CCR1986184RESOLUTION //I 84-86 APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO OFFER TO PURCHASE (HA"-INDUSTRIAL PARK ADDN. NO. 1) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the City's broker and the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the attached Amendment to Contract of Sale (Lloyd Hamm-Industrial Park Addn. #l). DATED THIS c?(J& DAY OF ALL& , 1986. - U Wisconsin Legal Blank Co.. Inc. Milwaukee. Wir. AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT OF SALE ........... ... 1 It is hereby mutually agreed that the offer dated June 20 , 19 .e6 ? and accepted .July .s 3 purchase of the real estate e .in. .Phase. ,111, of .the. .Muskego. .Industrial .Park .Muskego. WiS.COnSin , 19 .86 betueen the undersigned for the sale and is hereby amended as foilou,~: 5 Y.,. .......................................................................................... 5 (- P"1- IJ mangcdfro~~ : .................................... .. ....................................... * - ( ; :,..-, ;> &' r,",,, ..................................... ;u ...................................... ", .............................. ............................ 5 - "a]. I" a Y. 9 0 ", P -I ................................. ................................................................................. -1" I - ... ... 3 (( i ......................... e 7::; ~ ~ " .......................... .............-. ............. ............. .................. .................................................................... ............... 3 9 ...................................................................................................................... ......................................................... '0 (( "' - .. .............................................................. :1 .. -3 (x) .AU contingency. .dates. .specified. .in :the offer .TO. Purchase .and. CounterrOffer. .i .to. .be ,extendEd by .tvo. (2) months. 5 6 ._ :3 1.) AU other terms of said contract shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect as though fully Set forth at length in this amendmenl. THIS 7 IS A LEGALLY BLNDING AMENDMENT TO SAID CONTRACT. I Dated: hgWf 11. .l98.6. CITY OF MUSKEGO 2 &//* *-/?.-.?&. BY:. By : dB Lloyd . Ham (Buyer) ~. Wayne G. Salentine.(Seller) Mayor (Buyer) 'dhaiiotte L.Stevart&ller) City Clerk Pursuant to Resolution II- passed by Counciftf%? -&%ED TO THE OFFER TO PURCHASE.