CCR1985208RESOLUTION il208-85 (As Amended) FINAL RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INSTALLATION OF SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS AND LEVYING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AGAINST BENEFITED PROPERTY (Boszhardt Lane Sewer Project) WHEREAS, all property owners affected by this special assessment have signed and filed, with the City, a waiver of their special assessment rights under Wis. Stat. 66.60 (18) as to the sanitary sewer improvement within the area described below and shown on the attached map: City of Muskego Assessment District "C" Boszhardt Lane Sanitary Sewer Project Part of the SW 1 /4 of Section 9, TSN, RZOE, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin more fully described as follows: Those parcels of land known as Tax Key Numbers: 2195.997 Sr 2195.998. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Muskego as follows: 0 1. That the plans and specifications of the City Engineer and any amendments thereto pertaining to the construction of the above described public improvements, is adopted and approved. 2. That the City of Muskego has or shall advertise for bids and specifications of the City Engineer and any amendments and shall carry out the improvements in accordance with the plans thereto. the cost to the property benefited as indicated below: 3. That payment for the improvements be made by assessing (a) Lernke - $ 32.00 per lineal foot as charged on the Ladwig Drive Sewer Project X 60 lineal feet for a total as to the Lemke propert- 2,160.00 . (b) Lindhorst - $ 32.00 per lineal foot as charged on the Ladwig Drive Sewer Project X 60 lineal feet, together with the actual costme lateral as described in the Azreement of June 18. 1985 of $ 3,408.05 minus $432.00 (for gravel-backfill) for a total as to the Lindhorst property of $ 4,896.05 . power, have been determined on a reasonable basis and are hereby assessments who have signed a waiver of notice and hearing as to confirmed and have been agreed to by the parties receiving said said special assessment. 4. That assessments represent an exercise of the police a Resolution 11208-85 (As Amended) Page 2 before November 1, 1985 or in ten (lop annual installments to the City Treasurer, installment payments to bear interest at the rate of nine (9%) percent per annum on the unpaid balance commencing on November 1, 1985 and said first installment being due on the assessments or installments which are not paid by the date date when real estate taxes are due and annually thereafter. All against the property and all proceedings in relation to the specified shall be extended upon the tax roll as a delinquent tax collection, return and sale of property for delinquent real estate taxes shall apply to such special assessment, except as otherwise provided by statute. 5. That the assessments may be aid in cash in full on or That the City Clerk shall publish this resolution as a Class 1 Notice in the assessment district and mail a copy of this resolution and a statement of the final assessment against the benefited property to every property owner whose name appears on with reasonable diligence be ascertained. the assessment roll whose post office address is known or can DATED THIS 8th DAY OF October 9 1985. Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Published: 10/17/85 I __L c RESOLUTION #208-85 , a- FINAL RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INSTALLdTION OF SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS AND LEVYING SPECIAL (Boszhardt Lane Sewer Project) ASSESSMENTS AGAINST BENEFITED PROPERTY WHEREAS, all property owners affected by thi have signed and filed, with the City, a waiv assessment rights under Wis. Stat. 66.60 (18 sewer improvement within the area described the attached map Assessment District "C" City of %luskego Boszhardt Lane Sanitary Sewe Part of the SW 114 of Section 9, T5N. R20E. Waukesha County, Wisconsin more fully descri Those parcels of land known as Tax Key Numb rs. 2195.997 & 2195,998, P NOW, THEREFO on Council of the City of Eluskego as follows. nstruction of the above f the City Engineer and ted and approved. 2 That the City of Muskeg s or shall advertise for bids and accordance with the plans and amendments thereto. 3. That payment for the rovements be made by assessing the (b) Lindhorst - assessment. assessments may be paid in cash in full on or before November 1985 or in ten (10) annual installments to the City Treasure , installment payments to bear interest at the rate of nine (9%) pe cent per annum on the unpaid balance commencing on November 1, f . Resolution #208-85 Page 2 h8S and said first installment beinn due on the date when real .e e taxes are due and annually thereafter. All assessments or ments which are not paid by the date specified shall be tax roll as a delinquent tax against the property gs in relation to the collectio'k, return and or delinquent real estate taxes shall apply to ssment, except as otherwise provided by statute. he City Clerk shall publish this resolution as a in the assessment district and mail a copy of this a statement of the final assessment against the ty to every property owner whose name appears on 1 whose post office address is known or can with ce be ascertained. DATED THIS DAY OF , 1985. Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor ATTEST, City Clerk 9/85 Published. . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT "C" 7