CCR1985194RESOLUTION 11194-85 (As Amended) KURTZE LANE ROAD PROJECT AWARDING OF BID WHEREAS, the City advertised for bids for the Kurtze Lane Road Reconstruction Project, and WHEREAS, the following bids were received: Reesman's Excavating & Grading $189,125.40 W. K. Fredericks & Son, Inc. 215,198.00, and WHEREAS, Ruekert & Mielke and the Public Works Committee have reviewed the bids and have recommended acceptance of the low bid submitted by Reesman's Excavating & Grading of $189,125.40, and WHEREAS, Ruekert & Mielke has also recommended that the Postponment of 1-1/2" Asphalt Lift to 1986 - Add $4,810.00, and following alternate be accepted: WHEREAS, in order to proceed with this project, a septic over- must be removed, and a quote in the amount of $50.00 was flow tank serving the Paepke dwelling on the Verburgt property received from John Lang Trenching for the removal. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Works Committee, does hereby accept the low bid of Reesman's Excavating & Grading for the Kurtze Lane Road Reconstruction a - Project aB follows: Base Bid $189,125.40 Postponment of ll&' Asphalt Lift to 1986 4,810.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Common Council does hereby accept the quote of John Lang Trenching in the amount of $50..00 for the removal of the septic over-flow tank serving the Paepke dwelling on the Verburgt property. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any costs for engineering, administrative, inspections, etc. that exceed the assessment TID 114. shall be determined to be non-assessable costs to be paid from BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the contracts in the name of the City. DATED THIS 10th DAY OF September , 1985. RECONSIDERED 9/10/85 AMENDED AND ADOPTED ATTEST : PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Y RESOLUTION 11194-85 (As Amended) KURTZE LANE ROAD PROJECT AWARDING OF BID /' WHEREAS, the City advertised for bids for the Kurtze Lanehoad Reconstruction Project, and WHEREAS, the following bids were received: / Reesman's Excavating & Grading $189,(125.40 W. K. Fredericks & Son, Inc. 21A,198.00, and / WHEREAS, Ruekert & Mielke and the Public Works ,&muittee have bid submitted by Reesman's Excavating & Grading of $189,125.40, reviewed the bids and have recommended acceptpce of the low and / WHEREAS, Ruekert & Mielke has also recomme'nded that the following two alternates be accepted: / Postponment of 114' Asphalt Lift to 1986 - Add $4,810.00 Abandon & Remove Leach Bed and Se J tic System - A. Paepcke(Verburgt) - Add $1 250 00 TmJfm NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thkt the Common Council of the Committee, does hereby accept low bid of Reesman's City of Muskego, upon the ndation of the Public Works Excavating & Grading for the Kurtze Lane Road Reconstruction Project as follows: Base Bid $189,125.40 Postponment of 114' Lift to 1986 4,810.00 Abandon & Remove and Septic 1,250.00 System - A. $195,185.4@ BE IT FURTHER of $87,483.88 shall become the BE IT and Clerk are hereby name of the City. August , 1985. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE / Ald. Frank DeAngelis ATTEST : CORRECTED RESOLUTION #194-85 AWARDING OF BID KURTZE LANE ROAD PROJECT / / WHEREAS, the City advertised for bids for the Kurtze L e Road Reconstruction Project, and WHEREAS, the following bids were received: Reesman's Excavating & Grading $1 /40 W. K. Fredericks & Son. Inc. 15.198.00 and, WHEREAS, Ruekert & Mielke Committee have reviewed the bids and have nce of the low bid submitted by Reesman's g of $189,125.40, and WHEREAS, Ruekert & Mielke has also re following two alternates b ended that the Abandon & Remove Leach Bed and Postponment of 11&' ASP dd $4,810.00 System - A. Paepcke(Verburgt) - Add $1 250.00 $6,060.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES0 Council of the City of Muskego, upon the re endation of the Public Works Committee, does hereby acc Excavating & Grading for t econstruction e low bid of Reesman's Project as follows: ~~ ~- ~ "" Base Bid $189,125.40 Postponment of Lift to 1986 4,810.00 Abandon & and Septic 1,250.00 $195 ,185.4 BE IT FURTHER RESOLV D that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign he contract in the name of the City. P DATED THIS DAY OF 3 1985. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Ald. Frank DeAngelis Ald. Ralph Tomczyk Ald. Daniel Hilt Clty C erk 8/85 jm RESOLUTION 11194-85 KURTZE LANE ROAD PROJECT AWARDING OF BID WHEREAS, the City advertised Reconstruction Project, and WHEREAS, the following bids were received: Reesman's Exca W. K. Frederic and, WHEREAS, Ruekert & Mielke and reviewed the bids and have re bid submitted by Reesman's Ex NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE City of Muskego, upon the rec Grading in the amount of $189 Committee, does hereby accept Reconstruction Project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that t authorized to sign the contra DATED THIS DAY OF PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE ATTEST: City Clerk 8/85 jm / Ald. Frank DeAngelis / Ald. Ralph Tomczyk Ald. Daniel Hilt