CCR1985065RESOLUTION (165-85 (As Amended) APPROVAL OF OFFER TO PURCHASE LUDWIG/STRAMPE/KURTZE (Kurtze Lane Drainage Project) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego hereby approves that the City make the attached Offer to Purchase the property of David C. Ludwig and Judith M.Strampe, Relocation Order, for the purchase price of $681.00, with as tenants in common and Viola Kurtze as stated in the Exhibit "X" as amended. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney is authorized to contact the appraiser as to this property to get an up-dated appraisal and is further authorized to make a jurisdictional offer for the appraised value if this offer is not accepted or further negotiations are not successful in arriving at an agreed price, terms and conditions of sale. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign any legal documents in the name of the City. 0 DATED THIS 9th DAY OF April , 1985. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Mitchel Penovich &&JL /"& Ald. Ralph TomczykO ATTEST : City Clerk 4/85 jm VACANT LAND OFFER TO PURCHASE Muskego ...... ,Wisconsin. . Apx i 1. 9. . ........ 1965. The undersigned Buyer, . .CITY, .QF. ."JSK%Q. .. ... .............. hereby omen m purchase mwnpamwax ..an ,e.+semen.t. .in. .ceF.tai.o. .pXQg.er.ty... inthe City.. . of. ,NUS~~.~O, ...... ,County of ... N+.UkkeSha.. ........ Wisconsi more particularty described as: ..$ee..at,fached ,e,+Se.mSQ.t.. ....... .... ........ .. .... ... 2 I D lo II 12 13 I I5 14 rl '7 16 .................................. ..... .......... .............. .............. ....................... ..... ................................................ ............. .... ..................................................... rtthepriceof ..Si.x,Hund.red .F.ish~y.~Pl~.e..an.?.,Nof.~.QO~-.-~---:~~---~-,--~.:-~.:----~-,---~~-.-- Dollarr(S 6.8.1..00.~.=~.:.) andonthetc~sandconditionsasloUmc: EarnestmoneyofS, .~.~.0.Q.------tcnderedhcrewith.Additionaleamestmoneyof~~.~.O.~"~" .mnkc#x. _.. .. ... .W~iUWU.x. aeyK"nc4mX .... chis o%r is (he re& ofa &brokerage. then all money paid berewith'shn'll be held in the selling broker's vust account until the acceptance 4 , and the balance in cash 01 closing or as hereafter ret fort this ofTer and shall be transmined to the listing broker upon such acceptance. v 18 l TIME .I.s ~F~mE.EsSENcE ADDiTloNAL E'ARNEST MONEY pAYM.EN.T; LEGAL possEss.~~oN, occ.upANcy; ANI 20 DATE OF CLOSING. (Strike those not a licable.) ?I THEBUYER'SOBLlGATlONTOCONE)~UDETHlSTRANSACTlONISCONDlTlONEDUPONTHECONSUMMATlONOFTHI 22 FOLLOWING: 23 (If this ofkr is subject 10 financing. percolation test. specific zoning or use, approval of recorded huilding and use restrictions and covenants, or an ............... 32 33 34 3s 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 41 48 49 50 51 SI 53 54 51 58 ... .. ... ... .... ....... .. ... .. ... .............. ..... ...... ......... .. ,. . .. ........... .. .......... ............. ... .. ..... ............. .. ............. ..... ........ ... .. ................. ...... .. .. ...... ... ..... ........ ..... ..... .. ................ ....................................... .. ....................... ................................ ... .............. ......................................... ............................. .............................. .. ....... .. .... .......... .... ........ ............ ............... ............ ... .......... ....... ... .... ..... ..................... ... ., . ............. .... .. .. .... ............... ... ......... ............ .. ... .. ......... .. .. .. necessary to crpdite such hnancing. Buyer agrees that unlers otherwise specfied, Buyer will pay all cos& of securing any financing lo the eatent permitted by law, and lo pzrlorm all acts ADDITIONAL ITEMS INCLUDED IN SALE: . None ......... ........... ...... ITEMS NOT INCLUDED IN SALE:' :~nne.. .. .... .. 