CCR1985126RESOLUTION m6-85 (A8Amended) WHEREAS, the City of Muskego has received applications for the various licenses requiring renewal as of July 1, 1985, per the attached list, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended approval of such applications. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve the applications for various licenses for the year 1985-86 per the attached list. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the applications of the following exteriors of buildings as part of their premises are amended due to mutual agreement of the applicant and the City of Muskego and a restriction shall be placed on the license of those establishments listing exteriors of buildings as part of their premises which states "No Outside Sales After 11:OO P.M.: Jeff's Black Duck, Amann's Beach, Schaumberg's Suburban House and Sobek Resort. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Dance Hall Licenses are approved for interior of buildings on premises only, with requests for dance hall licenses for the exterior of buildings to be made to the City for a "Special Permit" License. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the attached list is hereby amended to delete No. 36, Valley Wood Golf Course, Inc. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the conditions imposed on the Klauser Rifle Range Permit for the 1984/85 license year are again imposed for the 1985/86 license year. \ DATED THIS 9 th DAY OF July 9 1985 FINANCE COMMITTEE ATTEST : ALD. EDWIN P. DUMKE +, /%*g/"i ALD. MITCHEL PENOVICH CITY CLERK - June 18, 1985 LICENSES - 1985-86 - CITY OF MUSKEGO "CLASS B" FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGE AND INTOXICATING LIQUOR 1. B & N Country Squire, Ltd. (COUNTRY SQUIRE) Betty Meehan, Agent Muskego, WI 53150 S72 W16373 Janesville Rd. 422-0140 2. Theresa Baginski (JIM & TERRY'S PARKSIDE INN) W191 S7690 Racine Avenue Muskego, WI 53150 679-9440 3. Jeffrev Bosanac (JEFF'S BLACK DUCK) ~~ ~~ ~ W145 S8016 Schultz Lane Hales Corners. WI 53150 422-0333 4. Genevieve Brown (WILLIAM'S) 576 W17745~ Janesville Rd. Xuskego, WI 53150 679-2990 5. Club 24, Inc. (CLUB 24) Lyle Witt, Agent P. 0. Box 271 S66 W14475 Janesville Rd. Muskego, WI 53150 422-0930 6. Evelyn M. Cole (WAGON WHEEL) S85 W21175 Janesville Rd. Muskego, WI 53150 679-0104 7. Nancy Crewz (CREWZ INN) W191 S6409 Hillendale Dr. Muskego, WI 53150 679-3049 8. Carol Duvall (HILLSIDE INN) W125 S9706 N. CaDe Rd Hales Corners, Wi 53130 ~ ~~ 425-9978 9. El Dorado Management Corp (THE BOATHOUSE) Donald Glaubitz, Agent W156 S7901 Ladwig Drive Muskego, WI 53150 $22-9956 MAILING ADDRESS: Donald Glaubitz Milwaukee, WI 53223 9406 North 60 Street 10. Gee-R-Bee's, Inc. (THE OFFICE) S64 W18295 Martin Drive Eugene Bohlmann, Agent Muskego, WI 53150 679-9929 11. Patsv Hantula (PIONEER ~NN) W180 S7808 Pioneer Drive Muskego. WI 53150 679-333i 12. Jerome Jaraczewski (WOODS ROAD TAVERN) W182 S8686 Racine Avenue Muskego, WI 53150 679-0385 13. Helen Just (JUST STOP INN) S102 W19570 Kelsey Drive Muskego, WI 5150 14. Loreen Klauser ~~~~ (HUNTER'S NEST) S80 W14401 Schultz Lane Hales Corners. WI 53150 422-1760 Konczal (CARADARO LANDMARK) 15. Carol A. and/or Harry