CCR1985058RESOLUTION #58-85 AUTHORIZING LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN WATER PATROLMEN AND CITY OF MUSKEGO (Big Muskego Lake-Lake Denoon) WHEREAS, in order to protect the City's part-time water patrolmen against liability and boat and motor damage, the City wishes to lease their boats while they are being used for patrolling, and WHEREAS, the Police Department has requested that the salary and operating cost for the Lake Denoon water atrolman be $400.00 per season, and requested payment of 5 100 to OffLcer Budish to maintain his boat on Bass Bay to be available for on- call emergencies, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance patrolmen for use of their boats as follows: a lease agreement between the City and the part-time water a Committee, does hereby authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute Name Lake Dates Oskar Michels Lake Denoon 5/25/85 to 9/2/85 - - James Budish Big Muskego/Bass Bay 5/25/85 to 9/2/85 DATED THIS dd DAY OF 3 1985. I FINANCE COMMITTEE ATTEST : WATER PATROLMAN LEASE AGREEMENT The City of Muskego (employer) hereby leases from Pr WS 1149 FG , which the Muskego. employee will use as an on-call water patrolman for the City of In consideration of the lease of employee's motor and boat, the employer shall pay the employee One Dollar ($1.00) per season, together with $100.00 per season to maintain his boat on Bass Bay to be available For on-call emergencies, and the City shall provide full insurance coverage upon said boat and motor to cover damages occasioned by fire, theft, explosion, accident, negligence or any other cause that may occur during the term of now in effect with the City of Muskego, and applicable hereto. this lease as contained in the terms of the insurance coverage James Budish (employee), a boat and motor having The term of this lease shall be from 5/25/85 thru 9/2/85. Water Patrolman Date Lake CITY OF MUSKEG0 Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor Date Charlotte L. Stewart, Clerk Date WATER PATROLMAN LEASE AGREEMENT The City of Muskego (employer) hereby leases from employee will use as a water pat1 In consideration of the lease of employee's motor and boat, the employer shall pay the employee One Dollar ($1.00) per season, together with a salary and boat operating cost of $400.00 per said boat and motor to cover damages occasioned by fire, theft, season, and the City shall provide full insurance coverage upon explosion, accident, negligence or any other cause that may occur during the term of this lease as contained in the terms of the insurance coverage now in effect with the City of Muskego, and applicable hereto. The term of this lease shall be from 5/25/85 thru 9/2/85. Water Patrolman Date Lake CITY OF MUSKEGO Wayne G. Salentine, Mayor Date Charlotte L. Stewart, Clerk Date - '. P. EQUFMENT LEASE City .... of Muskego ..... ddress Na. S73 W16511 Janesville Road ... ... .(Street or Avenue) Muskego Cotonly of Waukesha , Slate. Wisconsin Tip Code. ... 53150 Iter. with oll ottachments, rcplocemant ports. subslitutions, additions, repoirs ond accessories incorpoloted therein ond/or offired Lessor hereby leases to lessee, ond lessee hereby hires ond tokes from lessor the following-described pcrsonol properly (herein- rrd I.lruY.r) .erela ond proceeds referred b .. "equipment'% (D.db. .quipant lull,. lnrlvdmo ..... kind of .......... and nodal n-bws, od onr dh*r .... IfRM: This lease Is for o term of .4 .months. bepinning - ............................ ., 19 ...... . August 31 85 ..... IMenIk Dnyl RENTALS For said term or ony porlion thereof. Lessce'sholl poy to lesw rentols opgregating $. .l.ODO..OO. ... ., of In ............ equol, successive, monthly rental poyments of S .25.0...0D ... .. eoch, of which the first Is due 3 ......................... June 1 ., 19.82 and Ihe alhers on a like dole of roch month lhercofter, until fully paid. IMmnIk Darl I Std8 of. Wisconsin ......... unlillrrrPrIn wilinanerrnilr ilr r:m~vol, ond sholl be used in the conduct of Lessce'sbysinmu mldu REPAIRS: Lessor agrees to correct any problems that may arise due to faulty yterials or workmanship regarding motor and boat. The lessee agrees to provide normal maintenance of motor and boat. That if this paragraph conflicts with any - other paragraph of this lease, this paragraph shall take precedence over the I others . mkxt .. ~KXPR¶U-krotl"lChmk~~~ LIABILITY: Lessem sholl indemnify and save Leswr hormless from any ond all injq to or loss of the equipment from whatever cous and from liobilily orising 04 of the use. maintenonre and/or delivery thereof, but shall be credited with ony amounts received by Lesm equipment irrespective of rentols Iheretofore pold or accrued. from insuronce procurmd by lessee. Domogc for ony loss or injury shall be bosed on the lhen lrue ond reosonoble morlel rolue of lh INSURANCE: Lessee. 01 its expense, shall keep said tquipmcnt insured. for Ihe term of this lease and any renewols or cxlensbns thereo for the full insuroble value thereof, ogoinst fire ond theft with exlended or combined ndditionol coverogelbWopoinsl HJ& other ris dondord long iorm endorsement otlochcd thereto. showinp losses. if any, payobtc to Leswr, in form sotisfoctory lo lessor. tagether wa \ rmcmipts for the premiums Ihereunder. All insuronce policies must provide #hot m conceflolion therwf sholl be affective wiIhoul30 do - \ Wi~W~mhtaxxze~h Lessee sholl on request of lessor deliver to lessor the policies or evidence of inwoncc with \prior written notice IO Lessor. TAXES: lessee shall comply with and conform lo oll laws, ordinances ond regulolions reloling lo (he ownership, posaecrsbn, use \ moinlenonce of Ihe equipment. ond sore Lesw hormless ogoins! octuol or asserted violotwns, ond poy all msls and eapenna of eve choroc1.r occasioned by or orlsing out of such use. Lessee ogrees (hot, during the term of Ihis Ieosa, In oddition lo the fen1 ond other ombps provided herein lo bm poid,It will promptly poy oll taxes, osressments ond other gwernmentol chorgea(Inc1uding penolt ond inlmresl, if ony, end fees for Illling or regislrolion, If required) levied or osressed: (01 upon thm Inlerest of the bsme in Ihe cqu mmnt or upon tp use or operotion thefaof or on lhe eorninps oriring therefrom; and (b) ogoinst Lesmr on occounl of 11s acquisition wnmrship of Ihe..qulpmenl of ony potl Ihereof; or lhe use or operotion thereof or the learing thereof lo lhe leime, OT Ib rent her \ required loa r.lurns ond repods concerning the equipment with all oppropriata gwerrmontol agmncier, a arising Iherefrum, caclusive. however, of any ~oxes bosed an ne) income of Iesw. bswe ogrees to n ofler Ihe due doh of such filing. k send Lessor confirmotion, In form solidodory to Cesla, 01 such fllin TITLE All said cquIpment,sholl remoin perlonol properly, and Me thereto sholl rmoin In Let- exclu11velY. Leswe shall keep equipment free from ony and oll liens and clo.m~, ond sholl do or permit no oct or thing whmreby Lessor's Hlle or rights mor be encumbe Q Impoird. Upon oxpirotbn 0.r larminolion hereof by &her lhon dafoult. the equipment rhofl be returned unencumbered to letvw Lmssee 01 the place where Ihm fop Is poyoble or to such other ploce os Leswr ond Lessee ogrmm upon, at Lmsuc'r de expense 1 1- -- - -*--Id- -an. nnA 1.0, rcsultino from DIOD~I una lhmroof obbn m8ceMmd. Lms \ .. >x. . ' 4 ,pt~r~N. Lessee sholl, whenever requcsled, odvise Lcrwor 01 Ihe csocl locolio~n ood cono~~w; DI ant cy . ; loss 01 domoge coused thereby. Lessor moy. for the purpose of in~pulrwwol otl reosonobtc time, enler upon ony job, building ~, ;mmtdiote notice of on7 ottochment or other judicio1 process uficclins