CCR1986154RESOLUTION 81 54-86
WHEREAS, on the 1st day of July, 1986, the Finance Committee
received a request from Verburgt, Etal, and Ludwig h Strampe to
transfer the amount of sewer and road assessment for 31.24 feet
of land assessed pursuant to Final Resolution #170-84 for sewer
and Final Resolution #209-85 for roads, which Ludwig h Strampe
are selling to Verburgt, Etal, and
WHEREAS, the front foot assessment in the area for sewer was
$24.19 per foot and $21.73 per foot for road and reflects a total amount of $755.69 for sewer and $678.84 for road, to be
transferred from the name of Ludwig h Strampe (tax key 2218.981)
to the name of Verburgt. Etal (tax key 2219.997) in the City
sewer and road assessment rolls, and
WHEREAS, the Sewer Committee has recommended that said transfer
be made.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the
City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Finance
Committee, does hereby authorize the City Clerk/Comptroller to
assessment from the name of Ludwig h Strampe (tax key 2218.981)
transfer the amount of $1,434.53 deferred sewer and road
to the name of Verburgt, Etal (tax key 2219.997) in the sewer and
for sewer and Final Resolution 8209-85 for roads.
road assessment rolls made pursuant to Final Resolution #170-84
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said transfer is contingent on the
receipt of recorded transfer of property from the Register of
Deeds Office and the consummation of the sale of the property
from Ludwig h Strampe to Verburgt, Etal and acceptance of this
Resolution by Verburgt, Etal, the owners of said property. If
the transfer stated above is not completed and recorded by the
1st day of October, 1986, or if this Resolution is not accepted
by said date, it is null and void.
DATED THIS 8-d DAY OF - , 1986.