CCR1986113RESOLUTION #113-86
(As Amended)
(Ladwig Drive Sewer Project)
WHEREAS, the City of Muskego adopted Resolution #219-84
amended by Resolution #28-85 and Resolution #146-85 as to the
establishing a Deferred Assessment Policy, said policy being
effect of said resolution on the Oschmann property; and
WHEREAS, the City of Muskego wishes to negotiate, pursuant to
said policy, a payment of less than the entire assessment upon
improvement, which was levied by resolution, of only a portion of
said property; and
WHEREAS, Audrey Oschmann, Robert W. Klenz and State Bank of Hales
wish to negotiate concerning said assessment which effects the
Corners are owners and/or mortgage holders of said property and
property legally described as follows:
Pt NE 114 and SE 1 /4 NE 1 /4 Sec 15 T5N R20E Com 25 ft S1
03'33" W of NE Cor. Th S1 03'33" W 1707.80 Ft. Th N75 24'04"
W 406 Ft, Th N 1000 Ft, Th N1 03'33" E 672.17'Ft, Th E 1000
Ft To Bgn 25.65 Ac Ex CS 241296 22.017 Ac Rem
NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED bv the Common Council of the Citv
of Muskego that special assessments for sanitary sewer
improvements levied upon the 13 lots contemplated in the
Preliminary Plat dated 2/13/85 and entitled "Aud-Mar Estate" and
other lands described above, shall become due and payable as
follows :
1. That upon sale of any of the 13 lots that percentage of
the total assessment against all of the properties
described above that the number of front feet in the lot
being sold bears to the total number of front feet in
accordance with the Assessment Policy of the City),
the 13 lots (front feet calculations to be made in
shall be extended on the tax roll and collected as a
including interest, is due and payable, and if not paid,
pursuant to Resolution #28-85, all such assessments are
delinquent real estate tax; however, in any event,
due five (5) years from the date of the final resolution
making the levy as finally amended or confirmed by the
Common Council unless further extended by the Common
2. All provisions of Resolutions #219-84 and #28-85 shall
apply to the property described in the preliminary plat
and this agreement and the agreement reached by
Resolution A146-85 shall be null and void, unless by
December 1, 1986 all of the following events have occurred:
0 Resolution #113-86 Page Two
A. A final sewer special assessment resolution as to
the property in question is passed, and
B. Audrey Oschmann, Robert W. Klenz and State Bank of
Hales Corners donate any easement necessary for said
sewer to the City, and
C. Audrey Oschmann, Robert W. Klenz and State Bank of
Hales Corners as owners of the land in question
execute this resolution as their agreement, and
D. Audrey Oschmann, Robert W. Klenz and State Bank of
Hales Corners execute any additional agreement
necessary to record this document, and
E. Audrey Oschmann, Robert W. Klenz and State Bank of
Hales Corners obtain all necessary approvals of the
final plat which includes the same divisions as set
forth in the preliminary plat referred to above, and
F. Audrey Oschmann, Robert W. Klenz and State Bank of
Hales Corners give the City evidence satisfactory to
the City that they are sole owners of all the
property in question at the time of acceptance of
this resolution and have the right to enter this
G. Audrey Oschmann, Robert W. Klenz and State Bank of
Hales Corners hereby waive all legal notices
agree to this special assessment without further
required to amend or change special assessments and
action by the City.
3. That upon all of the conditions stated above, the City
will remove the assessment stated above from all of the
lands referred to above except the 13 lots in question
and the assessment will be divided as stated in No. 1
4. That Resolution #146-85 is amended by this resolution.
5. That the deferred assessment policy established in
Resolutions #219-84 and #28-85 shall apply even if the
conditions of this agreement are met insofar as they are
not amended by Resolution #146-85 and this resolution.
Resolution 81 13-86
Page Three
6. Interest is being charged at 9% per annum on the entire
assessment from the date of the final assessment
DATED THIS 27th DAY OF May , 1986.
3 Audrey Oschmann a/k/a
Audrey M. Oschmann
Robert W. Klenz
State Bank of Hales Corners
(Ladwig Drive Sewer Project)
WHEREAS, the City of Muskego ad
amended by Resolution 1/28-85 an
establishing a Deferred Assessm
effect of said resolution on th
WHEREAS, the City of Muskego wi
said policy, a payment of less
improvement, which was levied b
said property; and
WHEREAS, Audrey Oschmann, Robert W. K and State Bank of Hales
Corners are owners andfor mortg
wish to negotiate concerning sa
property legally described as f
Pt NE 114 and SE 114 NE 11
03'33" W of NE Cor, Th S1
W 406 Ft, Th N 1000 Ft, Th
Ft To Bgn 25.65 Ac Ex CS 2
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the Common Council of the City
of Muskego that special asses
described abov
the Assessment Policy of the City),
shall be ex
years from the date of the final resolution
Resolution #113-86
Page Two
B. Audrey Oschmann, Robert W. Klenz State Bank of
sewer to the City, and
C. Audrey Oschmann, Robert W. K1 and State Bank of
Hales Corners as owners of and in question execute this resolution as agreement, and
D. Audrey Oschmann, Robert
Hales Corners execute an
lenz and State Bank of
ditional agreement
. Klenz and State Bank of
F. Audrey Oschmann, ert W. Klenz and State Bank of
are sole owners of all the
on at the time of acceptance of
Resolution #113-86
Page Three
6. Interest is being charged at 9% per m on the entire
assessment from the date of the fina
Ald. Harold L. Sanders
3. City Clerk
Audrey Oschmann a/k/a
Audrey M. Oschmann
Robert W. Klenz
State Bank of Hales Corners