the cquipmenl, ond indemnify ond save Leswr hormless plot. .,here the equipmenf is locoted; ond moy remove Ihe cquipmenl lorthwilh. wilhoul notice lo lessee, if Ihe equipment is, in Ihe ;,,ion te,sor, belng used beyond its copocity or in any manner improperly cored lor or obused. ERFORMANC€ OF OBIIGATIONS OF LESSEL. BY LESSOR: In the event tho1 the lrssec sholt foil duly ond promplty to parform any of s obligolions under the provisions of this Ieosc, the Lessor moy, ot its option, perform lhe some for the occounl of Lessee without thereby rssor in such performonce. together with interest 01 the rote'of oiving such dcfoult, ond ony amount poid or elpenre (including reosonoble attorneys' leer), pemlty or other liability incurred by Ihe per month thereon until poid by Ihe Les~c IO the Lessor, sholl be -0 ble by the Lcssee'upon demond os oddilinol rent lor (he equipment. ,HER ASSURANCF: Lessee shnll rsecute ond delirmr to Icssor, upon Lessor's request such instrumenls and ossuronccs os Lessor !eerns necesurry of odvisoble for the confirmotion or perfection of lhir leose ond Lessor's right hereunder. )[fAULT: An event of deloult sholl occur if: (01 lessee foils to poy when due any inrtolmenl 01 rent ond such foilure con~in~~es (01 0 .elid 01 IO doys; (b) Lessee sholl foil to perlorm or observe ony corcnont. condilion or ogreemenl to be performed or observed by it ,ereunder ond such toilure continues uncured for 15 days oller wrillen nolice thcreol lo Lessee by Lessor, IC) Lessee teoses doing business ,, 0 going concern. mohcs on ossignment for the benefif of creditors. odmits in writing its inobiiity lo poy its debts os they become due, ;I*, Q voluntory petition in bonkruplcy. is odiudicoled o bonkrupl or on inwlrent. files o petition seeking for itself ony rcorgonizotion, ,ion 01 nie, on onswer odmitling Ihe moterioi ollegotions of o petition filed ogoinst it in ony such proceeding. consents lo or ocquie,ces J,rongemmnt, composltion. reodjurtment,liquidolion. dissolution or sirnilor orrongcmcnl under ony present or future slotute. low or rcgulo. ,,,the op&ntmenl of a Iruslee, receiver. or liquidolor 01 it or oF oll or on7 substontiol port of its ossots or properties, or if it or its shore- holders sholl lohe ony oclion loohing lo its dissolution or Iiquidolion; (dl wilhin 60 doys oher the commencement 01 ohy proceedings ogoins~ Lessee seehing reorgonizotion. orrongemenl. reodjustmcnt. Iiquidolion. diswlufion or sirnilor relief under ony present or future ,Iolute, low or rcgulotion. such proceedings sholl not hove been dismissed, or if wilhin 60 doys ofler Ihe oppointmenl wilhout Lessee's 01 ocquiercente 01 ony lrustae. receiver of liquidotor of it or of oll or ony subslontiol port 01 ils ~ssets ond propcrlics, such appoinlrnent shon not be vocoted; or [el Lessee oltempls Io remove, sell. tronsler, encumber. porl with possenlon or sublet the equipment or any item thereof. immrdiotely due ond poyoblc; (b\ proceed by oppropriotc court oclion or octions or other proceedings either at tow or equity IO enlorce Upon !he otcurrance 01 on event 01 default, lessor. at its option, moy: (01 declore oll sums due ond to become due hereunde performonce bl lhe Lessee of ony ond 011 covenants of Ihis Icose ond to recover domopes for Ihc brcoch thereof; IC\ demond tho1 tesrct deliver the equipmen1 lorthwith 10 Lessor 01 Lessee's espense at such ploce os Lessor moy designole; ond (d) Lessor ond/or its ogent may, without nofice or liobllity or leg01 process, enlar Into ony premises of or under control or lurisdiction of loser or ony ogent o L.,tee where Ihe equlpmenf may be or by Lessor is believed lo be, ond repossess 011 or any ilem thercol, disconnetling ond reporoh( 011 Iherrof from ony other properly ond uslng oll force neccssory or permitted by opplitoble low so to do, Lessee hereby eaprcssl