction agree to said correction, and WHEREAS, the owners of the following described property wish to further divide said assessments: Lot 1 - Certified Survey Map #5043, V41/115-7 Recorded 9/30/86 Lot 3 - Certified Survey Map #5044, V41/118-20 Recorded 9/30/86 Vol. 493, pgs. 184-8 Deeds R641/457 QCD 11.84 Excluding Pt. Govt Lots 4 h 5, Sec. 15 T5N RlOE 1.75 M/L remaining, Recorded 9/30/86 Certified Survey Maps 5042,5043,5044, 5045, Vol. 41/112-123 0 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1. The portion of Exhibit "A" of Resolution #218-86 is agreed to correctly be as follows: AMT. PD. AMT. TO BE TOTAL IN 1985 PD. IN 1986 BALANCE ASSMTS . * (w/o int.) (w/o int.) DUE Verburgt $14,321.75 $ 1,432.16 $ 1,432.16 $11,457.43 $87,049.52 2. That total assessment referred to in Resolution #218-86 is following three assesments: 3. That the assesment of $14,321.75 is further divided into the AMT. PD. AMT. TO BE TOTAL IN 1985 PD. IN 1986 BALANCE ASSMTS . * (w/o int.) (w/o int.) DUE Verburgt $4,315.79 $ 431.57 $ 431.57 $ 3,452.65 CSM 5043 (North Lot) Verburgt 4,040.96 404.09 404.09 3,232.78 CSM 5044 (Middle Lot) 0 Resolution #225-86 - Page 2 Verburgt 5,965.00 596.50 596.50 4,772.00 (South Lot) Remnant a 14,321.75 $ 1,432.16 $ 1,432.16 $11,457.43 *Does Not Include: - Interest - Sewer usage fees - Initial construction fee of $500 per sewer connection the City of Muskego that they are sole owners of all the real estate in question and have the right to divide said assessments and agree to the amount of said assessments. 4. That Jack, James, Douglas, and Nancy Verburgt represent to 5. James, Jack, Douglas and Nancy Verburgt hereby waive all legal notices required to amend or change special assessments and agree to this special assessment without further action by the City. 6. That unless James, Jack, Douglas and Nancy Verburgt execute this resolution as their acceptance of the same, on or before October 31, 1986, this resolution is null and void and of no effect. DATED THIS 14th DAY OF October , 1986. CITY CLERK ACCEPTED BY: James Verburgt Jack Verburgt Douglas Verburgt 10/86 ca Nancy Verburgt