CCR1985235RESOLUTION 11235-85 APPROVING CITY'S OFFER TO PURCHASE PARCEL OF LAND FOR TESS CORNERS DRAINAGE PROJECT (Kelsenberg) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego hereby approves the City's Offer to Purchase for the property of Kernick M. Kelsenberg as stated in the Relocation Order for the purchase price of $ -0-, and that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign any legal documents in the name of the City, and hereby waives any contingency as to approval in the Offer to Purchase, and approves of the same. DATED THIS DAY OF 9 1985. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin P. Dumke ATTEST : City Clerk 9/85 jm VACANT LAND OFFER TO PURCHASE I. ... .M~k.eg~. .................. Wisconsin, .. . The undersigned Buyer, .. CITY Ob MUSKEG0 .. .. ,19. . ...... ........................... ... ... +. herebyofferptopuFchaEehepropenyLnownss ..an ~a.s~~~nt..i.rl..C~T.~ai.a..p.rap.eT.fX more pdc&y sac^^ M: ..... .s.~R. .at.faF.hed. .c~sw~D.~. ..... .. .. the ... .city ... d.. ... kkI24ekSgP. ....... ,county of .. W.ar?kesha ... . . , Wisconsin. .. .......... ..... !j ............................................................ ........ 7 ........ r.. .... ...- .. .-.. . .................. .. .{ ............................................................... .. ....... .............. ............................................................................... ........................................ ~ ~~ ......... 2 ......................... ! , ... ;'* ............................................................................ .* ,, , n .( :' <:I ?,!< ../. 1. ll>vx::,y:i>.;M. I ................................................................ ................ 2 Buyer agrees that unlers otherwiae specilicd, Buyer will pay all costa of securing any financing to the extent permitted by law, and to pelram ell @s,, J necossary lo oxpedite such flnanoing. ., r. x ,:,+ '.,.:.'.":.,L. 'I .--, .I ADDITIONAL ITEMS INCLUDED IN SALE: ................................................ ..!. .... .?. ,.,, ,~,:.t;,;;.;t,:,:;,h .......... ....... ............... .............. ............I 1' , 1. h .I , A .t A ,. A * ,. .~~. ~~ ............................................ ............... ... ..... NOT INCLUDED IN SALE: .. ..I. .,.*., . , .,. , ...... ... ................ ..*.:.: .... ......... 8 ,Y ,O Seller shall, upon payment ofthe purchase price. convey the propeny by warranty deed, or ,,(her conveyance proiided herein, free and clear or all 1 limb and encumbrances, excepting: municipal and zoning ordinances. recorded easmel 1s for public utilities located adjacent to side and rear lot .... ..... .. ..,..,...;... .AI_ 1,. .>.x ......... ..~ ....... .. .... ... ......... ,? lines. recorded building and use restrictions and covenants, general taxes levied In the year of closing and 3 - " .. ............ ...... ...................... I4 Legal possession of property shall bo delivered to Buyer on date of closing. .. .. 85 It is understood the property is now occupied by ... 6 under (oral lease) (written lease). which terms are: ..... .................... \ 17 .................................... .................. ... ........ >8 Occupancyo~ .... the. .ea.sem.enL. shall be given lo Buyer on .c.imog. ...... .... All earnest money paid shall be applied toward payment of the purchase price if bis oKer is accepted on or before .. ... ...... '7 19 aud thi! OIT~I shall becomc null and void. I9 ; othelwise, lo be returned to the undersigned Buyer no later than ~~sq~er~saccep~~,~~~~a~~no~~~~~m~bindinguponBuyeruntilacopyo~acceptedo~erisdeposited,postageprepaid,intheUnited~tates addressedto Buyer at ~ .City .of .Muskego,. Muskega .city Hal.1,. W182 .s8200 Racin.e. .he. This transaction is to be closed at the o~ke of Buyer's mortgagee or ar the ofice of .Muskego. .City. .Hall., Muskego., .W.I, 53.150. .. . , or by personal delivery thereof. .. ,W.l.82. S820. ..Raci.ne.Av.e ..,, Muskega,, .W.isconsin. . %11a*Wdb*W,p%i1CJ~XP(W .. .. 0. s .. ,<A r.?. .? 