C. W172 S7505 Lannon Drive Muskego, WI 53150 679-2220 16. Steve Krzman (LAKE DENOON TAVERN) W198 S10857 Racine Avenue Muskego, WI 53150 17. Kuglitsch Alpine Lanes of 679-0260 Muskego (KUGLITSCH ALPINE LANES) Mark Kuglitsch, Agent S80 W18700 Apollo Dr. Muskego, WI 53150 679-1250 18. Lakeshore Inn, Inc. (LAKESHORE INN) Oscar Garcia, Agent S90 W13960 Boxhorn Dr. Hales Corners, WI 53130 425-9956 19. Lembezeder-Cook V.F.W. Post 8171 (VFW POST 8171) Carl Decker, Agent S83 W20778 Janesville Rd. Muskego, WI 53150 679-1100 20. Limelight Enterprises, Inc. (SMART ALECK'S PUB & GRILL) Ann Schroeder, Agent Muskego, WI 53150 S76 W17957 Janesville Rd. 679-3954 21. Richard Lucht (THE LAKEVIEW) W171 S7260 Lannon Drive Muskego, WI 53150 679-9535 22. J. S. Marx, Ltd. (HILL-N-DALE INN) Janet Marx, Agent Muskego, WI 53150 W194 S7060 Hillendale Dr. 679-2602 23. Thomas Mather (THE MATHER LANES) W180 S7881 Pioneer Dr. Yuskego, WI 53150 679-2040 ~~~~ ~ 24. Patricia Molkentin (PATTY & DEL'S) W124 S11093 S. 12b St. 425-9687 Hales Corners, WI 53150 25. Muskego Lakes Corporation (MUSKEGO LAKES COUNTRY CLUB) Scott Krause, Agent SlOO W14020 Loomis Rd. Hales Corners, WI 53130 425-6500 26. Muskego moose Lodge #lo57 (MUSKEGO MOOSE LODGE) Yvonne Young, Agent S86 W21693 Janesville Rd. Muskego, WI 53150 662-2500 27. Allen Pankowski (BACK TO THE BEACH) 12532 West Loomis Rd. Hales Corners, WI 53130 425-3553 28. Pizza-Burger S stem, Inc. (MUSKEGO RESTAURANT r S76 W17510 Janesville Rd. David DeAngelis, Agent Muskego, WI 53150 679-0480 29. R.L.C., Inc. (AMANN'S BEACH) Mathew Amann, Agent SllO W20874 S. Denoon Rd. -~ ~ ~ Muskego, WI 53150 895-7969 30. Diane Repischak (REP'S DAM TAVERN) W173 S10626 Muskego Dam Dr. Hales Corners, WI 53130 0 31. Salvatore J. Scamace - ;4TENTH HOLE) W126 S9218 N. Cape Rd. Hales Corners, WI 53130 425-4031 32. Paul Schaumberg (TESS CORNERS KITCHEN) 566 W14580 Janesville Rd. Muskego, WI 53150 422-9957 33. Richard Schaumberg (SCHAUMBERG'S SUBURBAN HOUSE) S66 W14512 Janesville Rd. Muskego, WI 53150 422-1050 34. Eugene Sobek (SOBEK RESORT) S79 W16419 Woods Road Xuskego, WI 53150 422-9953 0 Erickson (TED & JERRY'S 35. Gerald StuntznerITed BAYSIDE INN) S78 W16355 Woods Road Muskego, WI 53150 422-9540 W126 * 36.Vax5:m~se, (VALLEY S9218 0 GOLF COURSE) Inc. Hales Co ers, 425-403 pe. Rd. , 37. Waylyn, Inc. (BUSHY'S PUB) Lynn Kurer, Agent S67 W16831 Janesville Rd. Muskego, WI 53150 422-1035 38. Patricia Whalen S74 W17000 Janesville Rd. Muskego, WI 53150 (WHALEN'S RESTAURANT) 422-1190 *If No. 31, S.J.Scarpace approved, delete No. 36, Valley Wood Golf Course. S76 W18040 Janesville Rd. 39. Lee Wolf Muske o WI 53150 679-1774 CLASS "B" FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE 1985-86 - CITY OF MUSKEGO Pizza Hut of Suburban Milwaukee, Inc. (PIZZA HUT) Denise Sullivan, Agent S73 W16730 Janesville Rd. Muskego, WI 53150 422-0259 "CLASS A" FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGE AND INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE 1984-85 - CITY OF MUSKEGO Lawrence Fischer (MUSKEGO BEER & LIQUOR) 575 W17308 Janesville Rd. Muskego, WI 53150 679-0686 Randal FramilDaniel Youssi (CROSSROADS FOOD & BEVERAGE) S63 W18603 Martin Dr. Muskego, WI' 53150 