roiring 011 furlher rights 10 possosion of Ihe equipment ond all cloims lor injuries suffered lhrough or loss coused by such reporressbn but the Lessor sholl, nererlhelets, be entitlmd to recover immcdiokly or liquidotcd domoges lor loss 01 the borgoin and not 0s o penolt ony unpoid rent #hot occrued on or belore the occurrence of Ihe event ol deloult plus on omounl cquol lo the ditlerence bclween Ih aggregate rent reserved hereunder for lhe uneLpired term of this leosc ond Ihe then oggregote renlol votve of 011 equipment (or sUc mount of such cloim. Lesmr sholl be entitled to plow os ond for domoges for the breoch on omounl equol to lhol ollowed under suc eapired term, provided, however. lhol il any stotute governing the proceeding in which such domoges ore lo be proved specifies Ih slotute. The provisions 01 Ihis potogroph shall be wilhout ptejudice lo ony righls given to Ihe lessor by such stotute to prove for on omounls allowed thereby. Should ony proceedings be instituted by or ogoinst Lessor for monies due lo lesmol hereunder and/or IC: possession of any or 011 01 Ihe equipment or for ony other relief, Lessee sholl poy o reosonoble sum os otlorneys' fees. ASStCNMENlS: Nelther this leose nor Lessee's rights hereunder sholl be ossignoble except with Lessor's wrillen consent; fhe conditio other'rights hereunder. After such ossignmcnt, Lessor shall no1 be ossignee's ogent lor ony purpose; Lessee will settle oil cloims orisi hereol shall bind ony permitted succcsu)rs ond ossigns 01 Lessee. Lessor moy ossign the rents reserved hereiri or all or ony 01 Lesw out of alleged brooch of worrontics or otherwise. defenses, set-oRs'ond counlerctoims it moy hove ogoinst Lessor directly with Lowr, o not set up ony such ogoinst lessor's assignee, Lessor hereby ogrecing to remoin responsible therefor. lessee on receiwing notice 01 a of determining ossignee's rights hereunder, the term "Lessor" sholl be deemed lo include or refer lo Lessor's orsignee. such osrignment rho11 oblde lhereby ond mobe payment os may lherein be directed. Following such osilgnment, solely lor the purpo MISCELLANEOUS: Lessee will not chonge or temovc ony inrignio or letlering on the equipment ond rho11 conspicuously identify eo Item of the Ieosed equipment by suiloble.lettering thereon lo indicole Lessor's ownership. All lronsportotion chorges sholl be borne Less:*. All notices reloling hareto sholl be moiled registered lo less01 or Lessee 01 its respective oddress obove shown or 01 any 10 addrere lost hnovn 10 lhe render. If any poll holeof it ronlrory (0, prohibid by or deemed inrolid under opplicoble lows or renu tians of ony lurisdidion. such provision shot1 be impplicoblr and deemed omitted bul shofl not inrolidotc the remoininp prowisions here Lessee voives all rlghts under all eaemption lawr Lessee odmits (he receipt of o true copy 01 this Equipment Leose. lhi, lease is cable for lhe full Imrm herwl ond for the ogg~egote rentol herein resewed. ond lhe rent shot1 not mbolc by roosonof tcrminolion l*ss*e'* right Of possesslorn ondjor the lohlng 01 possession by lessor or lor ony other reason. ond delinquent instolmcnts 01 rent01 sh beor Interest at per monlh If ml prohibited by low, otherwise 01 the highest lowlul conlrocl role. 0" H lbaseb IS o corporation, this bow la eucvled by ovlhority of its Boord of Director& ..... - .......... ^ ......- .......... - ...................................... " ......................... ....... ~. ........... ....... - ................. .......... [Les tua-l- SI ~npurl u -I. .I coprollom .I rulrr.yc) ..... .................................................................................... ........ ... ................................. b - lWEnb..s .I lo IiBn*u. diad By. __ M -60% kw .Is4 bv hJ1.M. VI<rh.Y.d - Z.ow*n ad mlw .Rick4 ll+ It Olrr I V.fl..~. do(. "A) .I' /I