2 . IY ,8 s . or at such other time and place as may be agreed in writing by Buycc :wd Sellci , . . ,on or before .. .. ................ k Caution: Refer to wetlands regulations.) eller warranis and represents to Buyer that Seller has no notice or knowledge of any: (a)planned or commenced public improvement which may result in special assessments or ohenvise materially affect the propeny. (b)govement agency or coun order requiring repair, alteration or correction of any existing condition. EXCEPTIONS TO WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS STATED IN LINES 86TO 91. < -. ..."._ -,.-. . ._._ .... :. -,.,-. ............................................ ~- - -" - - -~ - -" "-+ ~~~~~mocrlf~~crsrm~pgr~~b~~~n~ ~xXxXxxXxxxxxxxxxx~P~~~m~~X~~~~~~~~~~~n~w~~~~~# 0 S~~LPCSJl~blMI~X]O1POIWbkdRLD(~K~~~~~~~)0.xP(i~~jFkIPXPF~h~tR~~~i)(lK~jlil(~~411~PIW~W I ya~~~~~l~~Jf~puYDkxaX~PgPY~u~B9(~X 3 2 2. An owner's policy of title insurance in the amount of the full purchaseJnce naming Buyer as the insured, as Bu er's interest may ap ar. written b: aresponsibletilleinrurancecompany licensed by the State of Isconbm. whlch pohcyshall guaranree Seier's tide lobe mconcon 4 called for by this agreement, except for mongages, judgments, or other liens which will be satisfied out of the proceeds of the sale. A 5 commitment by such a titlecompany,agreeingtoissue such atitle policy upon the recording ofthe properdocumentsasagreed herein.shal1 be 6 7 deemed suficient performance. .d furnish written proof, at or before closing, that the total underlying indebtedness, if any. is not in excess ofthe proposed balance ofthe land contracl, If this olTer provides for a land contract. the same evidence oftille shall be furnished prior to the execution of the land contracl. and Seller shall '0 9 and that the payments on this land contract are suflicient to meet all of the obligations of Seller on the underlying indebtedness. ' 1 be paid 10 or retained by Seller as liquidated damages. If such money is lheld by Broker. Broker shall disburse such money as lollows: Should Buyerfail tocarry out this agreement, all money paid hereunder, including any additional earnest money, shall,at+e optionofSeller. '2 1. ToBuyer,ifSellerhasnocnoti~edBuyerandBrokerinwritingofSeller'selectiontoconsiderallmoneypaidhereunderasliquidateddamages '3 '4 2. ToSellerasliquidateddamages,subjecttodeducuonsofBroker'scommissionanddisbursemenis,ifany,ifneitherpanyhascommencedalaw or part payment for specific pedormance within 60 days of closing date set forth in this agreement, or; 4 Should Seller be unable to carry out this agreement by reason ofa valid legal defect in title which Buyer is unwilling to waive, all money !7 paid hereunder shall be returned lo Buyer forthwith. and this contract shall be void. 18 SPECIAL PROVISIONS: Seller .shall semain..r.esponsible .far. a11 .lia.bil.ities. which. '9 .are LtLe..respan.sibili.ty. a€. ,the. .ounez ,of .the. ,fee .title such as pr,operty. ta.xes.,. ;1 'I suit on this matter within I20 days of the closing date set lorth in this agreement. ;O .specia.l..assessmen.ts, .etc.. .... .. ........ ..... .... ... I i4 ... ..... .. ........ I Buyer has read, fully understands and acknowled es receipt of a copy of this offer 10 purchase.' BUYER IS ADVISEDTHAT BROKER . .~ .. '7 HAS AN AGENCY RELATIONSHIP WITH SELYER. ,I ;B 19 (Buyer) (Buyer) io THIS OFFER IS HEREBY ACCEPTED. THE WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS MADE HEREIN SURVIVE THE il CLOSING OF THIS TRANSACTION. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREES TO SELL AND CONVEY THE ABOVE- 12 MENTIONEDPROPERTYONTHETERMSANDCONDlTlONSASSETFORTHANDACKNOWLEDGESRECElPTOFACOPY i3 OF THIS AGREEMENT, 14 ......... .... , 19 . 15 .... .. ~ I. , (6 .... , .. , .. ..... .... , .. 17 . itl EARNEST MONEY RECEIPT 19 Earnest money in the mount of I in lorn1 of io ...... received from . jl ~.. The undersiped hereby agrees to hold same in an authorized real estate mst 52 1~coug1 in Wisconsin, or transmit the same in accordance with the terms of the above offer. I ... .......... IS .. 19 .I BY , Broker