CCR1986150RESOLUTION #150-86 APPROVAL OF HOLDING TANK AGREEMENT (Stefaniak/Learned) WHEREAS, the City of Muskego has received a request from Edward R. Stefaniak, Jr. and Maxine Learned to install a holding tank to Muskego, and serve their property at W182 S8756 Racine Avenue in the City of WHEREAS, it is required by the Deuartment of Industry. Labor and Human Relations &at the City gua;antee maintenance bf the Holding Tank, and WHEREAS, an agreement approved by the City Attorney has been signed . THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, does hereby approve the installation of a holding tank to serve the property owned by Edward R. Stefaniak, Jr. and Maxine Learned at W182 S8756 Racine Avenue in the City of Muskego. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are herewith. authorized to execute the holding tank agreement in connection DATED THIS (;it;&, DAY OF , 1986. 0 p$& Ald. Patrick Patterson ATTEST : 7/86 ca Exh i bit "A" AGREEMENT FOR PERMISSION FOR A TEMPORARY WASTE WATER COLLECTION SYSTEM AND HOLDING TANK THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this &say Of Ai%2Yz"" I 19&, by and between the hereinafter called the "Municipality", and &7 an individual, a corporation, or "" - ""* * address of hereinafter called the "Applicant/Owner". am We hereby acknowledge that application is being made for the installation of (a) holding tank(s) on the following described PT hW 1/4 SEC 21 T5N R20E Parcel 1 Cert Sum 251283 3 AC R3241961 or that continued use of the existing premises requires thac a holding tank be installed on the property for the purpose of proper containment of sewage. We also acknowledge that said property cannot now be served by a municipal sewer, any other type of private sewage system as permitted under Chapter ILHR 83, Wis. Adm. Code, Or Chapter 145, Stats., and that the property does not contain an area of soil suitable for any other type of private sewage system as permitted by Chapter ILHR 83, Vis. Adm. Code. Therefore, as an inducement to the County of Waukesha to issue a sanitary permit for the above described premises, ve hereby agree and bind ourselves as follows: 1. Applicant/Owner agrees to conform to a11 applicable requirements of Chapter ILHR 83, Vis. Adm. Code relating to holding tanks. If the Applicant/Owner fails to have the holding tank 0 properly serviced in response to orders issued by the Municipality to prevent or abate a nuisance as described in 5146.13 and 146.14, Scats., the Municipality may enter upon the property and service the