To the City Planning Cormnisaion of the City of hokego
SUBTGCI: pTD - Funeral Home -- Xobert Klenz & Larsen Broa.
A funeral home appears to be an appropriate uae at the aitc indicated and M
part of an overall adjustment to originally approved Planned Development.
However, the Planned Development ordinance doea not de provision for the
rewval of one parcel or the approval of lot divisions for c-rcial use.
Planned development projecta, upecially for coamercial prpoeu call for
building plana, rite plans (including landacaping planr, lighting plana,
parking plans and truck service facilities) and orerational Dlanm. In the 0 case of &ed developments, the prowed &ture~;hould be carefully thmht- . ~ ~~~ -
out in order to produce a "unified composite" which is compatible within it-
self and which becmu a total developntal entity.
The Planned Develpment F. fairly well outlined and detailed u to the manner
in which it L. to be revicved and the plans required before it can receive
The planner hu atenaively reviewed the ordinance from the standpoint of
process an1 procedure. I believe that thir proved funeral hane would be
facilitating the petitioner's needacad alao from the standpoint of design,
an asset to the city ef hakego and ahauld not be dfscouraged from lecating
here. Because of the time already coruupcd in arriving at this point, the
planning conaultant hu given a grut dul of attention to fuilitatkgthis
project. Although mch -re fs required in attaining a Planned Development
approval than has pruently been presented, it L. poraible to mve forward
"sufficient detail" but not in "complete detail", I would rec-nd that the
Pranned Pevelopmcnt zoning be kept in order to permit the but utilization
of thia odd Japed parcel.
I vould rec-nd that the Plan C-bsion approve the development of a funeral
home at the rite indicated, provided that thc petitionar/brsen Bros..P'yneraL
dome aupply the City Plan.hdsaion with aite plans as early weekLfrm
today but not later thaq-@dya'.frm nw, ahoving ha, the building will be aired,
where the parking will beD-lio6imice vehfclu will gain ucesa to the buildin
how the sit-scaped and hm the remaining area duignated for Comp-
ercfal siten will be layed out u an integrated plan. Rclentatioru can be made
details" will be aham to "aatiaify the Plan Camfsaion and the C-n Council
am to the pneral character, .cope and appurance of the propaed development".
The final pruentation should ahw ha# the office development and the mlti-fan-
fly development will alao be integrated within the overall Plan.
apeditioualy. k the Zoning ordinance atatu that plaru be submitted in
in a acria aa they develop until finally architectural p1aM and "aufficient
4150 NOqTH 14~: 3a'vE . u:~wnun~~ *!scoNS!N 532 ' PHONE '4141 964 0153 aR 954 3344
0 In this way, if the Plan Coudnaion ro decides, it givea a pomitive indica-
tion to the petitioner. that it will urLt them ar mch an posmible fn
required approval. u guickly aa posafblc. However, thfa protea nust be
getting the project underway and will cooperate with them in getting their
expedited within the procedura called for within the ordinance.
It Gtprible, hovevex for the Plan Cambrion to permit the removal of
an one-aik parcel without destroying the future pmiblitia of developing
the r-infng odd-rhaped parcel. Therefore, the lot divfsion as rhm can
not be the design approach to be taken. although the area included u COQ-
crcial can be doveloped u such. The cul-de-r& and road layout mrt be in-
cluded in the design conceptr and the tfme rchedulea for developing the road
also need consideration. The city planning consultant fa including a rkctch
which may be helpful to both the Plan Cdrion -err and the petitionerr
in viewing the mnner in which thir parcel MY be developed.
Respecthlly submitted to the
ing Consultant
August 19, 1985
(Freedom Square IV - Klenz)
WHEREAS, Robert Klenz has requested permission to alter the
plans of the Freedom Square IV Planned Unit Development for the
purpose of creating a one parcel division on Janesville Road,
WHEREAS, the necessary public hearing has been held, and
WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has recommended approval.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the
City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan
Commission, does hereby approve the alteration of the plans of
the Freedom Square IV Planned Unit Development for the purpose
of creating a one parcel division on Janesville Road.
DATED THIS DAY OF " 9 1985. <
Ald. Richard Nilsson
City Clerk