CCR1985021RESOLUTION #21-85 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF LAND FOR EXPANSION OF THE INDUSTRIAL PARK (Wallner) BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve that the City purchase the property of Raymond R. and Jean Wallner as stated in the Relocation Order for Business/Industrial Park. the purchase price of $392,000.00, for the expansion of Muskego's BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign any legal documents in the name of the City. DATED THIS a DAY OF%,* , 1985. 0 NANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. Mitchel Penovich Ald. Ralph Tomczyk ATTEST: City Clerk 1/85 jm r 5.142 Q~.,..~J b, VI< m wenm ~kprrn~m 01 hr,,.th: .m .M ~,.rnbtnp VACANT LAND OFFER TO PuRcnae ....................................... Muskeg3 Wisconsin. .............. .J.XIUW.y.. 2.2. ............ , 19 .... 85 Tbe undersigned Buyer, .... c?.t.u. .?!..g.!s!e7.?. .. ........... ...................................... ......................................... ............................... ee atta=~~~ offem l? =hue the propfly U ... c.I.6. ........ d. ............................ Muskego Couaty d .................................... Wisconnin. Waukesha more pndcu~u~y dercni u: ... %.e. .att.+.~h.&. legs 1.. ............................................................. .................................................................................................................. ,. . ................................................................................................................. ... ............................................................................................................. .. .. ........................ .. ~. ................ ~. ..... ~. .................. ~. ..... ~ xand the balance in clsh 11 closing or &s hereaftcr set forth. lflhir offer is the msuh of a cu-brokerage, then dl money prid herewith sW k held in the selling broker’s burl munl until the ac~epm~ncc of Additiond emesl money paymcnb shall bc made to the li bpkcr aod held in tbc lis* broker’s Ins1 KCOUDI or ............. this offer md rhd bc transmined to the btq bmkcr upon such rccepoc. ............................................................................................................................ TIhE IS OF THE ESSENCE AS TO ADDITIONAL EARNEST MONEY PAYMENT. LEGAL POSSESSION. OCCUPANCY, AND DATE OF CLOSING. (SoiLe those 001 1 liublc.) THEBUYER’SOBLlGATlONTOCONE)~~E~STRANSACTIONJSCONDITlONEDUPONTHECONSU”A~ONOF~ ............................................................................ ................................. .............................................................. . ......................................................... ,. I. 1 ................................................................................................................... ...- ...... ................................................................................. ................ ’ Buyerrgrces(h~tvnlcssothe~scspc~~,Buycrwlllp~yallwsbofsccwinganyhn~cingtothecxtenlpcrmincdbylaw,andtopcrlormalI~cts 3 necessary to expedite such ~MC~II& ..,. ~ITIONALITEMS INCLUDEDIN SAW ...n me ........................ . ............................. .......... ............................................................... ................................ ...................... 5 ............................................................................................................... 7 ITEMS NOT INCLUDEDIN SALE: naa ............................................................................ ... 3 ............................................................................................... : ............................ Y ...................................................................................... , ......................... 0 Seller shall. up payment dthe purchase pricx. convey the.proprty by warranty deed, or other OODVCYUI~C vided herein. he and clear of dl ! liens aod encumbnnces, erccplin& municipd ud roning ordinances, recorded euemcnb for public utilitierf%d .4iacent to side and mar lol .2 lines, recorded hi!- and u~t rcrlriclimr d Wdecanb. gencnl tuea levied in Che year dclosing aad .. ........................ ‘x: 3 ... ................................................. .... ........................................... ............ >4. Lgd p0rsea:ioo dpropsny rhrll b ~livcrod to Buyor a date d closing. ‘95 . IC is uadcnloodU~hcpmpo~hmw~odby ..!?WtX...... . ............................. ........,.......... ......... .%b &‘iK@WNW4)~~w&irn .............................................. 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