679-3220 Jean Gilbert (JEAN'S DELI) 576 W18180 Janesville Rd. Muskego, WI 53150 679-3129 Frank Ksionik (THE LITTLE STORE) S66 W14544 Janesville Rd. Muskego, WI 53150 422-1199 McAdams of Muskego, Inc. (PICK 'N SAVE) Richard Swan, Agent Muskego, WI 53150 575 W17301 Janesville Rd. 679-1931 "Old Loomis" Sports & Liquor, lnc. ("OLD LOOMIS" SPORTS & LIQUOR) Kathleen Addis, Agent S107 W16311 Loomis Road Hales Corners,Wl 53130 425-3910 CLASS "A" FERilENTED MALT BEVERAGES LICENSE 1985-86 - City of Muskego Eichman Foods, Inc (SENTRY) Tesscone, Inc (OPEN P.WTRY FOOD MART) Dennis Eichman, Agent Janice Weber, Agent 574 W16890 Janesville Rd. Sf36 W14501 Janesville Rd hluskego, \VI 53150 Muskego, \VI 53150 Smatek Sales Corporation (SIVATEK SALES CORPORATION) Michael R. Brunner, Agent 575 W17226 Janesville Rd hluskego, WI 53150 1 I WHOLESALE FERUENTED MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE 1985-86. - City of !duskego Gumieny Beer Distributors, Inc (GUMIENY BEER DISTRIBUTORS) Robert Gumieny, Agent 581 W18475 Gemini Drive 4 1 Uuskego, \VI 53150 0 SWIMMING BEACH PERMIT & WATERWAY MARKER 1985186 - City of Muskego R. L. C., Inc. (AMANN'S BEACH) Mathew Amann, Agent Muskego, WI 53150 SllO W20874 S. Denoon Rd. TRAP, RIFLE RANGE and ARCHERY PERMITS Boxhorn's Big Muskego Gun Club, Inc. S90 W13960 Boxhorn Drive Hales Corners, WI 53130 W173 S10626 Muskego Dam Road Diana Repischak Hales Corners, WI 53130 Loreen Klauser 580 W14401 Schultz Lane Hales Corners, WI 53130 Daniel Posielenzny W146 S8160 Schultz Lake Hales Corners, WI 53130 0 / ATTEST : RESOLUTION 11126-85 (As Amended) / APPROVAL OF VARIOUS LICENSE APPLICATIONS FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 PERIOD JULY 1, 1985 TO JUNE 30, 1986 WHEREAS, the City of Muskego has received various licenses requiring renewal as of WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that City of Muskego, upon the Committee, does hereby licenses for the year attached list, and applications. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a repriction shall be placed on buildings as part of their preq ses which states "No Outside the license of those establishm nts listing exteriors of Sales After 10:30 P.M.'' as fo1,Iows: Jeff's Black Duck, Amann's Pub. Beach, Schaumberg's ouse, Sobek Resort and Bushy's BE IT FURTHER Hall Licenses are approved for interior only, with requests for dance hall of buildings to be made to the City list is hereby amended year are June 9 1985. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald.,Edwin P. Dumke / Ald. MitcheY Penovich City Clerk 6/85 SEE AMENDED RESOLUTION 11126-85 APPROVAL OF VARIOUS LICENSE FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 FOR PERIOD JULY 1, 1985 TO WHEREAS, the City of Muskego has various licenses requiring attached list, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has approval of such applications. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tha the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recornme ation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve t e applications for various licenses for the year 1985-86 p the attached list. J / Ald, Edwin P. Dumke f ATTEST : City Clerk DEFERRED 6/11/85