CCR1985011RESOLUTION #11-85 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH GORDON FLESCH CO. INC. (NBI Word Processing Equipment) WHEREAS, the maintenance agreement included with the purchase of the NBI equipment expired on 9130184, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended that the City enter into a maintenance agreement with Gordon Flesch Co., Inc. January 1, 1985 through December 31, 1985 at a cost of $9,024, for the NBI Word Processing Equipment for the period of with any service calls made during the period of October basis. However, the City Attorney has advised that the through December, 1984 to be paid on a time and material automatic renewal provision of the maintenance agreement automatically put the agreement into effect on 10/1/84, and WHEREAS, in order to coincide with the City's budget year, the agreement should run for a calendar year. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, does hereby authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a maintenance agreement with Gordon Flesch Co. Inc. for the NBI Word Processing Equipment for the period of 10/1/84 period of 10/1/84 through 12/31/84 paid from the 1984 budget, through 12/31/85 at a cost of $752.00 per month, with the and 1/1/85 through 12/31/85 paid from the 1985 budget. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a maintenance agreement shall also be executed to add the CRT authorized to be purchased by the Police Department in the 1985 budget at an additional cost of $40.00 per month starting three months after delivery. a a DATED THIS aa DAY OF JI?N@ARy , 1985. FINANCE COMMITTEE Ald. Edwin P. Dumke Ald. #itchel Penovich Ald. /+e* R lph Tomczyk ATTEST : City Clerk . AORDON FLESCH co. INC. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE FROM January 1, 1985 MONlH "EAR 'PLEASE DO NOT PAY UNlll iNVOlCED LOCaillON 4000 System 64 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000s QJlz 35 o-rre 35 Qne 35 Qsre 35 Zi yad Sheet f eedc Zi yad Sheet feedc 40 IO66 45 IO81 402 I09 402 I08 40 IO67 40 1045 40 I068 70 I035 SO0439 500307 500622 500832 123518 123770 ANNUAL MAINIENANCL CHARGE 3,000.00 480.00 480.00 480.00 480.00 480.00 480.00 720.00 336.00 336.00 336.00 336.00 240.00 240.00 THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE Customer hereby orders Mainlenonce Service and The GORDON FLESCH CO. ogreer lo furnish such service for the equipment listed obore in accordance with the terms and conditions herein specified. THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE ARE PART OF THIS AGREEMENT GORDON FLESCH CO. 155 1. EXECUTIVE DR. BROOKFIELD. WI 53W5 NRDON FLESCH (0. INC. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE FROM Gn't h%ON,rn "EAR 'PLE4SE DO NOT PAY UNTIL INVOICED LOCAIION Records Fo m Stat Moth Stored Keystroke IYPE OR MODEI - IERlA 60.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 ,024.00 THIS IS NOT Ati INVOICE Customer hereby orders Maintenance Service and The GORDON FLESCH CO. agrees to furnish such service fol the equipment listed above in accordance with the terms and conditions herein specified. THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE ARE PARI OF THIS AGREEMENT 91 Derek hone DEWStNl~liVL OnlE GORDON FLESCH CO. 155 5. EXECUTIVE DR. BROOKFIELD. WI W P IIGNIIUPE HIME U11E SlllEEl -. .. ''5bRDON FLESCH (0. INC. ' MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Qtober I, I984 EFFECTIVE FROM MONTH "tail 4000 System 64 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000s Qme 35 Qme 35 Qm 35 Qme 35 Ziyod Sheetfeeder Ziyod Sheet feeder BIUQ FCR 3 TOTPL I SERIAL 451081 40 I066 402 I09 402 I08 40 IO45 40 I067 40 I068 500439 70 I035 500307 500622 500832 123518 I23770 Y ANliUdl MdlNI~NbNC, CHAEGE' ~~ 3,000.00 480 .OO 480 .OO 480.00 480.00 480.00 480.00 336.00 720.00 336.00 336.00 240 .OO 336.00 240 .OO Customer hereby orders Maintenance Service and The GORDON FLESCH CO. agrees la furnish such service for the equipment listed above in accordance with the terms ond conditions herein specified. THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE ARE PART OF THIS AGREEMENT City of hskego THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE CUSIOHER NAME CORDON FLESCH CO. I55 5. EXECUTIVE DR. BROOKFIELD. WI 55005 SGrrill~RE NAM W182 S8200 kine Avenue hskego, WI 53150 IlllE CUSIOuI@ AODUSS SIPtEI AUTOMATIC MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT PROVISION rtgnmg below, Customer ogreer that each unit of equipment purchased hereafter WIII automaticolly be placed under our Mointenance Service ot the end of its Warronfy Period, according to the additional lerms of the Automatic Moinlenonce Agreement Provision set forth on the reverse ride. ~~~ ~- r#,sIO...r'5,,~,r>':8:"~ DAlt "..-,.. . , ""._.. " "-," ~. .. jORDON FLESCH CO. INC. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Con' t EFFECTIVE FROM MONlb 'PLEASE DO NOT P4Y UNTIL INVOICED LOCAIION Records Form Stat hth Stored Kevstrokt TOTPL IYPE OR MODEL 5tPlAl 60.00 180.00 I80 .oo 180.00 I Customer hereby orders Mainlenance Service and The GORDON FLESCH CO. agrees to furnish such service for the equipment listed above in accordance with the terms and conditions herein specified. THE TERMS AND CONOlIlONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE ARE PART OF THIS AGREEMENI ~ THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE City of hbskego CUSIOMEPNAME 81. Derek bane PtDPtsLNIaIIYt DAIf GOKDON FLESCH CO. 155 S. EXECUTIVE DR. SlCNAlUR€ NAMf BROOKFIELD. WI Uoos wl82 58200 Fbcine Avenue IlILE CUSIOMER aDDPf55 MJskego, WI 53150 SlREEl CI17 5lnrE ZIP I I ~ AUTOMATIC MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT PROVISION under our Maintenance Service a1 the end of ils Warranty Period, according to the additional terms of the Automalic By signing below. Cvrlomer agrees that each "nil of equipment purchased hereafter will automatically be placed Mainlenonce Agreement Provision re1 forth on Ihe reverse ride.