CCR1986042RESOLUTION #42-86 AUTHORIZE APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER (Globe Contractors - Industrial Park Sewer and Water Project) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the City Engineers and the Finance Committee, does hereby approve of a Change Order for Globe Park Sewer and Water Project to March 31, 1986. Contractors to extend the completion date for the Industrial BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor is authorized to execute the Change Order in the name of the City. DATED THIS jt~ DAY OF /-Yl ARCH^ , 1986. EFLfiO Ald. Edwin P. Dumke ~~ Ld,Wd Ald. MitcheX’ Penovich J Ald. Ralph Tornczyw) ATTEST : n e ClIANbt OKOtW *I (lnstructions on reverse ride) No. TWO r PROJECT: MSW-1-85 DATEOFISSUANCE: February 21, 1986 OWNER: City of Muskego (Name. P.O. Box 903 Muskego, WI 53150 Address) CoNmCToR: 16601 W. Dakota Street Globe Contractors New 53151 ENGINEER: Ruekert 6 Mielke, Inc. OWNER'S Project No. MSW-1-85 419 Frederick Street CONTRACTFOR: Sanitary Sewer 6 Waukesha, WI 53186 Water Main ENGINEER, Project No. MSW-1-85 You are dnctcd to make the fohwing changes i.n the Contract Documents. ~ &Scription: Extend the completion date for the project until March 31, 1986. PuWWofChangeOrder: Contract Time Extension Attachments: (List documents supporring change) -" CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE Original Contnct Price S 479,151.00 Rviour Chaw Orders No. " @No. " s --- Contract Rice prior to this Change Order S -" Net Increase (decrease) of this Change Order s "- Contract Rice vith all approved Change Orders s --- RECOMMENDED: APPROVED: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME: Original Contract Time December 27, 1985 *I,'& Net change from previous Change Orden Contract Time Prior lo this Change Order January 24, 1986 &,b (I pr Net IncreaseXknnsrr) of this Change Order ~ ~~~ 68 -Il Contract Time with all approved Chanpe Orders March 31, 1986 d.,, m &.I. APPROVED: