CCR1985180RESOLUTION #180-85 RESOLUTION AMENDING ASSESSMENT ROLL AS TO NORTHWEST DISTRICT H-8 JAMES AND JOAN KOHNE PROPERTY WHEREAS, the City of Muskego adopted Resolution #121-72 and #122- 72 as to special assessments to the above project; and WHEREAS, said resolutions levied special assessments against certain property owned by James and Joan Kohne as stated in said assessments; and WHEREAS, there is question as to whether or not Kohne's property assessment should have included an additional approximately 75 additional feet of frontage and whether or not the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof is part of that property assessment, and WHEREAS, the City of Muskego adopted Resolution 11102-85, dated May 14, 1985, which approved concept to amend assessment roll as to Northwest District H-8. NOW, THEREFORE, for valuable consideration acknowledged by James and Joan Kohne and the City of Muskego to resolve the above described problem, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That on or before the 14th day of August, 1985, the Kohnes shall pay to the City of Muskego the sum of $1,182.21 as a partial payment of the assessments referred to above and the day of August, 1985, shall remain on the Kohne's property as remaining assessment in the amount of $12,823.54 as of the 15th which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. assessed, said remaining property being described on Exhibit "B" 2. That this resolution is not a change in any passed deferred assessment policy of the City, but is made only because of the unique nature involved in this particular case. 3. That this resolution is null and void if Kohnes do not agree City of Muskego. to be bound by signing below within 10 days of its passage by the DAT~D THIS -13th DAY OF August , 1985. PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE Ald. Mitchel Penovich Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. David Taube Resolution 11180-85 - Page 2 ATTEST : City Clerk AGREED TO BY: JAMES KOHNE Dated JOAN KOHNE Dated 8 185 ca "EXHIBIT A" SUBURBAN SURVEYS. INC. FOR : JAMES KOHNE Description on page two (2). PLAT OF SURVEY h SCALE 1" - 60' 111 LINE C.T.H. "I" HI-Y RANCHES \ \ r DRAFTED BY DR. TCJ \ L PLAT OF SURVEY h 114.784-7911 JAMES KQHNE SCALE 1" - FOR and qdjoininq lands being part of the Northeast one-quarter and North- west one-quarter of Section A, Town 5 North, Ranqe 20 East, City Of Muskcqo, Waukusha County, Wisconsin, boundcd and described as follows: South 88'50'19" West 260.59 feet to a point on the centerline of C.T.H. Commencing at the North one-quarter corner of Section 8; thence "Y"; thence South 06O02'59" West along said centerline 60.37 feet; thence South 83O57'01" East 60.00 feet to a point on the East right-of-way line of C.T.H."Y"; said point being on a curve: thence 608.08 feet along sald East right-of-way line and the arc of said curve, radius of 1849.86 feet, the center of which lies to the Northeast and a chord bearing South 03' 22'02" East 605.35 feet to the point of beginning of the parcel herein- of-way line and arc of said curve 136.45 feet, radius of 1849.86 feet, after described; thence continuing along the aforementioned East right- the center of which lies to the Northeast and a chord bearing South 14O 53'51.5" East 136.42 feet to the P.T. of said curve: thence South 29"47' point on the Northwesterly right-of-way line of Hillendale Drive; said 54" East along the East right-of-way line of C.T.H."Y" 220.31 feet to a point also being on a curve; thence 128.54 feet along the Northwesterly right-of-way li.le and the arc of said curve, radius of 991.74 feet, the center of which lies to the Northwest and a chord bearing North 27'44'01'' East 128.45 feet to thc P.T. of said curve; thence North 24°01'14" Cast along the aforementioned Northwesterly right-of-way line 120.64 feet: thence North 52O32'41" West 224.40 feet to a point on the South right-of- way line of Hi-Y-Drive; said point being on a curve; thence 84.25 feet along said South right-of-way line and the arc of said curve, radius of 349.24 feet, the center of .t<hich lies to the Northwest and a chord bear- lng South 63'37'25'' West 84.05 feet to the point of beginning, containing 46,747 square feet or 1.073 acres. All that part of Outlot 2 of Hi-Y-Ranches, being a recorded plat DATED THIS 24th OAYOF , 19- 85 \ , REGISTEREDLANOSURVLVOR DRAFTED BY \. JOB NO. "EXHIBIT B" LEGAL DESCRIPTION JAMES AND JOAN KOHNE PT NW 114 NW 114 SEC 8 T5N R20E COM AT NW COR, TH E 715.95 FT. TH S 7 22' W 662.81 FT, TH N 89 24' 30" E 630.76 FT. TH S 0 16' W 40 FT, TH S 0 16' W 646.67 FT, TH S 89 55' W 1274.28 FT, TH N 0 ALSO PT NW 114 NW 114 SEC 8 T5N R20E COM 715.95 FT E OF NW COR TH 40'30" E 1339.43 FT TO BGN 30.157 AC VOL 1188 OF DEEDS PAGE 325 E 548.61 FT, TH S 0 16' W 650 FT, TH S 89 24'30'' W 630.76 FT TH N 7 22' E 662.81 FT TO BGN 8.85 AC ALSO PT NW 114 & NE 114 SEC 8 T5N R20E COM AT NW COR OF NW 114 TH SO 40'30" W 1339.43 FT, TH N 89 55' E 1274.28 FT THE BGN, TH N 89 55' E 1167.56 FT, TH N 40 TH W 1375.16 FT, TH SO 16' W 646.67 FT TO BGN. 18.92 AC VOL 15' E 394.45 FT, TH N24 L6'E 248.09 FT, TH N51 23' W 186.74 FT, 10471375 DEEDS EX HY EXCLUDING ALL AREA LYING NORTHEAST OF HY. Y CLAUDE C. JOHNSON, JR. ATTACHED HERETO. (RACINE AVENUE) DESCRIBED IN PLOT OF SURVEY DATED 7-24-85 BY 0 WHEREAS. RESOLUTION 11180-85 RESOLUTION AMENDING ASSESSMENT ROLL JAMES AND JOAN KOHNE PROPERTY AS TO NORTHWEST DISTRICT H-8 , the City of Muskego adopted Resolution 11121-72 an 72 as to special assessments to the above project; and 122- WHEREAS, said resolutions levied special assessments against certain property owned by James and Joan Kohne as stated in said assessments; and WHEREAS, there is question as to whether or not Kohne's property assessment should have included an additional approximately 75 additional feet of frontage and whether or not the property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof is part of that property assessment, and WHEREAS, the City of Muskego adopted Resolution #102-85, dated May 14, 1985, which approved concept to amend assessment roll as to Northwest District H-8. NOW, THEREFORE, for valuable consideration acknowledged by James and Joan Kohne and the City of Muskego to resolve the above described problem, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That on or before the 14th day of August, 1985, the Kohnes shall pay to the City of Muskego the sum of $1,182.21 as a partial payment of the assessments referred to above and the remaining assessment in the amount of $12,823.54 as of the 15th day of August, 1985, shall remain on the Kohne's property as which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. assessed, said remaining property being described on Exhibit "B" 2. That this resolution is not a change in any passed deferred assessment policy of the City, but is made only because of the unique nature involved in this particular case. 3. That this resolution is null and void if Kohnes do not agree City of Muskego. to be bound by signing below within 10 days of its passage by the a DATED THIS 13th DAY OF August P-iE 1985. Ald. Mitchel Penovich Ald. Edwin P. Dude Ald. Uavld Taube