59 .. .. . ~ .at.t~~h~.d. C,a>jc!.mCn.t. 60 Seller shall. upon payment or the purchase price, convey &e propcny byhoPneray&u~%&m~am&hw~ cee and clear of all 61 liens and encumbrancer. eacepling: municipal and zoning ordinances, recorded ensernem for public utilities located adJacenl lo side and rear lot 62 liner. recorded building and use resrrictions and covenants. pcneral laaes levied in the year of closing and 63 64 Legal possession of property shall kc delivered to Buyer on date of closing. bS It ir understood the pmpeny is now occupied by Owners *b under (oral lease) (written lersel. which terms ve: . .. ~~ ~ 67 68 69 71 70 71 73 74 75 76 77 I Ls If this ofTer is accepted. it shall not hccome binding upon Buyer until a copy of accepted offer is deposited. postage prepaid, in the United sm~ rs al delivery thercc -9 mails,addressedtoBuyerat cl.ty..Of. MU.Ske.gO, MU.sk.el30. ci.fy H!?l.!!. w182 .~~~ ~ s8200 . Racine A"e. I !.O Mu.sk,egol .wisc.sn.s.in 5?.!?!. .. flafpP, .. , on or befo , 19 .85. ,or a1 such other time and place as may be agreed in writing by Buyer and Sellc .May. 1 sr#erxsp~lx~mmrw)rscpt~w~xxx I 6 s~~dr#~~~~:Ax~QW~~W~rnZ~~~~xx. ;R 9 kcnution: Refer IO wetlands regulations.) eller warrants and represents IO Buyer that Seller has no notice or knowledge of my: _I .. .. .. !No (a)planned or commenced public improvement which may result in special assessments or otherwise materially aVect the property. "I (b)go\,emment agency or coun order requiring repair. alteration or correction of any existing condition. r, 2 EXCEPTIONS TO WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS STATED M LINES 86TO 91: none ~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~X~~~~XXX . .. 2. An owner s pol~cy of t~tlc Insurance In the amount of the full purchase nce namm Buyer as the insured, as Buyer's interest may apper written by a responsihlc title insurance company licensed by the Stateof&sconsin. wkch policy shall guarantee Seller's title lobe in conditi, called for by this apreement. except for mongages. judgments. or other liens which will be satisfied out of the proceeds of the sale. commiunent by such a title company, agreeing to issue such a title policy upon the recording ofthe proper documents as agreed herein, shall I deemed suflicient performance. lfthis olTer provides for a land contract. the same evidence oftitle shall be furnished prior to the execution ofthe land contract. and Seller sh; furnish written proof. at or hefore closing. that the total underlying indebtedness. if any. is not in excess ofthe proposed balance of the land contra, and that thc a)mcnts on this land contract are suflicient to meet all ofthe obligations of Seller on the underlying indehtedness. ShoullBuyer fail to carry out this agreement. all money paid hereunder, including any additional earnest money. shdl, at theoptlonof Sellt be paid IO or retained by Seller as liquidated damages. If such money is held by Broker. Broker shall disburse such money as follows: I To Buyer, if Seller has not notified Buyer and Broker in writing of Seller's election toconrider all money paid hereunder as liquidateddamag 2. ToSellerasliquidateddama~es.subjecttodeductionsofBroker'scommissionanddisbursemcnts,ifan~,ifneitherpanyha~commencedaI~ or psn payment for specific performance within 60 days of closing date set forth in this agreement. or; suit on this matter within I20 dags of the closing date set forth in this agreement. Should Seller be unable to carry out this agreement by reason ofa valid legal defect in title which Buyer is unwillingto waive, all man, paid hereunder shall be returned to Buyer forthwith. and this contract shall be void. SPECIALPROVISIONS: Seller shall remain responsible for all I iabilities which ar.e. the, re.seosslkilltY of, the owner !?E the..fe. ti.tle such as.pE"E"tY tax, special. asS.es.Sl?e,r!ts., .etc! ...... See attached Exhibit "X" 1.o.r .AddIt~.ona~l,~P,~ov~s,jon,s,., .. . .. .................... ............ .. Buyer has read. fully understands and acknowledges receipt ora copy oithis olTer to purchase. BUYERIS ADVISEDTHAT BROKE HAS AN AGENCY RELATIONSHIP WITH SELLER. 140 141 142 143 \I4' I44 146 I i7 CITY OF MUSKEG0 By : By: Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor (Buyer) Charlotte L. Stewart, Clerk (BUY1 CLOSING OF THIS TRANSACTION. