CCR1985149RESOLUTION 11149-85 DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT ORDINANCE~-TO AMEND CHAPTER 17, SECTION 9.08(7) C (OLR LAKE RECREATION DISTRICT) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE (Multifamily Use) WHEREAS, a change in the Zoning Text has been pro osed by the Common Council to amend Chapter 17 Section 9.08(7 P C (OLR Lake Recreation District)of the Zoning Ordinance to include No. 4. Multifamily Use with a Conditional Use Grant, and WHEREAS, the necessary public hearing has been held, and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has defeated a resolution recommending approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, does hereby approve directing the City Attorney Lake Recreation District) of the Zoning Ordinance to include No. to draft an ordinance to amend Chapter 17, Section 9.08(7) C (OLR 4. Multifamily Use with a Conditional Use Grant. ATTEST : City Clerk 7/85 state of Wisconsin Deuartment of Natural Resources Box 7921 Madison, Wisconsin 53707 RECREATION AIDS AGREEMENT OR PROJECT AGREEMENT Form 8700-65 Rev. 8-84 Sponsor Project Number Citv of Muskeao SUWP-3 Project Title Jewel Creek Stabilization Period Covered by This Agreement Name of Program Date of approval through June 30, 1986 Project Scope and Description of Project Scenic Urban Waterways The City of Muskego will improve Jewel Creek between College Avenue and Gold Drive located in Waukesha County, Wisconsin. The development will consist of stream bank stabilization to improve water quality as further detailed on the attached 8700-14 Project Cost: Total Cost $ 40,000 Fund Support 8o % a State Aid Amount $ 323000 Sponsor Share $ 8,000 . The following dmments are hereby incorporated into and made part of this agreement: 1. Chapter NR 50. Wis. Administrative Code 2. Recreation Aids Application 3. 8700-14 i I. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. IO. -2- The State of Wlsconsln Department of Natural Resources (Deparhnent) and the Sponsor mutually agree to perform this agreement In accordance wlth the (Name of Pmgran) Scenic Urban wate and with the proJect proposal, applicatlon, terms, pmmlses, CondltlonS, plans, ~pecl+i%?%~, estimates. procedures, maps and assurances attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Department hereby Pmlses, In conslderatlon of the covenants and agreements made by the Sponsor herein, to obligate to the Sponsor the amount of $32,000 , and to tender to the Sponsor that portlon of the obligation which Is requlred to pay the Department's share of the costs based upon the 80 percentage Of assistance. The Sponsor hereby pmises, In conslderatlon of the pm'lses made by the Department hereln, to execute the proJect described herein in accordance with thls agreement. The Sponsor agrees to CCmply with all applicable Wlsconsln Statutes and Wlsconsln Mmlnlstrative Codes ln fulfTlling terms of this agreement. In particular, the Sponsor agrees to caply with the provlslons of Chapter NR 50, Wisconsin Adminlstratim Code or the Motorcycle Recreation Progran Chapter NR 65, whichever Is appropriate. against any employee or applicant for employment because of age. race, rellgion. color, handicap, sex, In connectlon wlth the perfomance of work under this agreement, the Sponsor agrees not to dlscrlmlnate origin. Thls provlslon shall Include. but not be llmited to, the following: employment, upgrading, physical condltlon, developmental dlsablllty as defined In S. 51.01(5), sexual orlentatlon or national demotion or transfer; recrultment or recrultment advertising; layoff or termlnatlon; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for tralnlng. lncludlng apprenticeshlp. Except with respect to sexual orientation, the Sponsor further agrees to take afflrmatlve actlon to ensure equal employment opportunltles. The Sponsor agrees to post in consplcuous places, available for employees and applicants for employment, notlces to be provlded by the contractlng officer setting forth the provisions of the nondlscrlmlnatlon clause. The Department agrees that the Sponsor shall have sole control of the method, hours worked, and tlme and manner of any performance under thls agreement other than as specifically provlded herein. The Department reserves the right only to inspect the Job site or premlses for the sole purpose of insurin that the perfotmance Is progresslng or has been canpleted in cmpliance wlth the agreement. The Department takes no responslbllity for supervlsion or directlon of the performance of the agreement to be performed by the Sponsor or the Sponsor's employees or agents. The Sponsor Is an Independent Contractor for a11 purposes, not an employee or agent of the Department. The Department further agrees that it wlll exerclse no control over the selectlon and dlsmlssal of the Sponsor's employees or agents. agreement and prevlous cmunicatlons or agreements pertalning to the subJect matter of thls agrement Thls agreement, together wlth any referenced parts and attachments, shall constltute the entire are hereby superseded. Any contractual revisions, including cost adJustments, must be made by an amendment to this agrement or other written documentation, slgned by both partles, prior to the termlnation date of the agreement. Time extensions to the agreement may be granted to the Sponsor by the Department in writlng without the requirement of Sponsor signature. The Sponsor may rescind thls a reement In wrlting at any time prior to the startlng of the proJect and before expendlng any funds. Ajter the proJect has been started or funds expended, this agreement may be rescinded, modifled. or amended only by mutual agreement in writing. Fallure by the Sponsor to caply wlth the terms of this agreement shall not cause the suspenslon of all obligations of the State hereunder if, in the Judgment of the Secretary, such fallure was due to no obllgations properly incurred shall be eligible for assistance under this agreement. fault of the Sponror. In such case, any amount required to settle at mlnlmum costs any lrrewcable Agreements estimated to be for ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or more requlre the submisslon of a Department withln 15 buslness days after thls agreement beglns If an acceptable plan is not already On wrltten afflrmatlve action plan. The Sponsor agrees to submit an afflrmatlve action plan to the flle with the State of Wlsconsln. Sponsors wlth an annual work force of 1855 than ten employees ant exempted fm thls requirement. employees and agents, agalnst any and all liability clalms, costs of whatever kind and nature, for The Sponsor agrees to save, keep harmless, defend and indemnify the Department and all its officers, inJury to or death of any person or persons, and for loss or damage to any property (state or other) occurrlng in connectlon wlth or In any way lncldent to or arislng out of the occupancy, use, serVlCe, agents or representatives. operation or performance of work in connection with thls agreement or misslons of Sponsor's employees, -3- I I. The Sponsor agrees to relmburse the Department for any and all funds the Department deems appmprlate In the event the Sponsor falls to cmply wlth the condltlons of thls agreement or pmJect proposal as descrlbed. or falls to pmvlde public beneflts as Indlcated In the proJect appllcatlon, proposal dexrlptlon or thls agreement. In addltlon, should the Sponsor fall to comply wlth the condltlons of thls agrement, fall to pmgress due to nonappmprlatlon of funds, or fall to progress wlth or cmplete the proJect to the satlsfactlon of the Department, all obllgatlons of the Department under thls agreement may be termlnated. lncludlng further proJect cost payment. 12. The fol lowlng specla1 pmJect terms and condltlons were added to thls agreement before It was slgned by the partles hereto: ~11 necessary state agency permits and/or approvals must be obtained Prior to initiation of any construction. Easements from all landowners within the project area must be obtained and Properly recorded prior to construction. The person slgnlng for the Sponsor represents both personally and as an agent of hls or her prlnclpal that he or she Is authorlzed to execute thls agreement and blnd hls or her prlnclpal, eltbr by a duly adopted resolutlon or otherwlse. STATE OF WISCCNSIN DEPARTMmT OF NATURK RESOURCES SWNSOR FCR THE jECRETARY 0 Gloria L. McCutcheon BY BY District Director (lltlel I I ItleJ 3084 I