CCR1986129RESOLUTION #129-86 APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP (J.Walsh) WHEREAS, a certified survey map has been submitted to finalize a three parcel division of the James M. Walsh and Patrick Walsh property on Gaulke Drive in the NE 114 of the SE 114 of Section 2, and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has recommended approval, subject to DNR approval due to location of the parcels in the flood hazard area, and submittal of elevations for review prior to construction. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve the certified survey map to finalize a three parcel division of the James M. and Patrick Walsh property on Gaulke Drive in the NE 114 of the SE 114 of Section 2, subject to approval by the City Ehgineer. '0 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the applicant must secure all necessary permits from Federal, State and Local agencies due to the location of the parcels in the flood hazard area, and submit elevations for review by the Building Inspector prior to construction. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is subject to receipt of the $75.00 submittal fee and $400.00 in lieu of park dedication. DATED THIS I0-r~ DAY OF 5 J rJC , 1986. That I have surveyed, divided ,and mapped x part of the NE l/b of the I, Kit Kuokkanen, registered land surveyor, do hsreky certify: SE 1/k of Section 2, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Huskego, Waukesha County, Wlsconsin, bounded and described aa follwe: Cannnencing at the Northeast comer of said Southeast 1/b Section; thm S.00°59'19' E., along the East line of said Southeast I/& Section, 597.10 feet; theace S.87°h1118uW. and parallel to the North line of said Southaast l/b Section, 86S;.O8 feat to the East line of Tesa Corners Subdivision; thence S.2696'SSyE. along the Fast line of Tess Corners SuMividon, 218.00 feet to the point of feet to a point which is also the Southeast corner of Teas Cornara Subdirlsian; beginninR of the lands to be described: Continue thence S.26'??6'59'E., 386.58 thence N.89°46'05t1E., 126.00 feet; thence N.3b013v05t'E., 315.00 feet; thence N.19°07'31v1W., 108.89 feet; thence S.87°b1'18"W., &O.OO feat to the p&t of beginning. Dsdicatlng the Westerly 3OAO feet for plUc atreat. That I have made this survey, lend dirillian and map by tho &action of Patrick Walsh and James H. Ualsh, mer6 of said land. That such map is a correct mpreeentatirm of all tho am bound.ries of the land aurveyed and the land division mode thgeof. and the Land Mviaim Or and mapping the same. I mte *A;/ \>-, \4n<- OWRS' CERTIFICATE OF IEDICATION As ovnsrs, ne hereby certify that YB cm~sed the land described on this map to be surveyed, divided, uappad and dedlcatad am represented an the Certified %wvey Vap in accordance with the lnnd divleion ordinance of the city of hskego, Wisconsin. WIlNESS the hnds and seals of said owners tu0 IN THE R/EsBNCE OF: .- of (2~2 'I d day ,, J 19 ''. . - -. " i sleet 2 of 3