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREES TO SELL AND CONVEY THE ABOV THIS OFFER IS HEREBY ACCEPTED. THE WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS MADE HEREIN SURVIVE Tb hlENTIONEDPROPERTYONTHETERMSANDCONDlTlONSASSETFORTHANDACKNOWLEDGESRECElPTOFACOI OF THIS AGREEMENT, ~... (Sell ~~..~ (If Seller is married. S~~USC should sip.) ' (Sell 14s'. EARNEXMONEY RECEIPT 150 \.,. 149 \ Earnest money in Ihc amount of S in form of . 151 Y.. ... received from .. I52 xcount'in. Wisconsin. or transmit &e same in accordance with the terms of the above oKer. . The undersigned hereby agrees IO hold same in an authorized real estate 11 As Amended EXHIBIT "X" ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS 0 1. If the proposed road reconstruction and storm drainage project for Kurtze Lane does proceed, the proposed low point in grade approximately 425 feet east of Woods Road as shown on Exhibit 'A" which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, shall be drained by storm sewer, culvert, open ditch and/or any other similar means the City deems appropriate to an existing drainage outlet that drains into Bass Bay and Big Huskego Lake. 2. If the City specially assesses the Ludwig-Strampe property for the Kurtze Lane road reconstruction and storm drainage project, and sewer project, the City shall make three Exhibit "B" which is attached hereto and nade a part separate assessments in the general areas as divided on hereof, and they are further described as follows: A. The frontage along the south line of Kurtze Lane. C. The frontage along the east line of Kurtze Lane which B. The frontage along the west line of Kurtze Lane. includes the frontage along and around Kurtze Court. That said assessments as made would be deferred in 71 (As Amended) adopted 2/9/71. accordance with City policy established in Resolution 1119- The City will grant an indefinite deferment to any special assessment for future improvements on the subject premises for road purposes. Such deferment shall provide for its payment in full in accordance with City policies only when the premises are involved by the construction of a residence or significant building. 3. Surplus excavated material from the drainage ditch to be constructed within the easement which is generally outlined hereof, shall be leveled off in the immediate area of the in Exhibit "C" which is attached hereto and made a part easement. 4. Any excess fill beyond contractual requirements of road construction and drainage construction will be available at David Ludwig's request with Building Inspector's approval of fill areas, but only during the period of road and storm drainage construction. At the end of said construction period, deems fit. the City reserves the right to use the fill in any manner it RESOLUTION 1\65-85 APPROVAL, OF OFFER TO PURCHASE ,, (Kurtze Lane Drainage Project).? LUDWIG/STRAMPE/KURTZE J' .I BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of/<the City of Muskego hereby approves that the City make the gftached Offer to Purchase the property of David C. Ludwcg and Judith M.Strampe, as tenants in common and Viola Kurtze//as stated in the Relocation Order, for the purchase &ice of $681.00. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the C,kty Attorney is authorized to contact the appraiser as to this,y'property to get an up-dated appraisal and is further authoqlzed to make a jurisdictional offer for the appraised valuezf this offer is not accepted or further negotiations are not,/successful 1 in arriving at an 1 Y agreed price, terms and itions of sale. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign any legal in the name of the City. / 1 Ald. Edwin P. Dumke ATTEST : / City Clerk / Ald. Mitchel Penovich Ald. Ralph Tomczyk EXHIBIT "X" ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS part hereof, shall be drained by stor ditch andfor any other similar means appropriate to an existing drainage Bass Bay and Big Muskego Lake. 2. If the City specially assesses for the Rurtze Lane road recons hereof, and they are furthe B. The frontage along west line of Kurtze Lane. east line of Kurtze Lane which assessment for 11 be leveled off in the immediate area of the